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Posts posted by PeterA63

  1. 40 odd years ago I worked in the traveltrade, amongst others as chief of a ticketcalculating department ( this is now all done by computer) and even in those days, the reasons behind the privedifferentiating were unclear.

    It was even so that we made longhaul constructions, originating outside the starting country, of which the first stretch, from outside the country to the airport where the customer ( mainly bussines, ofcourse) would start.

    So, as and example, Brussels-Amsterdam-New York-LA-Tokyo-Amsterdam-Brussels.The customer would start in Amsterdam, as we already tore out the first stretch. The whole could make an import difference on the whole price.

    Indeed nowadays it is just filling up the plane to the maximum, and even now one encounters overbooked flights now and then. Just shop for the best bargin, in principle well in advance.

  2. Well, as far as I know they have behaved like this since the Vietnam days. I was in the old ( really Wild West then) Soi Cowboy. in the very early 70 ties.

    Any way, gentlemen, BEWARE when they start taking over your house little by little, first by bringing in a kid brother,then a sickly

    mother and before you know the whole family from Isan is living in your house. And I have seen a case, where, as the guy only paid for the house, but ofcourse was not the owner ( a contract he could not read- the <deleted>), the family was in, and he was on the street.

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  3. Well, maybe Suthep is not necessary anymore to move the Governement, wait till the ricefarmers, who have just found out they are peopled, will start moving towards Bangkok. It seems they are more ( then 23,000) and are more driven ( by necessity).

    And how about the investigations, started by the Anti Corruption Commitee against the PM, President (although never there) of this rice counsel........

    By the way, what is a red farang, did he stay to long in the sun?

    ( from a slightly bronzed farang)

  4. As today, janauary 15 was supposed to be PAYDAY, and nothing happens, my prediction comes true. I read in the BKK Post and the Nation that the ricefarmers are beginning to see the light, and start blocades themselves now.

    What a s..t story about needing an ok from the ELECTION COMMITEE.

    Can anyone explain to me what these guys have to do with the export of rice???

  5. Have also a look at Bangsaphan, 100km. north of Chumphon, so south of Hua Hin. I am also 63, and havenspend an agreeable WINTER here the past 4 years. I would not go to Thailand in May, it is either to hot or to wet.

    The wintermonths are very agreable here, I start end of november and return end march myself.

    House rental cost me about 9 per day, incl wifi, airco, hot shower, satelite tv etc. and 100 m. from the very quit beach.

  6. Indeed, @Robby nz, completely true. This whole rice subsidising system is the base of all current problems. But logically the ricefarmers want to stick to it.

    They do not understand that their product will become to expensive on the worldmarket when the governement wants to get it s paid subsidies back by adding it to the sellingprice. They do not see that this is not a subsidy at all, it s money to buy votes. It is corruption on a megascale.

    Peter Scheffer

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  7. @whatcharacters: VISUM is not especially German, the Dutch and Belgians also use it. It is SINGULAR for VISA, which is the PLURAL. So 1 visum, 2 Visa.

    The English language, which is for about 40% derived from German and Old Dutch, by the way ( it came into existance many centuries later) does not make a difference between 1 or more visa. One could say the English language is a bit poorer here.

    The word Visa came into the English from modern Latin, by France.

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