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Posts posted by sambatsmith

  1. Guys I'm travelling to Guangzhou on 28th sept. I know I need a visa I found the details for the consular in Phuket and getting no reply emails or phone calls. What's the best way to obtain this visa and can we get same day service? If anyone knows of any agents etc I would be very grateful or any other contact details for the consul in Phuket. Thanks

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
  2. Just wanted to say got my B visa fine in KL and my husband got the dependent O visa no questions asked. Went at 9am first day out by 11 as there was a slight queue went back 14.30 next day in and out 5 mins. Got to Phuket no problems visa stamped with 3 month validity I didn't see anyone have problems and no dodgy agents going via the back door which was good

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  3. Ok so I'm about to get my B visa in KL for teaching. Just the initial 3 months whilst my work permit is being processed. I know I can extend this for 1 year without leaving Thailand. What is the cost of this? Also there have been occasions when the WP has taken longer than 3 months is it possible to obtain a 30 day extension on the 3 month Non B? I'm hoping this won't happen but I know the WP process is currently slow

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. Well I am hearing conflicting stories about Penang that if you get the documents in Penang people are having more trouble getting back in from there and its difficult to fly from Phuket to Penang and I won't do tour buses. The documents mean nothing to me as they are all in Thai so its difficult for me to verify exactly what's what but I'll try and get someone to look at it for me who can read Thai. Thanks

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  5. Advice needed. I'm currently on a triple entry tourist visa that is coming to an end on 8th August. I have now sorted out a job here and the company have prepared the Non B paperwork for me and the O paperwork for my husband. He has no plans to work here so doesn't need a B visa we will be living off my employment income. Has anyone been to KL for this type of visa? If so what was your experience? I'm terrified we will be stopped and won't be allowed the visa and then wouldn't be allowed a tourist visa to get back in and get our stuff to leave the country. I'm just so scared as they change the requirements daily my non B paperwork won't be enough or my husbands O paperwork won't be enough despite the assurance from my employer it will be fine. Does anyone have any experience of this? I'm flying Phuket to KL.

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  6. I think what the OP is saying is that Thailand cracking down on visas will ultimately harm the country. This guy comes here on a tourist visa as a genuine tourist spending a lot of money by Thai standards that he earns elsewhere. He probably rents a decent property from a Thai and no he should not take it lightly marrying someone. There are people here in Thailand doing no harm committing no crimes spending a lot of money earned elsewhere on enjoying thailand keeping the tourist economy thriving. Thailand needs a better system to tackle the criminals and illegal workers. Maybe tackle the companies happy to employ illegal workers, maybe tackle the excessively bureaucratic system that means its time consuming and expensive to employ foreign workers with the skills thailand needs such as teachers and other professionals. Thailand is about to face huge problems when the tourists/ residents up and leave and the condos and houses they rent lie empty and the street dogs the foreigners look after and donate money to stop getting help what will the country do then? There are businesses here that rely on the long term tourists like car rental, bike rental, condo and villa rental all things that local Thais don't do but rely on the income from. There isn't a visa this guy can get. Why would he open a business in this uncertain climate? He's way too young for retirement visa. When a country thrives on foreign money and expenditure they need to be extremely careful with the doors they are closing to people here to enjoy the climate local food and beautiful scenery.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  7. Looking for advice on cheapest long term car rental in Phuket. Ideally less than 10,000 baht a month not wanting a brand new car in fact can be really old as long as it goes and is reasonably economical not bothered. Don't fancy my daily commute on a scooter roads are just so crazy especially into Phuket town. If anyone knows anyone renting cars for right price could commit to 12 months rental thanks guys

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  8. Hi thanks again for all the advice. I appreciate the advice on salary however I'm very fortunate that my husband is a retired police officer and gets a pension so we could afford to live off that. I want to teach as I think its something I will enjoy and hope to get a lot out of it. I know of people who have also completed a PGCE distance learning and this is something I may consider as well to open up better jobs with more responsibility to progress my career. I am 31 so still have lots of my working life ahead of me and plan to make the most of it. I do plan to learn Thai not necessarily for the teaching but everyday life. I had such a nightmare at the airport due to language barrier and I hate not knowing what people are saying. I plan to stay in Thailand and I don't want to always expect the Thais to know English so far I have been lucky. Its good to know my previous experience will be of some assistance when looking for jobs. Once I have completed the CELTA I will start handing out my CV and visiting schools. I won't finish until the end of February as I'm also doing the young learners extension so it seems this will work out well to start looking at jobs to begin April / May time when the terms begin. Thanks again Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  9. Thanks for all the pointers guys really useful and yeah I agree the CELTA was more appealing as it does have a governing body all other courses seemed to vary a lot.

    I think I will take the approach of actually going into the schools like suggested with my CV that way I see the school and they see me.

    I have a degree in psychology in the UK but then spent 5 years studying law and I am now qualified as a solicitor in the UK. The profession was not what I had hoped for and wages to begin with really bad and getting worse with the economy and various cuts etc. I decided I wanted a new challenge in a country I love. It's something I could go back to but for now I want to experience Thai culture and hopefully do some travelling around Asia.

    Whilst studying for my law qualifications I worked full time for Merseyside Police in various capacities resource management / business development amongst other roles all of which involved training delivery.

    I have spent a long time in education and experienced good and bad teaching and have also engaged students with training delivery and lesson planning so I hopefully have a good basic grounding to teach.

    I leave Bangkok for Phuket in a week and would be keen to meet up with other teachers in the area.

    Thanks again for all the tips keep them coming :-)

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  10. Hi thanks for the tips. I have already paid for the CELTA course as everything else I read said this was the better option and more transferable to places other than Thailand? I'm more than prepared to go and hand my resume in personally to schools if everyone thinks this best approach. I have heard being a female can help as well and being a native English speaker is this true? I have read so many different things on forums etc

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  11. I am about to start the CELTA in Phuket and I am wondering the best website / place to look for teaching jobs in Phuket ? I know a lot of people say approach the schools direct is this the best way? Any tips would be appreciated as I have just moved to Thailand from the UK and I am keen to find work and build on my teaching experience

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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