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Posts posted by Tolley

  1. whats up with quoting "beautiful thai woman"? Is that suppose to mean a ladyboy? or not beautiful thai woman? confused blink.png perhaps I'm reading too much, it just a direct quote. Just found it a little weird. Not as if its so important that it needs quoting.

    I interpret "beautiful thai woman" to mean ladyboy. That seems pretty clear to me.

    It also seems pretty clear that this article is very strongly indicating foul play.

  2. cheesy.gif

    For example, I don't doubt there are well off pensioners or people who accumulated wealth, but in Thailand they may be losing it all to decisions they make. Gf, her family and keeping up with the village joneses.

    Most pensioners have their income from monthly payments from company or government pension schemes.

    We don't have access to any capital, just the monthly income, making it perfect for dealing with Thai ladies demands.

    She can spend all my money, but only until the end of the month.

    Sorry, no money, you'll have to wait!

    As for my accumulated wealth, my former wife in the UK took care of that problem for me.

    And looking back, if she hadn't divorced me, I would have been worse off financially (and in every other way), nothing would have curtailed her financial demands.

    Now, I can enjoy an evening of flirting for the price of a few drinks, sex with a wide choice of attractive younger partners any time I like for $30.

    Try getting either of those from your wife or live in girlfriend, it ain't gonna happen.

    A few beers down the pub, with nobody to say no.

    My time is my own, to spend how I like, I'm free.

    'Now, I can enjoy an evening of flirting for the price of a few drinks, sex with a wide choice of attractive younger partners any time I like for $30.'

    You must be very handsome manbiggrin.png

  3. I have always wondered why no one offered a gym and classes in Central. Central good location and lots of foot traffic. Short term tourists could also do day classes.

    Rent high but you gotta have the foot traffic.

    Now another group thinking of going back to the White Elephant at the Avenue and redoing CAWOW.

  4. I think a week is more than enough in Hua Hin.

    It really is too small and doesn't have the infrastructure that Pattaya has.

    Neither does it have the facilities and amenities that you have in Pattaya.

    Hua Hin is gonna be more expensive than Patts and transport could be an issue if you don't drive yourself.

  5. Trump has fulfilled his role in the pantomime thus far.

    He will never get the presidency because if he wins the Republican nomination and Hilary the Democrats then it will be a landslide to Hilary

    The guy would be an embarrassment as a president. Obama gives great speeches and then you have this semi literate migrant who thinks because he has money and that it is enough,

    Well it isn't and the buffoon will never be president. Trump will however become for ever famous for this election and will be remembered years later.

  6. Thanks everyone for all that information. All of it (including the objective ones) were helpful.

    Since there is no latest information (anywhere in the web that I could find) I thought updating the thread will be of help to someone. Be warned, this can become graphic smile.png

    We visited St Carlos Hospital, they were very negative, treated us like we were doing a crime or something. At least that is how we felt.

    Yanhee was a different story, other then the receptionist who was bit grumpy to be a Khun Thai. smile.png they were welcoming us with smile (what do one expect in Thailand) directed us to the International desk in ground floor. There is Hospital Registration and the usual Hospital questioners, taking and signing passport copies and the stuff like that.

    We were sent to 7th floor (Detox Floor) where they have multiple things including O2 treatment, chelation therapy (I'm leaving that for the next visit to Thailand biggrin.png ) and the like. By the time we went to the 7th floor, the staff were ready to receive us (again with Thai smiles) Checked the blood pressure and the rest of the hospital stuff. Wait for some time, called to meet a doctor. Few questions then he explained what & how they will be doing "the procedure" (big name for simple Bhasti) and asked us to wait in the waiting area.

    A male attendant took me to a room (Detox Room), a room one would expect in a clean hospital, very clean with a TV & an attached bathroom (a must after "The Procedure"). Bit of a talk again, asked to sit on the bed like thing, took about 8" tube (sterile I thing since it was in a sealed package), explained that he will be inserting that in to the rectum and . . . . .

    Did the first filling and flush, told me to call him when the water reaches 10l at which point he came and message to belly. There is a tube where you can see all that tasty stuff you eat the other-day. Lot of that tasty Puckboon (mostly half digested) among other things were going out. few times there was a bit of a abdominal pain otherwise it was all right (other than I had to look at all that po coming out).

    First day the water never became clear. always cloudy. Even though they did not use coffee for the day-1

    Second day it was bit clear towards the last 8l or so. I wasn't keeping the food as simple too, last night prawn skins were going out with that beautiful shiny red colour as it was, undigested. Very bad Karma of eating those poor souls. I didn't talked to the doctor, but what concerned me was sort of pieces of transparent tissues with red (blood looking) patches were going out with the clear water..

    Third day mostly the water was clear with less debris and no blood looking tissues.

    Since day 2, they mixed coffee to that 25l of water. On the third day (second day with coffee) twice or so I had mild craps in the belly for less than a minute, but nothing that worried me.

    After every treatment, my blood pressure dropped to (so called) normal from (sometimes very) high value; amazing; specially thinking about all those who commented negatively or doubtfully about colon flush.

    Every day passed, since that last flush, I felt more and more lighter with some pleasant feeling in the belly. I wish I could do 10 days or so biggrin.png

    One more thing worth mentioning; those white eyes every one talks about, yes they become extremely white, unbelievably white; even just after the first detox it self.

    And complains (negative stuff): One centre in Chiang Mai, others said, that two staff continuously message the belly during the whole one hour (I read in an old thread). I wished they had done the same in Yanhee; I really missed that, at Yanhee they simply leave you to message the belly by your self. Very bad treatment; not what I expected. I wasn't in to go to Chiang Mai, but may be another time.

    Now the charges:

    Day 1:

    Treatment: 900/-

    Hospital chargers: 150/-

    Other (god knows for what) 20/-

    Day 2 & 3

    Treatment: 900/-

    Hospital chargers: 150/-

    Those prices are really good.

    Sounds like the service was good as well and most importantly you felt better after doing the treatment.

    Now lets wait for all the negative nellies telling you how you wasted your money and it was all placebo blah blah bahcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

  7. I highly recommend doing liver flushes in conjunction with coffee enemas as a detox a couple of times a year.

    Felt fantastic after doing them.

    Placebo is a helluva drug..

    Liver/Gall Bladder flushing is BS


    And if your are drinking coffee through your ass I would hate to see you eat a steak...

    I am speaking from personal experience and the many other people that I know that have benefitted from doing liver flushes and coffee enemas.

    Of course there are no proper studies done on whether they are beneficial or not and there never will be but even if I accepted it was all placebo it doesn't really matter if it achieves what it is designed to achieve and that is get your liver into better shape.

    One of the big causes of obesity in Australia at least is fatty liver disease which is running as high as 30percent of the population. With fatty liver disease it doesn't matter how much you count your calories because you will still have trouble losing weight.

    And this all comes back to sugar. Sugar as in refined sugar and refined carbs are killing us and all the health authorities and even the diabetics society are still telling people to eat low fat as if fat is the enemy when in fact it is sugar.

    Now get that coffee enema up your butt and enjoylaugh.png

  8. Watch the prices carefully upon checkout. Sale prices are often not updated in the system.

    But since prices in Thailand, and especially Villa, only increase these days it can only be an advatage if they aren't updated at the check out.biggrin.png

    The problem has mainly been on items marked down. They are the only items I can afford at Villa.biggrin.png

    I have heard people complaining about that before when I was in there.

    With their mark ups Villa only need a couple of customers a day to pay all the wages and expenses laugh.png

    Still there are things there I cant get anywhere else so I am a regular.

  9. Hmm. If you spent two days alone in your hotel room you must not have seen much of Pattaya to base your claim that it's the ugliest place you ever visited. You definitely don't get out much--literally and figuratively.

    Obviously hasn't had the pleasure of visiting Karachi or Calcutta for that matterblink.png

  10. I would like to get something off my chest.. Living in Thailand already for quite some years I hear many times people ranting about the Royal Thai Police and the Thai Immigration Officers.

    I am one of those people who had generated overstay, the why and how long is of no importance for this posting. Suffice to say that it was a quite a long overstay..

    Last month I decided to go to Bangkok and present myself to the Thai Immigration and confess to having overstay. I was questioned and allowed to stay at my hotel until deportation. Every Immigration Officer I met was polite and respectful to me! I was absolutely not treated as a criminal and no one looked down on me! After two days I was deported back to my home country, such is the law.

    After I took care of business in my home country I was allowed back in Thailand without any problems, so now I'm back, legally, and I will of course do my utmost best to never generate overstay again. I came to live in Thailand in 2007, I consider Thailand as my new homeland. Before living here I came some ten years on holidays to Thailand.. Never ever did I experience bad or patronizing behaviour from the RTP of Immigration Officers!

    Why not? Not sure, but maybe because I show respect, the same respect that I like to receive from others. When I'm stopped because I'm not wearing a helmet I stay polite and pay the fine. I f*cked up, not the guy who stopped me!

    I love Thailand and I hope to die here, in the very far future..

    In the time that I went to Bangkok, to my home country and back to Thailand I actually only met two *ssholes! Two civil servants.. Dutch people from my home country!! The Thai officials that I dealt with were all polite, respectful, helpful and friendly..

    It's easy to rant, but there are so many good people here in Thailand! Not every Thai Official is an *sshole, many of them are good people too... Show respect, and they will give you respect. Thai people are many times referred to as being dumb and Monkeys! If you feel like that, then why the hell are you in Thailand? Go back to your own country if you feel like that. Nobody is forcing you to stay..

    I love Thailand! Deciding to come here to live my life has been one of the best decisions I ever made! If I weren't an atheist I would thank god to be back here, were my life and my home is rolleyes.gif

    Edit: A friend of mine pointed out that I made it look very easy to get rid of overstay. This is absolutely not true! Overstay is a big problem, starting tomorrow it will be even a much bigger problem as the new law will apply. Starting the 20th overstay will result in getting banned to enter Thailand, sometimes up to 10 year!! I had to jump through many loops to get my shit sorted out! But that was not the point I wanted to make. I just wanted to tell you that I've met some good people while taking care of my shit, Immigration Officers who really helped me to make it possible for me to return to my beloved Thailand.


  11. I can appreciate the three different periods and have lived through them all. There are so many variables that can characterize each period, but the transition from a relaxed social environment (the past) and less degraded physical/biological environment (the past) to a terrible social environment (the present) and horribly degraded physical/biological environment (the present) is clear to those with a long-term perspective. I am seeing some terrible trends: 1) acceleration of the degradation of the physical/biological environment; 2) rising xenophobia and associated anger and frustration (mental problems are off the scale--both farangs and Thais); 3) a new generation with nothing between its ears but anger and a love for alcohol and noise pollution. The new, shiny condominiums are not enough to make this "fetid smell" go away. On the positive side, Central Festival Mall is a great mall. And it is nice to have access to good hospitals and dentists. It is too bad that the promenade development projects in both Pattaya and Jomtien destroyed what was once one of the main attractions. RIP........yes, the "good days" have definitely left the room, but there are worse places to be, that is for sure.

    Good post!!!

    Rising xenophobia or rising contempt?

    There's no changes of any significance other than aging and familiarity.

    We all go through stages. 3 stages can be summed up as:

    1. When we first arrive. (The honeymoon)

    2. When we've been here for awhile. (2 - 5 years)

    3. When we've been here for a long while. (5 - 10+ years)

    During stages 2 and 3, the good days gradually disappear until they're gone. This occurs because people start to see reality... and discover all the "warts". Then there's the basic boredom of doing the same things over and over...

    These stages are no more or less valid whether you arrived in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s or 2010s... Future expats will be discussing the good old days of 2016 in 2030 or 2040.

    Find any paradise and watch it disappear as the years go on... It's all about perception and aging is a big factor.

    Over my lifetime I've watched a number of "paradises" disappear. They didn't really disappear, I only thought they did. In actual fact the concept of "paradise" was always a figment of the imagination.

    That is partially true in so far as culture shock goes through distinct phases similar to what you have outlined.

    However it is also true that some places can actually change that much that what attracted you in the first place is not longer available. ie place became to popular leading to overpopulation more traffic more hassle, more expensive etc while it may never have been paradise it morphed into something other that what first attracted you.

  12. Depends on how he rejected the ladyboy's advances. If he was aggressive then the ladyboy would be too.

    When I am approached by a ladyboy I refuse politely and make a joke of it as I walk away ....No problem.

    Same when up in Chiang Mai. I ran into some ladyboys that worked a bar right across from the bar I visited now and again.

    Even though my Thai is poor.... just a smile and a "Mai aow khrap, kob khun khrap" and they understood in a nice way. Even had a few beers with them and played a few games of pool with them some days...

    They were friendly and we joked around and had a good time.... but they fully respected my preference for real females and they appreciated me being friendly and respectful in return.

    I did see them kick the crap out of a farang one night. And the moron asked for it. My Thai friends and me were a bit in our cups.... and we cheered the ladyboys on a bit. The guy really did ask for a shit kicking... especially when he kept coming back after being told to go away... and then he came back a third time and threw a chair at one of the ladyboys.

    It's all in how you interact with people on a social level. Be friendly and respectful..... you usually get the same in return. Be insulting and even threatening... you might end up in a bad way.

    That rule works in pretty well every country in the world. Some people are just jerks..

    Be polite and wai them and you wont have any trouble blah blah blah...if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time try being nice while they kick the shit out of you to get some coin for their next fix.

    Not saying it isn't prudent to be polite and avoid any interaction whatsoever but don't think that by doing that you have some magical protection against any attack or assault because you don't.

    You need to remember above all that the LBs know that nothing much will happen to them should they actually get caught so they have carte blanche when it comes to attacking tourists.

  13. I think the only way you can judge the cost of the thai private hospital system is by regional standards and by that measure they are very expensive and in terms of quality of care lacking compared to the likes of say Malaysia or India.

    That is not to say there aren't good doctors or hospitals in Thailand just that by and large the standards are not up t scratch for the money they are charging.

    And you always feel like you are going to be ripped off by extra charges overbilling and over servicing etc

    I had a recent experience at Pattaya Memorial where i needed a script that couldn't be filled outside. Now they charged me 700 baht for a consult that lasted all of thirty seconds and then another thousand baht for the script. That was triple the price i would pay in Australia. I expected to pay more for the script but the doctor consult was an insult especiall considering my gf did a consult at the very same time and spent 15 mins with the doctor and they charged her 100 baht. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

  14. the official and complete data about tourism (and also safety) can be found here : http://reports.weforum.org/travel-and-tourism-competitiveness-report-2015/index-results-the-travel-tourism-competitiveness-index-ranking-2015/

    And without surpise, thailand ranked very poorly for safety.

    In asia region , only Pakistan is considered more dangerous than thailand!

    In the world, thailand rank among the most unsafe tourists destination.( look at the complete survey)

    Even Eastern and Southern Africa, Central and West Africa are seen as a lot safer!

    Very few countries are considered more dangerous than thailand( by exemple Colombia, Yemen, etc)

    thats what i keep repeating over and over again, you will NEVER heard tourists have been shot dead in Spain, USA, europe.

    Only in thailand tourists are assaulted in huge numbers!

    Most of the thai apologists are certainly working in the tourism industry, thats why people like chiang mai (19,000 posts )keep spaming this forum with his nonsense!

    I've told you several times Bender that I'm retired, I've never worked in tourism. And when ever will you get it through your thick skull that this is not about violence, not about assaults, not about foreigners being killed it's solely about British people who are murdered in Thailand, now please, enough of your nonsense, Mods!


    seriously you did ask the mods to delete my previous message with the official data about tourism safety??!!...blink.png

    now its pretty clear that you have your own agenda, good evening chiang maithumbsup.gif

    I have to agree this whole thread seems to be some sort of way of ignoring the reality of the dangers of Thailand by limiting the terms of reference to official murder figures and refusing to discuss anything outside those dodgy figures provided by the thai authorities.

    Why bother starting a thread at all when you already know the official figures and you are just trying to reinforce your own perceptions that Thailand is really not that dangerous a place.

    Thai apologist propaganda at its worst.


  15. I am not sure why the OP decided to start this topic but it really is a no brainer.

    Thailand is a dangerous unstable country run by a tin pot military dictatorship.

    It has poor infrastructure and high levels of corruption coupled with a very high murder rate and shockingly high road toll.

    I don't think you have to be a rocket scientist to work out that any tourist coming form a western country is going to be a much higher risk of death by injury, murder, misadventure etc in Thailand than they would if they travelled to other western countries.

    As for the true murder rate who really knows? Fact is per capita for both Aussies and Brits Thailand is the most dangerous country to visit. If you want to dig around thai visa you will find threads on this topic with the relevant stats.

    "I am not sure why the OP decided to start this topic but it really is a no brainer".

    As stated several times, the objective of the thread is to better understand a more factual rate of deaths by murder of British subjects in Thailand.

    "a much higher risk of death by injury, murder, misadventure etc".

    Not by murder it's not, the facts are beginning to more clearly say this is not the case.

    You say it's a no brainer but actually it is, if you want to know the true picture it is, but if you want to just believe the Sun and the chatter then of course, anything is simple.

    I do agree with you however on the shockingly high road death toll.

    Well we don't really know and probably will never know what the true murder rate is for tourists because they are covered up by sloppy policing and a desire to shy away from any news that my affect tourists numbers.

    In the end it doesn't matter if you are tourist who is murdered, killed in a accident or dies by other some form of misadventure in Thailand you are still dead.

    Further to this Thailand is still a violent dangerous country in comparison to most of our home countries. It has a very high murder rate from firearms.

  16. I thought they were going to make it big time when I first heard they were building it. A perfect fit for the current tourism situation in Pattaya. I never understood the people predicting failure. Of course, I'll never go there.

    Given the cost of food and drinks I still think it will be hard to be successful in Pattaya.

    I believe Phuket and Bangkok are much more likely to be successful because you have more upmarket tourists and more expensive venues but Pattaya really has been traditionally a cheap Charlie destination and nothing I have seen lately leads me to believe that is going to change anytime soon.

  17. I have no sympathy for thieves being taught a lesson. In western countries it would be a little slap on the wrist and released to steal again.

    The Thais know how to deal with these types.


    I know if I want to do a runner on the bill, if I get caught I will probably cop a beating. It acts as a deterrent.

    You are condoning attack on a man that could have easily killed him. Iron bars that Thais often use as weapon can end a life of the victim, especially if iron bar strikes temple of mans head.

    You are excusing violence towards a foreigner in alternation over a bar bill. You approve deadly violence.

    It is a mystery how you get away with this type of advocacy for violence, possibly deadly violence on public web board.

    Here, quote from Medicinenet:

    'Epidural hematoma occurs when there is bleeding between the dura mater (a tough fibrous layer of tissue between the brain and skull) and the skull bone. These occur when arteries are torn as a result of a blow to the head, and injury in the temple area is a common cause.'

    Head injuries often kill a person. Your post approves these types of attacks, attacks over a bar bill.

    Can I ask you, if this man dies, or next man beaten up and injured over bar bill, would you keep depending the perps? Like you said, beating teaches them a lesson correct?

    You are being a bit over dramatic. The first two sentences you are talking about death. He copped a beating from a four foot ten, thirty eight kilo woman.

    He didn't die, he didn't even get knocked out.

    I wouldn't condone his death at all. Have you ever been in a fight before? Were you fighting to the death?

    I have got no idea, but I reckon there would be an fight, with alcohol involved at least once a night in Pattaya every single day that doesn't result in a death. People get drunk, most people are fine but somebody always loses it and fights start.

    Thais are not really anti violent, they love their Muay Thai, don't mind going at it over political issues (which is the reason the army were able to take over), high school kids love fighting each other, they are quite proud of their record fighting other countries of also when required, Thai TV soapies usually have a good female slap down at least once a night, it is their national sport.

    Som nam naa is a usual reaction to this sort of attack. Not much sympathy if any.

    If you listen to the song they play every morning and night it clearly states that they are friendly to people, but if crossed they will go all out. You might not like it, but that's the way it is.

    So, yes, if I tried to steal from them/ or be rude to them I would expect to cop it Thai style.

    And if in this case the bloke tried to steal, the treatment he got would be considered fair enough in this country, especially as he was likely rude as well.

    When the west tries to enforce its standards on other countries it ends up a disaster. Iraq for example.

    It doesn't really matter who is at fault but the way the situation is handled.

    Bar staff in these small bars are notorious for rip offs and bill paddings and anything else they can get away with and this is especially the case if someone presents as drunk and an easy target.

    Remember who we are dealing with here. These are people at the bottom end and rung of Thai society who make their money form prostitution and of course their clientele is often the bottom end of their own society. So the customers are also often drunk violent dysfunctional people themselves.

    One of the main reasons why this violence goes on unabated is that there are no repercussion or very little in the way of repercussions for the attackers and that is more especially the case when a foreigner is involved. Basically a foreigner is a free hit and for those thais at the bottom end of society that sometimes represents an opportunity to lash out and get rid of all their frustrations on someone even lower than themselves and that is a foreigner and a drunk one in a bar is even better.

  18. I am not sure why the OP decided to start this topic but it really is a no brainer.

    Thailand is a dangerous unstable country run by a tin pot military dictatorship.

    It has poor infrastructure and high levels of corruption coupled with a very high murder rate and shockingly high road toll.

    I don't think you have to be a rocket scientist to work out that any tourist coming form a western country is going to be a much higher risk of death by injury, murder, misadventure etc in Thailand than they would if they travelled to other western countries.

    As for the true murder rate who really knows? Fact is per capita for both Aussies and Brits Thailand is the most dangerous country to visit. If you want to dig around thai visa you will find threads on this topic with the relevant stats.

  19. Yeah so many places do bill pad and skim that it is not hard to get into a fight or a problem in the beer bars in Pattaya.

    I mean you can spend thousands in a bar over a long period of time yet they will still try and rip you off and that is even when they know a tip is also coming.

    And they seem to be able to do what they like without any fear from any legal repercussions so you do

    have to be careful.

    To top it all off many of these bars don't even have cheap drinks or any great looking women to entice you in.

    After years in Patts I go mainly to the same places that I know well for service and quality but still occasionally have problems.

    But I am always with people and usually my Thai GF so I know I get better treatment than I would if iwas a single drunk farang. Very unlikely to get attacked in my situation.

  20. It is so true about Pattaya.

    There is no shortage of accommodation but to find something good that fits all your requirements is quite a difficult task.

    I have wanted to move for years but believe me the place I am in ticks nearly all boxes I just haven't found anything that matches it.

    I'm exactly in the same position as you. I didn't realize how good a deal I had until I started looking. 5 years makes quite a difference.

    I have been in my current location about 7 years I think.

    The only thing reason I want to move is to get a bigger place with a nice kitchen but nothing I have seen stacks up anywhere near as good.

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