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Posts posted by Hisseho

  1. 10. Don't do any business with Thai people.

    11. Don't engage Thai people. Especially the smiling ones.

    12. If a Thai person abuses you or scams you, let them do it. Bend over. Don't resist or complain.

    13. Never trust a Thai Policeman.

    14. Avoid tourist sites. Too many scammers.

    Another urban legend about this beautiful country.
    - The good business here are always Thai / farang associations.
    - The majority of dishonesty problems encountered here come from expatriates.
    - Every time I've dealt with the police for small problems they helped me their best.
    - And on the sites, the scammers are mostly Westerners.
    Review your opinion friend.
    • Like 1
  2. when you've been here over 30 + years you do not get surprised at anything. Don't worry thais will do as they always have and do best they can to clean up as in so many many case in last 30+ years I've seen. A friend just here for 1 year seems to think believe this one is different since uk newspapers are so full of it and he even believes nothing like this has happened before. I 99.9999 % guarantee after

    assurances of doing better and rest whole thing will die down in a few weeks. Scapegoats will be found

    and Thailand will continue as it always has.

    Without appearing to be heartless and i feel really sorry for parents but it sickens me all the hands

    up in horror about how wrong this is when all around world thousands, tens of thousands and sometimes

    millions are slaughtered and all angry posters here dont give a thought or comment on that.

    WE who have been here long long time understand but sorry to say stupid tourists come here and think

    they are safer than in UK. Its BS here is as safe or safer than UK or most places in west. Would tourists go to cairo and acct so naively.

    Grow up and learn and stop being so stupid.

    Many many condolences to the parents but dont expect however much you wring your hands a decent outcome

    IF so many in UK cant get a decent investigation then how on earth do you expect one here. UK numerous

    cover ups for years on vile sexual abuse of minor and rest.

    NOt sickened by things here I'm sickened by rasist prejudice amongst most of ops and sickened they dont

    even know it .

    Please stop all your crap about a single sad incident and ignore whats happening with ISIS and rest

    rascism is only thing that explains it

    I agree with many of your points except that people here are racist.

    You certainly not but for many they are racist.
    A summary of this whole thing take place in a few words:
    - The Thais and their policies are unable to manage this drama.
    - They are corrupt from first to last
    What other explanation that a sense of racial superiority to explain this arrogance ?
    This sad event will appease with a trial that will tell the guilt beyond doubt. Unfortunately the contemptuous image given by these critics unfounded will remain. Thais are masters at home. They say tomorrow that we are free to leave their land without possibility of return if we do not accept their laws and its representatives.
    • Like 1
  3. The brave members of TV were covered with ridicule by claiming to correct the police investigation very comfortably behind their keyboards.

    The plain facts give their wrong. DNA found in the body of the victim is a conclusive evidence, they confessed and visitors confirmed the confession.

    Excuses apprentices Colombo was expected but nothing. What misery! Not one of these swaggering to recognize his error with a little dignity.

    Instead, here is left to rectify the lawsuit before it begins. Should this you must do this these persons are not good etc ... And the farce continues.

    Who said buffoon?

    • Like 1
  4. There's always the conspiracy theorists who load conspiracy on to conspiracy and disappear up their own wazoo.

    It would be so much easier if a. UK authorities had recovered DNA evidence from Hannah. b. Then took DNA evidence from the accused, and c. Confirmed Thai evidence.

    That would be the end of this. Done. No further issue for normal people and the conspiracy theorists can get back to the X-Files or whatever it is they do.

    I wonder if this is possible, or is being done? If possible, it needs to happen now and this can be very quickly resolved. Because normal people watching this from day one are quite right to question as they are.

    You do not think they have long since this DNA, and they do not speak as a courtesy to the Thais on their sovereign soil. This is the explanation that I give you for free at the approbation of your ambassador.
    When you travel or are migrated, you must accept the laws of the host country and its representatives. This simple truth seems to escape you.
    An independent investigation by a team of British police, here's the most preposterous proposal read here. First, because it is not independent if it is Columbia, and also because it would be insulting to Thailand and finally because it would incur the acceptance of foreign police in place of the British police for every problem involving a foreign .
    It is time to recognize that you are wrong from the beginning friend, and think next time before you proclaim your moods and your indecent demands.
  5. You are dead against anyone who has expressed doubts about this case and you have found the suspect guilty.

    Seems like armchair detectives have been replaced by couch judges.

    Express doubts in respect of a police that is not deemed objective is normal and quite healthy. True that the case of the son Red bull murderer found not guilty is revolting. This ignoble farce will not be forgotten anytime soon.
    But times are changing and it seems that detectives properly carried out its mission in this case even if we can challenge some point form.
    What is shameful is to launch a lynching on a wealthy young boy without any shred of evidence.
    What is shameful is to scaffold fanciful scenarios without the slightest shred of evidence.
    What is shameful is to appoint two Burmese: "These scapegoat Innocent children." while the strongest evidence accuse.
    Lastly, what is particularly rude is to launch a petition infamous for our hosts on some awkwardness then they work unstintingly to solve this case.
  6. That punch blade thingie is a nasty weapon. Particularly at night when you don't know it's coming. A guy swings at your head and if he connects, instead of a blow to the head, you get a 1 inch deep / 1 inch wide puncture in your skull or neck (where major arteries are, and serious bad guys would know that). Looking at the diagram of wounds to David, most of the hits (v. possibly by punch blade) are by a leftie are on the right side of his neck. Who would have such a weapon? Well, anyone could buy one, but a policeman/tough guy would be someone likely to have such a weapon and know how to use it most effectively. Now consider for a moment, Sean's photo of the two men he says threatened him the morning after the crime. Both were tough guys and friends with each other. One is a local cop. The cop has not been DNA tested and can't be a suspect because he's a cop. Connect the dots.

    upon further reflection, the murderer with a weapon like that could have been right handed if he attacked from the David's rear. That would fit my scenario (mentioned in an earlier post) of David first being diverted by a friend of the rapist, and then going to the aid of Hanna and possibly being attacked from the back while doing so.


    Your scenario is an insult to common sense. I hope the families of the victims will not have access to these outrageous fantasies.
    we can exchange on a serious subject like this without trying to recover or seek to denigrate those who do not share your opinion.
    For me the two Burmese are probably guilty because the evidence that the accused are too heavy. But like you I do not have all the elements that would allow a final opinion (only 99%). So I watch the developments in this case by not proclaiming fanciful screenwriters.
    • Like 1
  7. Allez tout le monde à la télévision .. si vous voulez être sûr à ce sujet alors nous avons besoin de 10.000 sigs de passer à la pétition de l'ambassade britannique et le gouvernement britannique pour une autre enquête indépendante, tous les gens veulent est la vraie justice et la fermeture pour David et hannahs familles , cela signifie que 100% sans doute .... obtenir suffisamment de voix et le Royaume-Uni gov devront ouvrir une enquête si elles havnt déjà derrière des portes closes.

    Nous pouvons faire une différence pour une fois, tout ce qu'il faut sont pour les bonnes gens fassent quelque chose ....


    S'il vous plaît Modérateurs im vous demande au nom de beaucoup faire la bonne chose et que ce lien séjour.

    This petition is an insult to our hosts. By agreeing to be the vector Thai Visa definitely ranks in the category of foreigners dismissive and arrogant.
    I think I will not stay long time with you my friend, I have no desire to be associated with your claims grossly contemptuous.
  8. Vous pourriez avoir raison, il est très facile de manipuler des échantillons d'ADN. Surtout quand les originaux existent en dehors du pays.

    I wish some people would think before they write this stuff.

    So you think that the DNA is still good and intact? I am relieved.

    I just wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't.

    I think exactly like him.
    The DNA of the guilty is still accessible in the body of the victim and will remain so for many years. (A microgram is sufficient) An exchange of deception would be easy to remove by any lawyer.
    This DNA was most probably controlled by the Columbia authorities upon return of the body.
    Also, the new leaders of Myanmar will most certainly CLAIM also irrefutable evidence and monitor results. This sordid crime heavily tarnished their image.
    Finally only the distinguished members of Thai Visa cry conspiracy. Must say that matire Colombo keyboards we are world champions here. The new dream team of Sherlock ...
  9. Je suis triste pour le Premier ministre Prayut. Jusqu'à maintenant, moi, comme beaucoup ici, pensait qu'il faisait un travail OK pour tenter d'éradiquer la corruption. moins il a fait un rapide volte-face sur ce qui peut impliquer une certaine police judiciaire étant traduit en justice pour non-exécution et la fabrication de preuve (PAS!), va perdre toute crédibilité.

    You persist with risky assumptions.
    A simple glass used by prisoners allows any visitor a DNA analysis and so comparison with that found on the victim.
    It is for the families, who will perform this verification must be facilitated by the authorities without unnecessary noise.
    A refusal could lead to a clash between the two countries over a disastrous repute for Thailand. Everyone easily understands and this is a sign of a very great contempt to think that Thales authorities ignore it.
    These two boys are guilty, you can be sure. And if any doubt should exist that would allow parents to apply an audit, not you.
  10. The case that seemed so simple at first is more complicated. Easy to criticize the police with about style:

    It was necessary ...

    They should have ...

    But everywhere it takes time to investigators when the initial assumptions are unsuccessful.

    However I also think that, like their general great master of all, these officers talk too much

  11. I'm in the same situation with a little advance.

    For research I found a monthly tenancy here:

    http://www.hongpak.in.th/roomsmap. Prices are so low that I rented a second room for my furniture store.

    And permanent housing for this one:

    Of course these sites are in Thai language but Anglophone websites prices are significantly higher and the quality of service is not to go. Also with our friend Google translation is no longer an obstacle.

  12. Thank you for all the good advice that show a community of high quality.

    I think it's hard to ignore a short observation period to prevent nuisances. Especially since reading the forum shows that between snakes, stray dogs, mosquitoes dengue and flood places must choose carefully.

    I discovered Perfecthome with plaisr. Tip.

    Again thank and looking forward getting to know on the occasion at good Duke restaurant that I already know or elsewhere. wai.gif

  13. Hello,

    Forgive my bad language but I'm French and I use Google for the sometimes rough translation.

    Well, I live in Pattaya now and am looking to rent a small unfurnished around Chiang Mai 10000 b per month for one year or more .

    I first viewed Thai Visa ads but they are almost pseudo little serious agents. Basically the best deals are never available.

    Then I tried to communicate with CM Properties and DD but it is virtually impossible to have a serious talk remotely with someone who knows the proposed house. Same TV, many offers are not available.

    So I decided to put my furniture in storage, move to hotel for a month and find by browsing the city with my car.

    Is this the right way to proceed? Or is it more interesting to go through an agency? What can I do more to find my happiness ?

    Thank you for the help,

  14. Je me suis trompe! DEVINEZ SES Anciennes Règles Où Vous aviez Besoin de Complété Une année sur Entière non Permis probatoire de 1 une Avant D'Obtenir Les 5 ans.

    With all due respect blah blah blah this is wrong.

    I just got my renewal 1 year for 5 years this week. My license one year expired in October 6.

    My new license start of my next anniversary 5 year more. As I was a born August 30 my new licence is available as August 30 - 2020!!!

  15. CHAQUE FOIS UNE Qué J'entends De bureaux histoires de serpents, Je pense à Steve Irwin, fils amour de la Vie, non le rapport de profond pour la nature, et fils Enthousiasme contagieux. Je n'oublierai Jamais le spectacle, il l'ONU devant le fait DANS lequel À À il a voyagé Tout Autour de l'Australie, à la Recherche sur les 10 premiers ministres des ministres a serpents Les meurtriers fr ainsi que du Continent. Il Fait Suite à Celle de fils terrier, atteint à, et l'ONU Départ à la retraite par la fichier d'attente. Il a Un Autre ramper JUSQU'A Lui et sa langue Feuilletez Autour de fils de visage Laissé.

    "Alors Mince, Quelle beauté!"

    RIP à un Great One

    For me the ultimate animal rudeness.
    This guy showed no snakes, it featured him and him alone. Even his assistant was condemned to silence except for small cries of fear lice the security of the great master.
    There are fortunately other more serious references in the world of animal observation.
  16. Procurez-vous un chauffage par induction. Puissance réglable de la plaque chauffante de 1800 watts jusqu'à 400W. Assurez-vous qu'il a une minuterie. De cette façon, vous pouvez laisser mijoter un ragoût ou autre. mienne est une marque Hanabishi.

    Vous aurez besoin d'une bonne casserole / poêle avec une plaque d'acier sur la base. Il ne fonctionnera pas avec l'aluminium. Le plateau libre la plupart viennent avec sont si minces qu'ils ne valent rien. J'ai acheté des moules zébrées marque avec des couvercles, et ils sont vaut le coût supplémentaire. Ne laissez pas la bonne utilisation des cuillères ou fourchettes métal en eux. Que les épaves l'intérieur en téflon.

    La cuisinière m'a coûté 900baht, mais si vous essayez, vous pouvez payer beaucoup plus pour la même chose. Airport Plaza a des bons prix dans la section électrique à l'étage.

    I have exactly the same equipment and I confirm that it's perfect. Very efficient, small footprint, easy to clean and stepmother love too.
    What more? giggle.gif
  17. I chose to move to Chiang Mai (a few days) for two reasons:

    - The beautiful surrounding countryside

    - The significant presence of farang communities for a more varied life.

    If you do not like there is always the possibility of settling in Nakhon Sawan or Phitsanulock. But nobody goes there.

    I gather that many of us prefer cities populated by people of various origins.

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