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Posts posted by bunter2000

  1. Gee, some of you are so lucky, I can't have a bath because it is full of coal waiting for the next snow storm to arrive in Bangkok so I can start a fire in the fireplace in my Thai apartment. I will probably wash my clothes then as I will be able to dry them quicker in front of the fireplace.

    Grow up people!!! it's Thailand, I would not even contemplate wearing the same clothes a second day without washing them first, I don't have a major body odour problem and could most likely get away with it. Also staying healthy also means staying clean.

    I guess the same people also don't wash their hands after going to the toilet either????


    You have to listen the advice that is given here, Don't be a woman and by ruled by the emotion of the situation. Think like a man and logically evaluate the good advice you are getting. When I first moved to Thailand I nearly become another statistic you are about to apparently come. But in my case it was more the girl I met, I got down to my last AU$1000 before waking up to being scammed.

    In your case, its the Mum that is insisting on the payment and I don't believe you are going to get any of the SINSOT back at the end of the wedding as you have admitted that you have to save for the Thai wedding, Sinsot, your bills and a HUGE monthly payment to the mum. Wow, man just reading that send shivers down my spine. Have you got a target on your wallet or what????

    I too married a Thai and will admit she is a wonderful person and I love her dearly and we have been married over 8 years now and still extremely happy and I paid non of this because she had a previous marriage and a child. Her family is the best and they ask for nothing but they get help because the family they are.

    You have to think about yourself and your future wife and dig in and say enough is enough.

    For what it is worth here is my advice, as I see it you have 2 choices;

    1. Seeing as you are paying for the wedding then the Sinsot is out of the question.

    2. If sinsot is important and your future wife and mum can save face which is equally important then you pay for the sinsot and mum pays for the wedding out of the sinsod as it should be.

    Even though the future wife is not a virgin etc I really think you are stuck with the sindot and with respect to your future wife and it will release a lot of tension for them as well in the eyes of the village/town.


    Forget the mums failed business as it is not your responsibility anyway. Thai business is a joke anyway I have never met a Thai that considers running a business for profit just the short term money in the hand at point of sale.

    Good Luck you are going to need it

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  3. Hi,

    I have not lived in Thailand for a few years now but come back every year. I will be moving over in the next 2-3 years but while I lived in Thailand as a teacher in Bangkok my favourite Visa run was Ranong. It was over night bus from southern bus terminal which arrived in Ranong about 6AM. While I waited for my contact to pick me up and take me to the immigration office I went next door to the bus stop and had a coffee.

    After finishing with immigration my contact then took me to the harbour where I got a longtail to Victoria point in Burma, you can stay and hire a bike to look around or head straight back to the boat and back to Thailand through immigration and then back to the bus stop for the next bus (about an hours wait from memory) then back to Bangkok. At a time when the fast trips to Cambodia were at a cost of 2200 baht the complete trip including all costs (plus food) was around 1000 baht.

    The bus trip was the usual boring trip but the half an hour or so trip across the water was great and enjoyed that very much. I still have the details of the Thai guide I used at Ranong - Konad 0869415365 (the original number in my phone was 9 digits long so I assume and added the 8 in the number). He cost 300 baht for his services, as it was 6 years ago all prices would have changed. Even if you do it once just for the experience its worth it.

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