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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. CDC adds 8 places, including Spain, to its highest risk level for Covid-19 https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-adds-8-places-including-spain-to-its-highest-risk-level-for-covid-19/ar-AAS0b2A?li=BBnb7Kz
  2. This is cold and one of the reasons I left Boston , MA USA Will never return there in the winter.
  3. Israel Bars Travel to U.S. or Canada as Omicron Surges https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-bars-travel-to-us-or-canada-as-omicron-surges/ar-AARZqFN?li=BBnb7Kz France bans nonessential travel to Britain over the Omicron surge. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/16/world/europe/france-uk-travel-restrictions-omicron.html
  4. Pfizer has been aproved for normal use , no longer given and authorized as emergency use in USA,UK,Canada. It's fully approved by FDA, Moderna/J and J are still only approved for emegency use. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58309254 https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine
  5. Thai health minister has a slash at ‘dirty farang’ https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/thai-health-minister-has-a-slash-at-dirty-farang HEALTH MINISTER: ‘DIRTY’ EUROPEANS POSE VIRUS RISKS TO THAILAND https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2020/03/13/health-minister-dirty-europeans-pose-virus-risks-to-thailand/ Thailand's health minister blames 'white people' for spike in coronavirus cases https://sea.mashable.com/culture/9741/thailands-health-minister-blames-white-people-for-spike-in-coronavirus-cases
  6. As well as this news Europeans reimpose restrictions as omicron sweeps continent https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/europeans-reimpose-restrictions-as-omicron-sweeps-continent/ar-AARWCfn?li=BBnb7Kz
  7. Mexican cartels are making it dangerous almost anywhere in Mexico. Tania Mendoza, Mexican Actress and Singer, Shot Dead at 42 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/tania-mendoza-mexican-actress-and-singer-shot-dead-at-42/ar-AARVQz9?li=BBnb7Kz
  8. If you have seen the video you can see and the girl mentioned that he grabed/felt up her crotch so that is considered a sexual assualt. Probably not his main purpose but it did occur.
  9. Lets be realistic---by the numbers Top 10 countries for expats 1. Taiwan--sooner than later going to be some problems if not full scale invasion by China 2. Mexico---- drug cartels fighting for control with resorts having guards with machine guns patroling the beaches 3. Costa Rica 4. Malaysia My second home scheme used to reuire $5,000 dollars a month to get visa, now it's $9,000 a month to retire there. 5. Portugal 6. New Zealand + 7. Australia I am not living in any country that treats me like a prisoner telling me I can't leave if I want to. 8.Ecuador 9. Canada ----high cost of housing 10. Vietnam---no long term visa at present but possibilites for for the future
  10. Well because maybe in your country (Love how so many expats are ashamed to name their country) there are programs like in my country ( USA) that help poor persons with schooling, help if unmarraied and forsaken by father of child that Thailand's Gov does not help with . Basically leaveing the girls to fend for themselves. Your country and mine (USA) offer them more opurtunities to sucseed
  11. Online can help with meetups but with no farang visiting who they going to meet up with?
  12. But except for watching porn and getting paid from overseas to perform vids to have actual meet ups for sex would require farangs to be in Thailand. Even if 100,000 tourist/sexpats are here in Thailand now before covid Thailand was avering 4 1/2 million tourists a month.
  13. Please , I have visited NYC from Boston,MA many times in my life. On one of my first trips with a GF we got lost driving and ended up in the Bronx. Got stopped by NYC Police who saw we looked lost and told us take that bridge entrance and get the hell out of this area. Been walking alone in Times Square area when 2 Afro Americans said "he's got money lets get him yeh he's ready to run" I put down my luggage motioned to them "come on" they walked away. Seen guys shooting drugs in daytime on the street in Harlem and lets not forget all the movies such as Death Wish (based on true story)and others showing crime in NYC. Just type in Thai girl assauleted on NYC subway on youtube and see what pops up. Many NY crime reports. Says crime in subways up 800%
  14. Police usually ride the trains and there are not enough to have them at every station especially at 4 am in the morning. If you see the video (its on Twitter) there's no other persons in the station but the attacker and the girl. It should'nt make a difference but the vid shows she has on a long coat but her skirt is super short even for here in Thailand.
  15. Don't think Thailand (Pattaya ) is anywhere near as sleazy as it used to be. Started coming here 21 years ago and live in Pattaya/Banglok since 2013. Both in Bangkok and Pattaya club used to have girls dancing much more energetically and totally naked not wearing bikini's. If they wore bikini's paid $ baht, topless $$ baht, naked $$$. Seen guy'. s Pinay wife = former BG making out with a Thai BG on a bar. Now they want to clean up everything and not even serve drinks or alow bars to open.
  16. Don't think many of TAT personell have traveled overseas to get an idea of what foreigners want in travel. adventure. Do they think any rich tourists are so in love with Asian/Thai culture that they will spend lots of cash to stay/visit here and visit temples? When you hear of big spenders you often think of high rollers. Rich people with plenty of disposable cash who like posh accomedations and Casino's to gamble in. Thailand has none. If the Gov can't even control flooding along Pat Beach road after years of trying they will never convince high class let alone regular tourists that they are a world class resort. Leave Pattaya to what drew tourists SiN City but with improved facilities. People can go to Phuket, Bangkok, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai for other things like shoppping, jungle /river /eco tours , ect
  17. Actually I have heard of quite a few Thai dying in temps that would be cold but not deadly to us Americans or EU living in northern climes. Years ago had boat tender sleeping on Pattaya Beach sucum to cold and the Gov ( Thaskin) used to give away Chinese Parka's to many living in northern Thailand during the winter. Thai can't really handle cold temps. My friend's wife in USA (New Hampshire) was still wearing a parka in June when she first came over. She is used to cold now.
  18. They haven't been able to fix the above problems or get entertainment venues open and liquor being served but some how they think all their deaming will bear fruit.
  19. You seen his photo? Some 70+ year olds have good genes , have taken care of themselves all their lives with exercise , proper nutriton , medical exams ect and live long active lives. Him I think not.
  20. I am from USA and so don't know how pensions work in other countries but for me I have never really worried about if things go south with me and the wife. Not worried becaused I planned. If for some reason my wife has had enough of this old farang and some how manages to take all the property we own I wouldn't really be hurt. The pension comes to me every month. Me, not her so I get income to live on and would not be pennyless out in the street. Could easily rent a condo anywhere in Thailand and have enough money to live comfortably. If I die and we are still together she will get life insurance and 70% of my pension but if we diviorce I can asign the life insurance to anyone I want and cancell the pension benefits or transfer to new wife. Ex-pats simply need to plan better. "hope for the best but prepare for the worst"
  21. Probably so that he can bring her to is country and when he dies she can collect his pension .
  22. What are the Side Effects of the Pfizer, Moderna COVID Booster Shots? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/what-are-the-side-effects-of-the-pfizer-moderna-covid-booster-shots/ar-AARyXng
  23. BS Tell that to Native Americans who were healthy eating natural foods and were almost wiped out bu European's transmiiting virus/bateria/colds that they had never faced before and had no immunity to.
  24. Booster may be needed for J&J shot as Delta variant spreads https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/booster-may-be-needed-jj-shot-delta-variant-spreads-some-experts-already-taking-2021-06-25/ FDA panel unanimously recommends J&J Covid booster shots to adults who already got the first dose https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/15/fda-panel-unanimously-recommends-jj-covid-booster-shots-to-millions-of-americans.html
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