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Posts posted by staggerlee

  1. Hello All,

    I'm interested in brewing coconut water kefir. I bought some kefir starter powder, but I'm not sure if it is really working. I tried it 2 days ago, but the coconut kefir didn't have any bubbles. It tasted a little sour, but not what I expected. It was the first time I've ever made or tasted kefir, so I really don't know. I would rather do it right, with either the water kefir grains, or the milk kefir grains. I suppose the water kefir grains would work better with coconut water, right?

    Does anybody have some kefir grains I could pick up, or pay shipping for? Or does anybody know a source where I could buy them?



  2. Watcharaphon:

    Took a big truck the village has rented, from Tesco Lotus by Ramintra to my village....made another album for it:


    Water a bit deeper, but not incredibly so, but still, wouldn't risk my car any more in it.....hoping it goes down soon!

    Might not be very interesting for non W. people, but still if you like pics of lots of water then please be my guest.....

    Once again, thanks for the updates on Watcharapol, Tom.

  3. Thanks for the pictures of our street Tom. How many days do you think it will be before the water will start to go down, and we can go back? I live 4 km north of you on Watcharapol, and the water is deeper. We're in Prachinburi now at a hotel waitin in out. My son is sick with a bacteria infection in his stomach or intestines so we are all tired trying to take care of him. Take care.

  4. Fellow Watcharapolians, we have left our house. We couldnt stand the stress of waiting. The water was pretty high in front of the 7-11 near Laddarom when we left. I don't think my Altis could have made it through without a little bit of damage. I'm pretty sure you guys live south of me on Watcharapol, so you may not have water yet coming to your village. We wish you the best. Stay safe.

  5. Just checked and the water is higher than yesterday for sure. I don'[t think I would abe able to get out of my village on a motorbike. The water is up to the sand barrier of my village, and I live on the perimeter. tHe water is coming from the canal into my garden. I think it may be time to flee, after I silicone up some loose ends.

  6. Thanks for the extensive update. I haven't gone out yet to see anything, but I will soon. If the Vista park and Laddarom villages are pumping water out on to the street, would that mean that they are lower than my village which is on the 7-11 side of the street? My village is pumping water, too, but they are pumping it into the canal, which happens to be on the other side of my backyard because I live on the perimeter of the village.

    I am going do some last minute touch ups and silicone-future board the kitchen door, then we are going to pack our bags and wait. My wife is concerned that if we wait too long, our 1 year old may get sick, especially if we have to go to the flood victiim's chelter.

    Are the roads passable to go to Kanchanaburi? That seems like a nice hilly place to relax. My wife heard on the news that Pattaya hotels are almost full.

  7. I live in a village on Watcharapol closer to the end near 1 km from Pheom Sin Rd. It's in between Watcharapol 3 and Pheom Sin Rd. I drove my motorbike to the market yesterday evening and there was water over the road at Laddarom Village about 4 km from the 5 intersection. I am going to go out this morning to check the level again and I will reply after.

    we are considering getting out of town before I am unable to drive my car out. My car is in the shop right now near the 5 intersection.

    And there is no water in my village at the moment, but there is at the entrance gate to my village at Watcharapol.

  8. I'm on Watcharapol closer to the Peom Sin end, about 4 km from the 5 intersection. I live in a village right near the village you referred to pumping the water into the street. Today I drove my motorbike through the water on the road there to go to Thanom Mit market, and was thinking that it won't be long until I won't be able to drive through. I can understand why people are panicking. Sai Mai Rd is flooded in parts, right? Peom Sin rd is flooded in parts also I think, although I haven't driven that way in a week. They say a lot of water will come tonight. I heard that our village might be on higher ground, and maybe the flooding won't be too high. I think you are furthur on down the road, so your elevation might even be a little higher, I"m not sure. We're packing our bags tonight just in case. My car is in the shop getting painted and fixed right now, so at least it might be safe if they put it up on a jack in the shop. I havent' bought any sand bags yet, but if the water rises a lot tonight, I may buy them tomorrow.

  9. What a tough question! It depends on what mood I'm in but I have some songs that I forward to more often than others, and some that I tend to skip.

    Crazy Fingers is at the top of the list that I try to find and forward to a lot. Maybe because I don't have as many Crazy Fingers on the shows I have. My favorite lyric is "midnite on a carousel ride, reaching for the gold ring, down inside". The imagery to me reminds me of my childhood riding teh merry-go-round, and always wishing that this merry-go-round would have rings to reach for. Many of them didn't. Great song.

    Bertha rocks!

    howlin' Pigpen on Smokestack Lightning!

    Black Throated Wind - one of Bob's finest. Reminds me of Jack Kerouac

    Mission in the Rain - This one was usually played by the JGB, but the Dead played it a couple of times as well.

    They Love Each Other - the really fast versions they played in the early seventies.

    Sing Me Back Home

    I could go on and on, but I guess Crazy Fingers would be my favourite!

    Some songs I tend to skip are :

    One MOre Saturday Night

    Johhny be good

    Playin in the bande

  10. Awesome footage on these. Jimmy worked very hard to make it crisp. THat was what? 2 or 3 years ago? Where have you been? Don't wait for the copies to come here, just buy it when it comes out, something as good as this, support the band.

    Have you heard of Latter Visions - Celebration? This is footage from a lot of the same concerts as the official release, but didn't get used for the official release. IT's got Earl's Court, Knebworth, MSG, and a lot more. It's 2 dvd's as well. Although it's not doctored up and remastered perfectly like the official release, it's smokin'. THe versions of In My Time of Dying, and Over the HIlls and Far Away, are worth the download alone.


  11. 2 adults and a 2 year old will be goin to Southern Laos for 7 days in December.

    Will be travelling to Tad Lo Waterfall in Salavan Province in Southern Laos,and I'm looking for a contact number for the Saise Green House? Has anyone been there?Is it necessary for me to make advance reservations since I will be going over Christmas -New year, or do I just need to show up to get a room? I'm thinking about making a reservation but I can't find a contact number.

    Does anyone have any other advice about travelling with a 2 year old in Southern Laos? I am thinking about going to Attapeu Province in the far Eastern corner next to Vietnam, but I'm not sure of the road conditions, or if a young child could handle the journey from Pakse to Attapeu.

    WHat about Si Phan Don islands? Is it worth going to, or just skip it? I only have 7 days, and don't want to try to cover too much.

    Any recommendations for lodging in Pakse, Tad Lo, or Attapeu?

    Last question is about visas. Does a Thai adult need a visa to go to Laos? What about a Thai child of 2 years?

    Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

  12. I know they wouldn't want to turn my money down, but I want to know how much is a reasonable amount. I've seen the limos and minivans that you can rent for 500 or 800 baht,which might be a good deal if you have a car full of people. But I'm by myself and only going a little ways away from the airport to Hat Mai Khao. I haven't seen metered taxis and was wondering if they are there, and I could just ask him to turn the meter on, and go to Hat Mai Khao. Or do I need to walk out of the airport furthur down to get a metered taxi?

  13. Are metered taxis available from the Phuket airport to Hat Mai Khao? It's not a very far ride, north of the airport? IF not, can someone give me advice on how to get there?

  14. I'm only 33 years, and 160/90 unmedicated. My doctor just upped my prescription from 5 mg. Enaril to 20 mg. Enaril. I have acupuncture treatment once a week, for high blood pressure.

    Is it unrealistic to think that some day I will be able to wean off of the Enaril, and acupuncture will kick in. I am trying a holistic approach, along with some yoga and meditation, and changing my eating habits.

    I have a positive feeling about acupuncture, and am willing to stick it out, even though I haven't seen results yet. I am just discouraged that my doctor increased my prescription 4 times yesterday from 5 mg. to 20 mg.

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