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Posts posted by norm2003thai

  1. Hi Jason Thai,

    My wife and I spent 13 years in the Uk with her daughter,we sold up and moved back to Thailand last September, we have invested in a few things here over those past years for our future. My daughter chose to stay in the Uk and earn a living.

    We had enough of the high taxes ,bills and quality of life. 5 months have past by now , like yourself money is tight but you have to make it work, I'am 50 so still young compared to other farangs I meet. They talk about money,holidays, food. But I'am here to enjoy my new lifestyle,get to know my village ,be carefull with our money. Her family are great ,same as yours by the sounds of it,they do understand now through what my wife tells them,we only have money for ourselves now,not like in the past working on a English wage and on holiday here. So far so good. Best of luck to you and your family.

    Ps I live in a village maybe 1 1/2 hours away from you, near Phimia

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