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Posts posted by arcturaz

  1. I just wanna thank everyone there is a lot of useful information in the replies and I appreciate it greatly. just to let you know, I've received information from a couple of different law firms that apparently because I am a single parent with full custody, plus I have the amity treaty, I will probably be allowed to have two workers instead of four workers to sponsor a work permit. it's not 100% certain at this point but it's starting to look like that. once again thank you everyone for your valuable assistance.

  2. Thank you everyone for the informative replies. Still, only one respondent addressed the issue about a single expat parent raising a Thai child and what effect that might have (if any) on the number of workers who need to be employed to obtain a work permit. One respondent said I am ineligible - Quote - You are not allowed to work or hold a work permit when on a retirement extension, so it would seem your question is moot. Sorry. - 

    Obviously I plan on changing my Visa first - Sorry Charlie ????

    So, if anyone has any further information it would be greatly appreciated. It seems most lawyers are unaware of many of the points that were raised in this discussion. A disturbing, but significant fact. 

  3. Hope I'm posting this in the right place. A call to anyone with deep knowledge of the Thailand legal code. I need information about obtaining a work permit under a special exception within Thailand legal regulations. According to information I obtained it is possible to use two workers, not the usual four, to obtain a work permit. The exception has to do with a single parent raising a child in Thailand. I am an American citizen on a retirement visa in Thailand. I have sole custody of my child who was born in Thailand and maintains dual citizenship status. I believe under Thailand law there is an exception in that I am I am allowed only two workers not four workers to provide myself with a work permit under my Thailand Amity company. I need specific legal advice in this area to determine if this is in fact true, and whether I will be able to benefit from said exception. If you can assist me please let me know Thank you.

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  4. Does anyone have any experience transporting household items such as furniture air conditioners etc by train in Thailand? I imagine this would fall under the heading of freight or cargo transport by rail. I plan on moving from Chiang Mai to Phuket later this year. If anyone has any experience in this area, especially price information, I would greatly appreciate a response. Thank you

  5.      I posted a few months ago about how frustrated I was with my long-term relationship with a Thai lady. Today, I will provide a coda to an already excruciating marital quagmire. While we divorced 3 1/2 years ago, we were still living together in a house with 2 of her relatives and two children - one semi-adopted, the other my biological son. I wanted to give our relationship, and family the patience and care I think all real families need. I was willing to forgive many transgressions (infidelity, squandering millions of baht, parasite family members, a filthy house, uncaring attitude towards anything called WORK, endless and massive assistance programs - Read; a mother with terminal brain cancer, millions lost on a false business venture with a brother, etc, etc, etc).


         My ex swore on every known Thai deity that she would never leave me, was committed for life, wanted a chance to redeem herself (etc...). Three days ago my ex arrived at our children's school and took my Daughter, she also took both cars (one paid for, the other relatively new), about $300,000 in gold, $100, 000 Baht in very recent credit card usage, All of her and my daughter's clothes were taken from the house, and other sundry items as well. My son was driven back home by one of the family members who still live with us. Her reason for not taking him is probably based on the fact I have legal custody. Nonetheless, the event was devastating for me and my son.


         Hindsight is ever lucid, and it wasn't long before I began putting all the sordid pieces together and realized that she must have been planning this for a very long time. The new car purchase, more money into her small business (a drink cart), credit card use, strange trips here and there during the day, and even stranger ones late into the night all made it very clear; she wanted to extract the maximum amount before escaping.  After about 2 days she sent a message about how I forced her to leave, and how she needed 'time' to think about her life. Naturally, this is a total sham as we had spoken many times and I gave her every assurance that if she needed to go, or if she felt it could not work out, I would not block her or create any problems for her, We have been together a long time and I did not feel there was any point in making each other lives miserable. She has known me for 17 years and knows I honor my words and am always trying to find a reasonable compromise.


         Naturally, I was upset about her past behavior and made it clear if this behavior continued we would have to put an end to things. My primary concern was and is the children. I did not want them to be traumatized, nor did I want them to witness any sort of emotional violence. What was done was an act of extreme emotional violence, and my ex is, in my estimation, a criminal. I cannot even walk into another room now without my son yelling our, 'where are you going!' I fully understand what he is really saying, 'Please don't leave me too!' He misses his sister terribly and even rearranged all her toys saying she will come back to play with him soon.


         I do not know what will happen next, I have heard little from my ex since she left. Needless to say, I will be spending a lot of money on attornies in the coming months. The most painful thing about it is things were going excellently, every day my children were singing and laughing, my ex and I were more affectionate and tender again, all seemed right in Camelot; until the dragon of ill' omen returned and burnt the fairy tale to the ground. I miss my daughter, but I cannot allow myself or my son to become pawns in what is almost certainly a lurid game of Thai cat and Farang mouse.  Sacrifice is a part of family life, but when people betray every know moral code then it is time to see them as something else, history. 










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  6. I posted a while back about how frustrated I am with my current situation. The topic was FRUSTRATED FARANG HUSBAND. I am just doing a quick follow up to outline a plan of action for improving the situation. No matter how many times I have broached the subject of separation my wife just repeats the same mantra of - We will always be together no matter what. This position is much easier for her to maintain as; 1 - She has never worked a day in 16 years - 2 - Was caught many times in extramarital affairs - 3 - Trucked in the whole family with the endless stream of tribulations, and poverty et. al. - 4 Has not shown the slightest interest in physical intimacy, or sex for many years. I could go on and on, but let's just say she hasn't been the best companion a man could ask for. Obviously, the only real solution is to separate myself from her, physically, financially, and spiritually. The situation is compounded by the fact we have two children (ages 5 and 8 ) who will be directly impacted. I can see no other choice than taking a new residence and trying to rebuild my life. Maybe even finding a woman who likes to sleep with just one man. I am currently looking for a new house. I already own a couple of cars, so I will just take one of them. I hope to first establish a regular life separate from this person, and then hire a full-time nanny for the kids. I have a written agreement from my so-called wife about custody of the children but am skeptical about anything related to Thai-law (possibly an oxymoron). The saying no money, no honey can also be reversed, no honey..... I think you get the idea. I am open to any suggestions at this point and welcome any positive, constructive comments. Cheers. 

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