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  1. The last time it took twelve weeks from France to Thailand ... pathetic.
  2. Yes there is. They're Thai citizens.
  3. For 6-months I was having major anxiety attacks when I would scream obscenities, punch whatever I could, no sleep, could'nt catch my breath. Tried all the natural remedies, breathing exercises etc nothing worked. I went to see a Mental Health Practitionet at the BPH and I have been on ant-anxiety drugs ever since ... Seroxat, Zolam and Anta. They turned my life around and have had no real side effects. You can't get these drugs in Pharmacies as they are strictly Govt controlled and only available on prescription from the hospital pharmacy.
  4. If it wasn't for Social Media ... damn.
  5. And of course Thailand has a good history of that don't they?
  6. There's a Zebra Crossing outside the entrance to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital in Pattaya. I go there every 10 days to get treatment for a knee condition so I use a walking stick. Cars don't even stop for someone like me to get across. I now deliberately stick out my walking stick so if they continue they will hit it and hopefully do some damage. If they hit me at least I'm in the right place to get instant treatment.
  7. I am me what's it got to do with you? I've been here for 13 years (not a few years). I didn't say he had MH problems I said he might have which would have to be taken into account. Don't make a diagnosis on what you read on here. Are you a doctor? Assuming that he is one of your "quality tourists" that is also assumption on your part. Learn how to post will you
  8. The man has mental health problems. He is not what you call a "quality" tourist type who just come to Thailand to pi$$ it up and find a loose woman (plenty of them about). So less of you insinuations please
  9. Damn you beat me to it ... you mean bull5h1T
  10. That's not the only way to run a business in Thailand btw.
  11. Stupid post ... then he becomes a non-activist
  12. Could be ... one will have boxes and stuff in it the other will have people sitting in a row. That is a big difference.
  13. Why should she want to he's the puppeteer
  14. They come from a "no alcohol" and strict country and get pi$$ed out of their brains and think they are Captain Marvel. Just a bunch of young thugs who are restricted from practically doing anything in their own country so come to good old "family-friendly" Pattaya to let off steam.

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