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Posts posted by getthaid

  1. I got my 5 year licenses last week. I had to to the eye tests and reaction test.

    A group of about 15 people crowded into the room and we all watched each other do the tests.

    Three guys failed the reaction test, repeatedly, 2 guys failed the peripheral vision colour test. All 5 of them were told to go and get a drink of water and come back to try again. Of course, all of us that passed were no longer in the room to witness the retesting....all 5 were later in the queue to get their photos done.

    Glad to know that water works to correct poor colour vision and reactions.

    The huge flaw in the system as exemplified above aside....the OP reports a good change in official attitude towards road safety. I've often dreamed that if I ever win the lottery, part of my charity would be an ongoing road safety campaign.

    Water certainly affects my vision and reactions but not necessarily improves.

    Oh sorry, that's Usque Baugh ( the water of life ) and the spelling of the Anglified version of word doesn't have an ' e '.

    If using Irish - please do so correctly - it's uisce beatha. And the anglicised version is whiskey. So pronounced as it derived from uisce to fuisce. To whiskey.

  2. In the same way that the Swiss attracted tourists during WWII by being a safe haven from war I see nothing wrong with Thailand being a safe haven from Ebola. If the world leaders have not figured out the advantage of a travel ban then let any country who has the sense to impose such a ban reap the rewards.

    i can't go with your view or reasoning but you are entitled to your opinion.

    What would you do? Have Thailand invite people infected with Ebola to come here? You have three choices. Invite them. Ban them. Or stick your head in the sand and pretend they do not exist. Which would you choose?

    Four - don't go over board with being Ebola free ( perhaps only for now ) so it's safe to come. Marketing like that should be left alone, in my opinion.

    Don't go overboard being Ebola free? What do you work for the American CDC?

    The point is that RIGHT NOW Thailand is Ebola free.

    It might not be by the time the print is drying in the advertising or might not be soon after. This campaign would be a Serious mistake if after promoting 'Ebola free status' it turned out not to be true.

    Serious backfire.

    Secondly - it is crass, opportunistic and lacks total empathy.

    Thirdly - if somehow Ebola doesn't hit Thailand - it will only be because the outbreak will have been contained and hasn't hit SE Asia. Thus everywhere will be Ebola free.

    But I wouldn't be surprised if they run this campaign. And hush-up any cases that may occur after. - 'no he. It die from Ebola. Migrant Burmese virus kill him.'

    • Like 1
  3. I remember this and that same year a few months ago I was doing the same thing riding a bike touring this wonderful city. The perps will likely not be caught but rest assured, the universe does not work that way, they will pay terribly and suffer for eternity for taking a life without cause. RIP to the victim.

    All evidence actually suggests that the universe does indeed work that way.

    I admire your beliefs. But that is what the are.


    The facts aren't as nice.

    Murdered young woman deprived of her life

    an incompetent, uncaring police force who through sheer lack of ability, sense, sensibility and empathy, crowned with a ship load of corruption can't and won't solve cases like this.

    no justice for her

    And no retribution for the perp(s) of this heinous crime

    And no sanctions for those who cover it up, and/0r run a slipshod investigation with no adoption of best practices.

    • Like 2
  4. "That explains why some countries have been comfortable in re-engaging Thailand openly, while others cite democratic principles and are reluctant to normalise relations with Thailand. In the latter group, the US and European Union stand out"

    This muppet called the EU a country and expects to be taken seriously. It's 28 countries. Morans. Your bus is leaving.

  5. Interesting read.

    So those who feel that she is partly, or even a tiny bit, to blame, you are in good company.

    20% of Aussie men agree.

    I'd be comfortable placing a large bet that a lot of those 20% are reflective of the Aussies who walk around patong wearing wife beaters, and visibly drunk, and more so audibly, by mid afternoon. As I say - good company.

    This post is not anti - Aussie. It's anti 'that sort' of tourist and most of our countries supply them - be it ireland, UK, Russia, Oz etc

    More like 40% if there was a 50-50 sex representation in the sample. I am sure nearly all of the women would have not said that so it may even mean most men think this.
    Then you have little understanding of women. Many women believe the Same.

    A criminal lawyer friend of mine told me what seemed like a startling fact a few years ago. - in a flimsy criminal case A women jurer is more likely to find for the accused in a rape trial with only hearsay evidence than a man is.

    I expressed surprise - and he said it is because without supporting evidence a jury had to rely on instinct.

    Men tend to convict because they know what men are capable of, and they feel That the right thing to do it to believe - cos that is what modern society believes men should do.

    Women tend to acquit - because they know what women are capable of doing. And they don't have to compensate for male guilt.

    I am not sure if you are justifying this research to support a particular paradigm.

    Or using it to excuse your own, or other peoples prejudices.

    Or as a comment on how sad the sorry state of affairs is that we think that Rappists and murders will be less likely rape and murder when some one wears appropriate clothing.

    So ask yourself this question - if a friend of yours committed this crime - and used said justification - would you find it excusable?

    And would you ever let them come to one of your kids party? - and allow them to supervise your kid alone? even after serving their time, done therapy, and being deemed to rejoin society?

    Or would you let them come as long as it wasn't a pool party.

    No to the 3 questions above - right?

    I know I would not

    PC has run amok. But equally people use the that fact to dismiss facts and stats and arguments that are not PC BS

  6. Interesting read.

    So those who feel that she is partly, or even a tiny bit, to blame, you are in good company.

    20% of Aussie men agree.

    I'd be comfortable placing a large bet that a lot of those 20% are reflective of the Aussies who walk around patong wearing wife beaters, and visibly drunk, and more so audibly, by mid afternoon. As I say - good company.

    This post is not anti - Aussie. It's anti 'that sort' of tourist and most of our countries supply them - be it ireland, UK, Russia, Oz etc

  7. Political correctness gone mad. General Prayuth wasnt too far off the mark. He should have added excessive drinking and whatever else the young take nowadays to his equation. The reality is, if girls wear skimpy clothes (whether to intentionally look sexy or for practical purpposes) and are partying into the early hours they increase risk of being harmed. Not just here in Thailand but the world over.

    I am about as far from supporting feminism as you can get. But these type of remarks of what gives weight to extreme feminist reactions

    Even the kids know when they walk into a sweet shop they cannot have what is not theirs. How is it that grown men Who would not tolerate bad behaviour from a child screaming about not getting what they want, cannot make the moral distinction that comes naturally to a decent human beings?

    Only when it comes to women showing what they have that we say they should not do it.

    If I wear my Rolex downtown is it my fault if it gets stolen? If I have my Apple phone in my hand in my asking to have robbed?

    If I have a nice home should I build a wall so no one can see it in case they might rob it

    Am I asking for my car to get stolen if I park in town?

    I learned a long while back but I couldn't have any girl I wanted. - So did every other guy I know - a smack for trying to get to first base at About age 13

    To try and put any blame on somebody who had been a victim of a crime because somebody else didn't know what is not theirs, Or doesn't have the moral ability to keep it in their pants is inexcusable.

    Yes, it's not polite to go to a 711 in swimwear - But Thailand markets itself as a tourist friendly destination to countries that behave like this.

    This is what clashes with THAI culture, not the tourists that have been marketed to arriving into the culture

    So Thailands need to stop marketing itself as thus,

    Or make tourists aware of what is acceptable (it's in some guidebooks - but it's not information that is actively promoted to tourists)

    Or State to people that it is a problem, and safety cannot be guaranteed,

    or Thailand need to accept this behaviour as a trade off for the tourist revenue. - you can't accept your cake and eat it too.

    Those of us who have been to the Middle East know that in most countries drinking alcohol is very frowned upon and in most cases illegal. These facts are very well advertised to anybody planning on arriving Yet it is allowed in certain establishments. And I have never, ever known of anybody beaten, raped, and murdered because they offended sensibilities by drinking alcohol there.

    Sure, you can get arrested, you won't have much sympathy from the police. And your embassy will call you an idiot for not heading what you were FOREWARNED ABOUT.

    Ko Tao exists almost exclusively because it is a tourist resort. It is smaller than some airports. You don't build a resort like this and expected to be reflective of Thailand as a whole

    Vast majority, if not all TV members and Thais would scoff at somebody who said, I've been to Thailand I spent two weeks on Ko Tao

    Equally tourists dressed in swimwear in 7:11 in Ko Tao would likely never do it in Bangkok. It's not the same.

    It's about time people stopped making excuses for behaviour that society just should not tolerate, and nobody here should be even finding any reason to see this as anything but utterly inexcusable, and if you can't please adjust your moral compasses.

    Alternatively come up with a new slogan. Amazing Thailand, just don't wear a bikini.

  8. If they are judging Scottish sentiment based on the aggressive rantings of some drunken Celtic fans, then they are sorely mistaken.

    Are you implying that the yes camp (45% of the country) are comprised of 'drunken Celtic fans'

    And that a nationalistic ideal of independence is 'aggressive ranting'

    I am neither Scottish nor in the yes camp - but to dismiss a huge portion of the country thus says even more in less faltering terms about you Than you say of them. Perhaps read a few of the previous posts and ponder on why for centuries the scots arch enemies are in fact the scots.

  9. "The Democrat politician said he rejected the offer, as the requested sum was too high."

    That's why he turned them down?

    Not because they were murdering, criminal scum who were now resorting to extortion to gain further financial rewards for their criminality?

    Lordy Lordy.

    I agree. But in a country where votes, bodies, daughters and justice is already for sale why not add truth to the list.

  10. Stitch up job. Whatever happened to competitive tendering???

    Exactly. Minimum three tenders. Open book system. Tenders can be put forward by anyone and anyone (inc public) can view said tenders.

    Lowest tenders not necessarily always chosen - but there had to be justifiable reasons why not - eg no track record of delivery.

    But the tender chosen must stand up to scrutiny and show a best cost provider.

    It's a key element in removing corruption. And not just corruption but also incompetence and complacency.

    • Like 1
  11. The biggest mistake of those LLC airlines that they become hungry and want to grow quick and fast

    and it's always, but always, on the expense of the passengers, never the other way around, and soon,

    they will be so big and so incumbersome, just like a regular airline with ten of thousands of workers

    and expenses up to the wazu, and soon after that, they will fold, the message is: stay small and

    efficient less headache and less problems...

    Ryanair is among the biggest airlines

    in The world - (it is the biggest LCC) has approx 10,000 staff, refuses to stay small, and is increasingly efficient.

    The company rewrote the rules on managing airlines. They are recognised as being an innovator and leader in the field.

    In other words, the biggest and best budget airline does exactly the opposite to what you recommend.....

    Personally I do not like their policies, and they are an annoying airline to fly with. However they have the best on-time record, the lowest fares, and the most destinations that suit me. So despite me not liking them - I constantly fly with them

    That said, their customer service as improved tenfold in the past six months

    • Like 1
  12. Only bangkok bank has held at 150. All others seem to have increased to 180b for using farang bank cards.

    Is there any cheaper ones around? I know there are ways to avoid such as transferring funds in bulk to Thai accounts and also using debit cards in banks for cash advances - but it often happens that I do need to suffer this charge.

    Does anyone know of any other banks that are atill at 150? Or lower?

    This is one of the most irritating charges.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  13. Run fundraisers back in your own country (you do end up there once or twice a year right? Or know people there who could?)

    And donate the cash to 100 worthy education projects.

    This is what I do. You can spend your time in Thailand working the fundraisers (eg do pub quizzes - line up pubs back home and get someone there to assist

    If you want to heavier in - talk with a chocolate maker. (Most companies are open to this and I have done it with an Irish manufacturer - minimum order about 1000pcs)

    Have a chocolate bar branded with your chosen cause and contact 50 retailers to each stand your bars at check out.

    I contacted 45 retailers when I did this and was suprised that all said yes.

    They sold the bars @2e each and gave me all proceeds. (They didn't take a commission or even the tax portion)

    I had a courier company nationwide deliver the boxes in lots of 2 boxes of 50 at 5e a delivery. Chocolate coasted 45c a bar. Operating costs were approx 40c a bar (courier-banking charges, printing etc)

    Leaving a large piece for charity.

    I had also looked at having Thai worry dolls (lovely product) made - and sold through - similar network. The dolls were running at 3b each plus 5b shipping packing etx and an easy 1.95 sale.

    Technically even visiting a wholesaler requires a work permit. But you would have no problem doing this. 1000's of people who export from Thailand do not have work permits.

    Message me if you want more info

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  14. Clothes - pratunam mainly
    Jewellery - Chinatown, jj, and any of the 2 dozen fairs that are run by otop at impact and bitec. The Bangkok gems and jewellery fair is the biggest.
    I run an import-export company. And used to do jewellery. (Still do a little)

    What export markets you looking to sell to?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
    • Like 1
  15. [quote name="rametindallas" post="8236015" timestamp="1407892728"][quote name="getthaid" post="8235622" timestamp="1407879417"] [quote name="Thailand" post="8231713" timestamp="1407809721"] [quote name="rametindallas" post="8231670" timestamp="1407808927"][quote name="Thailand" post="8231576" timestamp="1407807310"] [/quote]From the OP: Properties in all major visitor destinations except Pattaya are busier this month.
    Possibly because Chiang Mai still is a great tourist destination with no negative publicity.
     [/quote]70% occupation in Chiang Mai is complete and believe it or not Chiang Mai is also under the same military control as the rest of Thailand and was one of the last places to have the curfew lifted.
    Every hotel here has rooms to spare. Tour guides I know have no clients.Restaurants that normally have even low season tourists are struggling.[/quote]
    I walked down Chang khlan last night. It was almost deserted. The sunday market is still jammers - but there are always very few round eyes there.

    In kalare court more than half the lock-up shops Are closed. Same same downstairs in the night market across the street.

    Anusarn had half of its restaurants with only a few patrons and the rest totally empty.

    This weekend should be one of the busiest this side of new year.

    anyone who thinks that chiang Mai is running at 70% occupancy is very far removed from reality.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
    Very sorry to hear that. I still haven't heard any bad publicity concerning CM and wonder why it's not doing better. Tourism numbers are not that far down from last year and I had read that many Chinese were coming to see where the popular Chinese movie was filmed. Lifting martial would be a good step though the damage from Suthep's protest, Yingluck's government declaring a 'State of Emergency', followed by a coup and martial law may have been the 'perfect storm' to really hurt tourism and all those whose business is related to tourism. 
    On a side note, why is this weekend 'one of the busiest this side of new year'? I thought the high season would be during the cool/dry season and not the rainy season.[/quote]

    HM Birthday. Coupled with Mothersday. And a long weekend.

    Chiang Mai usually chockers this weekend.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


    I'm sure all the affected hotels have raised their rates to offset the decline in guests. 'Thainess'

    Last year we had some friends stay in a hotel in the middle of Chiang Mai at a cost of THB1250 in mid September.

    Out of curiosity I just checked the prices for the same period this year.

    From the OP: Properties in all major visitor destinations except Pattaya are busier this month.
    Possibly because Chiang Mai still is a great tourist destination with no negative publicity.
    70% occupation in Chiang Mai is complete and believe it or not Chiang Mai is also under the same military control as the rest of Thailand and was one of the last places to have the curfew lifted.
    Every hotel here has rooms to spare. Tour guides I know have no clients.Restaurants that normally have even low season tourists are struggling.

    I walked down Chang khlan last night. It was almost deserted. The sunday market is still jammers - but there are always very few round eyes there.

    In kalare court more than half the lock-up shops Are closed. Same same downstairs in the night market across the street.

    Anusarn had half of its restaurants with only a few patrons and the rest totally empty.

    This weekend should be one of the busiest this side of new year.

    anyone who thinks that chiang Mai is running at 70% occupancy is very far removed from reality.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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