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Posts posted by Hisseho

  1. I agree with giving them autonomy or the 3 provinces as a separate state, but it won't happen.

    I disagree with the tit-for-tat. It is all tat or tit, but not tit-for-tat. The violence is all one sided down there.

    Not me, for several reasons:
    1 Abandon loosely to violence is a defeat of law and justice.
    2 You condemn non-Muslims living in the south to a life of extreme sufferance
    3 These crimes are only the result of a few, fortunately.
    4 When they will gained activists strong their success would hasten to continue their criminal activities with the same claims on neighboring territories.
    I believe instead that the country should enjoy the military regime to find the culprits with more resources and punish them very heavily. I also think they could restrict freedom of worship in the cities that we saw attacks and wherever Muslims have attempted to impose their barbarity.
  2. Not in my name.

    I don't think that it's clever or funny to bash a whole group of persons because of their nationality or ethnicity. Just plain stupid, as are most generalisations... generally! wink.pngtongue.png

    Hi hi!
    You see the Frenchie also appreciate this wink.
    On the subject I think this incident may not be justified a return to Paris, but given the new A380 and lack of perspective on this aircraft the pilot wisely chose caution
    For once we are faultless wai.gif
  3. Oh that is the same thing I am always saying.. guys are stupid with girls half their age (good for them) but they think its love.. (stupid on them) girl thinks money and bye bye guy in sometimes with deadly result. Its not like we did not read about stuff like this about girls killing of their foreign bf's

    Guys are stupid and you a champion of intelligence.
    Besides your mode of reasoning consisting generalize about specific cases is probably the best evidence of extreme refinement ...
  4. My experience:

    1) go on a Monday if you can, usually less people

    2) arrive early, around 6am

    3) no problem with papers from my school.

    4) no need to do seperate 90 day reporting. Only a one step process. Only additional step was to take a digital photo. (Not sure why, they took one 3 months ago already but seems to be the procedure).

    take it easy, in any case you will wait a long time to get your extension done.

    Everywhere, in every city and in every country on Monday is the worst day for paperwork. In Chiang Mai also 2 times more is expected on Monday.
    On all forums is also recommended to come early, sometimes hours before opening. Second error, go to 15h and your waiting time will be much shorter.
  5. As for not paying ransoms, the only way to deal with that is to take 100 IS fighters for every 1 of ours. If they behead one of ours then string up the 100 and cut a small piece off every day. Brutal, horrific, against UN and Geneva conventions, yes BUT these people will take note of nothing less.If you just kill them they are happy to die as they think they are going strait to Allah, of course we know that if there is a hell that's where they will

    be living.

    Please, let them kill together and stay at home. This war is not yours and the states are mainly in the Middle East problem, in no case the solution.

  6. Pigs have higher intelligence than a dog, but the Americans and British have no issues about eating them and subjecting those animals to grotesque living conditions. However, eating dogs or whales or anything that looks cute, is a huge taboo. Epic double standards.

    I would never eat dog, but would never criticize anyone for it.

    You probably subjected to an IQ test?
    Recall here that intelligence is the essence of man as the laugh and the complacent obedience dog is not a sign of superiority.
    Finally, our refined civilization has taught us not to eat carnivorous animals. That is why the consumption of dog is marginal and they will continue to rot my nights with their nuisance barking.
  7. 1 hour flight + 30 mins check in + 30 mins from airport to Uni allows 2 hour grace to get to Samui or Chumpon. Might be tight, but do-able if you've got ways and means to make it happen.

    Right, did he also time the murders with the boat and plane schedules so there would be absolutely no delays or did he chartered a private speed boat and airplane to do it? facepalm.gif

    Is it too much to ask for people to think before throwing more BS into the rumor mill?

    I think that asking people to think before issuing vague feelings or gossip is too much here.
    Yet they do not have the DNA of the the head son as an argument to challenge the results of the investigation. There remains only one: Conspiracy.
    The conspiracy theory has never been so well illustrated. It is even a festival that read all these interventions that go in the same direction.
    keep it up friends, the show you are offering is far more powerful than the caricature.
  8. Once again the RTP have got their man, whether or not it is the correct one is a mute point , however it looks like they got to the bottom of things in double time due to understanding the difference between a camera and scientific DNA investigative methods, which any 3rd grade school kid could tell you, there is a big difference , congratulations you have passed the entrance exam on the function of an ipod , now move onto section 2 , how to start a motor vehicle.cheesy.gif

    No luck sad.png
    I was going to enjoy British humor ...
  9. Not for me to live behind bars, I prefer much risk some furniture.

    But actually I found here an amazing tranquility and a peaceful ambiance that. For example, I surprised my neighbor Thai cleaning the wheel of my car on which his dog had pissed. Can not see that in the West.

    Is it an illusion?

  10. Hello,

    I just arrived and I found a nice house to rent in a smart and guarded subdivision at San Sai.

    As I have a problem with the air conditioning I leave the windows and doors open and it suits me. The only problem is the general closure when I go out. Personally I leave open at least during the day but my Thai wife dissuaded me.

    And you, do you had or knew stories of housebreaking in the circumstances and more generally, should we fear especially rob in this city?

  11. Of course there will not be any investigating allowed. What I read of that is the young kid Nomsod and co will never have to answer any questions ever. His alibis will never be looked into. As long as the 2 Burmese kids are released I'm OK with that now. Not much point fighting a losing argument. Just free the kids and let's all move on. Justice is never going to be served here. Its shameful, disgraceful corruption at its best. Our anger now needs to be pointed in other directions. If it is so that they rely on OUR tourist dollar so much simply stop giving it to them. At the very least avoid the islands that is absolutely one very messed up area of Thailand. You will never ever beat the judicial system that is Thailand. Kirsty Jones are her people couldn't and it won't be beaten in this case. Just educate yourselves on what these people are like and what they are capable of and arm yourself accordingly and pray you never get into a serious situation with the police n Thailand.

    As everyone here you have no certainty. You are not privy to know the validity of the evidence provided by the police. You are a mere observer, like me, like all here.
    Yet you call the accused "those poor children."
    You carry serious charges on someone without any evidence. It is true that the attitude of the wealthy son of the chief was perfectly odious, but that is not enough for accused of the murders.
    Finally, you call the boycott of the island retaliatory measure. You should know that a break in the tourism afflut would be the best for Thailand by allowing it to adapt its structures the dizzying growth of its visitors. In addition, your call is unlikely to be heard as your concerns vengeful interest only your microcosm.
  12. Posted 9/10/2014 8:57:48 p.m.
    I'm sure you'll regret your call early!
    It seems that every year at the beginning of October it does not rain, it cools a bit, and everyone says the rainy season is over. Others, as usual, was not saying it to me.
    Then, in the second half of October we have a last breath of rain, as if the rainy season says' there is no dupe "and squeezing the last bit of action on itself.
    We had a rather dry rainy season this year, but even if I intend to rain to come along, and maybe it will even be lost in November. The key to a dry-rainy season is unusually wet June 1, we've had this year. But the end often seems to be a dry first half of October and a second half wet. We'll see!
    So, keep those umbrellas handy ...
    A prescient post. The capricious nature and the current weather in your favor. clap2.gif
    And for the medium-term evolution of the Dow Jones what is your opinion? biggrin.png
  13. Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said he "did not know what to do" with the speculation and scepticism on social media, saying he would leave the sceptics to believe in what they please.

    Losing face due to social media???,.... the whole world is watching. This is the 21st century and beyond, where saving face is impossible ...

    It must be admitted that these words and accusing petition are insulting to Thais.
    But as Confucius said better there is more than 2500 years: "The invective dishonored its author, only him."
    Asians generally approve this wise maxim. So if the evidence is proven and confirmed by observers shame will be on British revilers and more generally on all Western, not the Thais.
    And that's how it gradually loses the prominent place that was ours there not long ago.
  14. The parents trip no doubt sponsored by some newspaper/rag, who couldn't care less about them or their sons, but it is a good story!! Selling many extra copies!!

    I know that some (British) people gathered funds to assist the two through their process.

    Everybody (except the BIB, of course) is convinced that the 2 are innocent.

    For example, I am personally convinced that they are guilty and no suspicions raised here have seemed credible.
  15. I am simply shocked that a 41 year old woman's interest in a 73 year old man could be even remotely nefarious?! I thought all women were attracted to liver spots! I would never suspect that a woman with a man old enough to be her father could be motivated by money?

    Sorry, this is hardly unique to Thailand, it happens anywhere that you have a disparity between the haves and the have-nots (including the countries that you come from). And in Thailand, there are still quite a few have-nots, who probably grow weary of foreigners coming to their country and reminding them how poor they are. Ultimately, a little personal responsibility and common sense is called for. If you invite a hooker into your life, don't be surprised if they pull out a knife.

    Please ...
    Let us dream rolleyes.gif
  16. Time will reveal all, all the bad thing will keep accumulating and eventually the truth will be known. it's true a lot of people do forget given time, but most do not. If justice is not done the bbc or some other body will investigate this eventually and whatever happens it will always be remembered and will always be a bad reflection on thailand. I'm proud of everyone on this forum who are fighting for truth and justice in this case, you should all be commended.

    Time will reveal all, all the bad thing will keep accumulating and eventually the truth will be known

    - Yes!

    and whatever happens it will always be remembered and will always be a bad reflection on thailand.

    - Error.

    If the guilt of two Burmese proved what I believe, shame will be on Great Britain and its haughty and contemptuous expatriates.
    Also we can say that internet petitions are meaningless and too often the result of sedentary idle in lack of sensation.
    And finally, Thai Visa and 99% of its British members will come out not grow.
  17. OH YEAA

    This is what we wanted all along, objective reached.

    BIG thanks to everyone who made a fuss and helped get the word out.

    For once its one up to the good guys. clap2.gif

    The only legitimate purpose would be the discovery of a different truth than the official.
    - 2 Burmese DNA matches that found in the body of the victim ... or not.
    Everything else is just chatter sterile notte that both were probably scrambling to confess.
    And if the results correspond to the facts, the Thais will proclaim our illegitimate suspicion and consider a little more than our comments and views are worthless. That is the real issue now.
    For me, I do not see how could have prevented the police to conduct these simplistic audits, and if the Thais give agreement that they are sure of their conclusions.
  18. Touristes étrangers de bonne qualité = généraux de l'armée qui sont en mesure d'économiser plus de leurs salaires que ce qu'ils gagnaient = généraux cambodgiens + généraux birmans + de généraux chinois + de généraux lao + généraux vietnamiens + de généraux russes + bienvenue dans votre propre petit monde général corrompu.

    Tourist quality :
    - No fake students
    - Not the person does not have sufficient income and therefore have to work illegally, beg or steal to live.
    - No people who do not respect the customs and laws.
    - No drunks, infectious patients, criminals, drug addicts, exhibitionists, pedophiles, cheaters, crazy ...
    - And especially not the old Western imbued with their alleged cultural superiority and passing their time explaining how to do better.
    For my part I also apply these rules in my house.
    • Like 1
  19. They are not terrorists, just ordinary faithful who apply the verses of the Koran to the letter:

    This example:

    Quran IV verse 91/89: The hypocrites would like you to be wicked as they were, and you are tied [with them]. Do not take them from bosses before they emigrate (sic) in the Way of Allah! if you turn away, take them and KILL THEM where you find them! Do not take among them neither patron nor helper.

    Or this one:

    Quran IX verse 5: "When the sacred months are expired, KILL the infidels wherever you find them Take them Besiege them Make them for ambushes!!"

    So this religion contains tens and tens of calls to murder without ever did his lords thought of changing them.

    Frankly, I do not see a solution to these conflicts or cohabitation courteous with them. To me if they go north, I go south.

    • Like 1
  20. It's the only way. Forget what's happened.

    Hannah's body was sent directly to the UK. You can bet your bippy that the UK took DNA samples from her cavities. They have the DNA of the rapist(s).

    Now all they need is verified swabs from the accused to compare and I'll bet my bippy they don't match.

    Yes, they have this DNA, for sure. We can trust them
    Since lawyers are calling for Burmese against expertise they can easily compare.
    And I bet the hat of my ancestor that DNA match.
    It seems to me impossible that the Thai police have lied about the DNA. Too big, too random, too risky. This would obviously be a conspiracy by idiots.
    Contrary to overall racist and contemptuous opinions posted here I do not feel the conspiracy and I think that Thais are not idiots.
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