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Naked Snake

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Posts posted by Naked Snake

  1. I went to take Winter Warms to some kids yesterday at their village...donated by friends on FaceBook...I've been doing it since i was a monk for the past three winters.... I'm lucky...i get to receive the smiles first-hand...but the donors also get the merit and enjoy the photos.... (not trying to brag...just giving BG to the story..) without the kindness of the donors I couldn't get to enjoy this...although i do all the running around....its worth it.

    what did they do with the ones you gave em last year? burn them to keep warm?

  2. have always gotten one of the end corner rooms at Mixay Paradise

    and agree the inner rooms would suck

    its populars and so you take whats available. knowing its not going to be forever.

    It's the best known gh in Vientiane and more or less clean. It caters to backpackers, the penniless lisers you described above. The rooms are nothing more than cell hong kong cell blocks at best. There are loads of places to stay along the sois running off Samsenthai. There are also a dozen on the opposite side of the road.

    Maybe instead of heading to the pub, find a reasonable place to stay, drop your gear and then go out, have a walk (!) about and find the best place that suits your taste and budget. Being on those small sois is not all that great. Eating on Riverside, cafes have awfulnexpendive food and the nightly outdoir affair onnthe river itself is ghastly poor value.

    what actually is it that you do in these palatial mansions of a room? i see it, you need a vast space to encompass your highly developed ESP while you are asleep.

    for one or two nights is it really worth going to the extra trouble and paying through your nose? you spend your whole time in Vientiane admiring the decor of your room? i see it, you dont want to go outside and get harassed by tuk-tuks. i suppose you need twenty-four hour complete room service as well. perfectly understandable. get a grip!

  3. i am not pregnant but my best friends know that when i disappear i dont want to be found or searched for. they are used to it and require no explanation. some people including me require lots of time and space in a different dimension.

    but they have also told me that they can pull obscure/opague strings to track me if they so feel inclined. not real impressed with that but thats the way this world is. you cant move without leaving footsteps.

  4. Not an expert at Thai language but the pronunciation of กูกลับมาแล้ว is: Khu kab ma leow, isn't it?

    Of course, I know that "Khu" is kind of "low" spoken Thai but does it justify the F word in the translation ?

    ( maybe I should have posted that in the appropriate forum.....)

    agreed, these Thai reporter are more than a little "creative" in their english translations

  5. yes i've heard that mental deficencies/reading deficencies are caused by a lack of chilies, you obviously aren't eating enough priknamplaa. quite common among farang women though so nothing unusual

    Where does this hilarious info come from ?

    Thai soaps?

    Sorry fungus, viruses or bacterias don't trigger mental illness, but Thai soaps do smile.png

    i am not going to tell you. you are obviously quite content with your soaps,

    i am outta 'ere

  6. my favourite Thai health food which i take combined with nearly every other food is (very fine cut) "prik nam pla":


    Topic is about HERBS, pla = fish, not a herb

    yada yada yakety yak! nam pla is not fish but fermented fish sauce. the main ingredients in "prik nam pla" are red and green chilis. they have a right to exist next to ginger and all the other stuff which was posted.

    now go back to your dark corner, repent and don't talk without being asked when grown-ups discuss their "dietary add-ons" laugh.png

    If you think a sauce is a herb, you might be the one in need of growing up.

    Nampla has not have any particular benefits itself apart from the fact that it contains chillies and it would be more relevant to state their use in food preservation in hot climate, and ward off bacterial, fungal and viral illnesses, than speculate about the age of posters.

    yes i've heard that mental deficencies/reading deficencies are caused by a lack of chilies, you obviously aren't eating enough priknamplaa. quite common among farang women though so nothing unusual

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