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Posts posted by boldbro

  1. What's done is done. One cannot change the past, nor should wallow in it as it can lead to self destruction. First you must forgive yourself. Then you must let the past go and begin again. Then you must listen to your heart as we all know basic right from wrong. However, as you can see many do not listen. The only way to make things right is to go forward treating people as you would like to be treated. Think positive from now going forward. That sometimes does not seem doable, but when those negative thought start surfacing, stop and think of positive things, like for example, your favorite, song, or place, etc.. In any event, I hope the best. Just know, as someone posted, we all have made mistakes, but hopefully after as many mistake that any one of us have made we learn and move forward. Note; some times we as humans make the same mistakes over and over before we learn the lesson. Peace and good life!!

  2. Thanks! I will inquire with the Thai Embassy here to see if they offer the Non O. If not then will have to get done in Thailand. They do offer the 30-60-90 day visa here, so I may opt for the double entry 60 day visa then work the rest (non-O) after arriving to Thailand and opening the bank acct. with the 800k deposit.

    I don't want to be pressed for time in getting things done, just to be safe. Plus I want a apartment ( rent or purchase) have not decided which yet, am looking at both options.

    Anyway thanks guys it has been informative and will be sure to investigate all the options everyone offered.

    See ya there:)

  3. Ok confused!

    1) why would I need a U.S. Consulate? For what purpose? If it's about income... I won't need them for that.

    2) the age is not a problem

    3) If I am already in Thailand on 90 day visa. Open a bank acct with the required funds of 800k. Could I not proceed with retirement process within Thailand without having to fly halfway round the world back to U.S to initiate the process? By the way I will not be returning to U.S. From where I am now. Thanks for the reply!

  4. I am planning to retire shortly. My plan is to apply for 90 day visa from where I am now, travel to Thailand to open the bank account and ensure the 800k, also obtain a permanent apartment before applying for retirement visa.

    1) is it possible to apply for a 90 day visa in the country I am residing now? I have already renewed my passport so I have enough pages required. Thai does have embassy here.

    I am American,

    2) what are the requirements needed for 90 day visa?

    I will make sure to use an agency to switch to retirement visa while in Thailand.

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