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Posts posted by cuhullan1

  1. Thanks for the clarification.I just found the "must pay here part" hard to stomach. Also no reciept for the actual offence.The farang in uniform in question has no manners or mediation skills. I am totally legal with my license, cars,motorbikes and insurance when i use the roads in Siam.I am not, or rarely do get angry as it clouds the judgement. If someone who finds they want to play policeman ,fine by me .My Thai girlfriend and everyone i know in the area regard it as tea money exercise whether true or not.When i was personally stopped the farang in question checked my license,insurance ,green book proof and even went as far as checking the tires and lights on a custom bike worth about 15000.00 US.Replys to the post can sumize or make their own assumptions.With the recent events in Thailand ,one would think that this starts to become more of a rarity.Thanks gents and keep the Singhas cold

  2. If it is about making money for the upkeep of the station put the checkpoint on Viset road.But as i said , there would be a checkpoint all the way to Bangkok.It seems every time there is a thread on here it is carte blanche to tear the thread or the op apart with partial or impartial advice.I probably know now why i just ever skim over the posts. Oh by the way the original question was "Role of tourist police" ,,,,,,,,,, Now where is the unfollow post button !!

  3. The outline of the post is what is his role and why forced to pay on the spot.Also if it was really about road safety it would be on Viset road where you would have a line back to Bangkok with no helmet, license, non road worthy vechiles etc,like so many posts they all go off on a tangent depending on the replies.Hope this makes it all clear.If it is making tea money i have an issue,especially if it is someone who is supposed to be assisting tourists !!

  4. The post by Steven L.I have stated the facts .My Thai girlfriend had no helmet = fine.Farang tourist policeman in brown uniform.Long line of farangs getting fined for no license,helmet etc.Out of the way spot and not on the main strip.Not allowed to pay at police station,must pay on spot.Read the post and not the threads.Original question was what role has the tourist policeman in question got? Sorry that is about as clear as i can make it !!

  5. To answer some of the posts,my Thai girlfriend had no helmet,yes an offence no matter how many times i tell her.I have a Thai motorbike license and a Aussie one insured etc.Been riding bikes for 28 years.The tourist cop is a farang in the brown uniform,,slightly too tight i must say.If it really is road safety there would be better places!!

  6. Yes real police there but one would think that the tourist policeman would not be.He is usually the one that stops you.Every other day hughe que of farangs.If it was really road safety it would be on Viset road.But then again traffic would probably come to a standstill with stopping every person without a helmet or no license.Does not give you much faith in the tourist police when they are suppose to be helping tourists and not relieving them of their money !!

  7. Anyone who lives in the Rawai beach area of Phuket will be aware of the Police checkpoint at the intersection of Soi Yuan and the road to Kata.Here the police stop and fine on the spot farangs without helmets or license. Funny part is ,it is run by a rude tourist policeman.I was recently stopped and my Thai girlfriend had no helmet on.This ,yes is an offence and she agreed to pay at the police station but was refused and told by the tourist policeman she must pay on the spot.Yes i had to pay as she had no money.Also they now look for license where as before the license from your country was ok.Apparently the tourist policeman in question has told the Thai police what to look for on the license to denote motorcycle class.The fact that you have to pay on the spot and cannot go to the police station seems ,,well fishy.Also no reciept for the offence commited.Would the checkpoint be better suited on the main road if it was about road safety and not tucked away on a tourist route. What is the true role of the tourist police ?

  8. If the air system on the brakes fail a spring engages the brakes as a safety overide.Every time a bus crashes they blame brake failure.Each cause is speeding and too late to stop.What about when buses coming into Rawai flash their lights for people to get out of the way when the bus is coming down the centre reservation.Install humps on all these hills and roads into and out of Phuket towns.Only way to reduce the speed.Every week someone is killed on Viset road because some idiot is coming down on the wrong side at high speed.Or maybe ,here,s an idea,Get the police to have checkpoints monitoring the buses and mini vans!

  9. I bought a used bike without a greenbook,i have all the invoices for when the parts came from Japan plus the previous owners id papers and transfer of money.Can i get a green book legally or is it all in vain.Yes i know but bought it on the spur of the moment and have spent a fair bit of money customizing it

  10. Good to get a nice story for a change,Phuket is heading downhill with the ever incessant greed.Every month i return and the prices have gone up.Three times more now to play golf than anywhere else in Thailand.Rawai area had a spate of young guys knocking old farangs off their bikes late at nite and robbing them.As for Patong area,i give it a wide birth.Different place when i first visited 18 years ago.Still , nowhere stays the same!

  11. LOL I have a bike that i have been working on doing up for a considerable time.I have the invoice for all the parts that were imported from Japan and the id details from the guy i bought it from up north.It has a red number plate.Is there a way to make it road legal.I bought it unaware of all the pitfalls.I have no problem paying to make it road legal and compliant.If it was now i would certainly not buy a bike without a green book.Sensible suggestions only please

  12. Really,1500.00 is an absolute fortune,Why get married ? I live with my girl and am pretty happy.I pay all the bills food everything.I give her 400 bucks a month to do whatever with she wants.I met the family once and made it clear i had no intention to get married.I also made it clear that this is my house and not for her family to visit.I respect women and treat her like a princess.Why should i fund her lazy brother who sits around all day doing nothing.Brother arrived unannounced at our house and was promtly driven to the bus station.She has a good life with me and wants for nothing and still can send money back to lazy family.Marriage,,,maybe in another lifetime

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