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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. US Consulate issues warning on Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/tips/us-consulate-issues-warning-on-cancun-playa-del-carmen-and-tulum/ar-AATk00e?li=BBnbfcL
  2. No as wire transfer was always alowed to either the NYC Bangkok Bank or directly to Bangkok Bank in THailand. It's just that the ACH has to be in IAT format, the wire transfer has all the info as an IAT ACH tranfer has wether it goes to BKK Bank NYC or in THailand.
  3. Since you have Bank of AMerica (as I do ) you can do a domestic wire transfer to Bangkok Bank NYC using their routing mumber 026008691 and your account number at you Bangkok Bank in Thailand. Can do ACH transfers from a bank IF they are in IAT format. 026008691 Indicate the Routing Number 026008691 of Bangkok Bank's branch in New York and your account number with Bangkok Bank in Thailand on your “Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposits (ACH Credits)” form or “Related Direct Deposit” form. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand
  4. No need to call or do anything with Bangkok Bank NYC simply use their routing number and your account number at your Bangkok Bank in Thailand. If your US bank doesn't do ACH tranfers in IAT format you can still do a domestic wire transfer to Bangkok Bank NYC . 026008691 Indicate the Routing Number 026008691 of Bangkok Bank's branch in New York and your account number with Bangkok Bank in Thailand on your “Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposits (ACH Credits)” form or “Related Direct Deposit” form.
  5. Immunity against variants found in Sinovac recipients who got mixed vaccine booster https://www.yahoo.com/news/immunity-against-variants-found-sinovac-040526117.html Land of Smiles? Thailand may have more face masks laws than anywhere on the planet https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/land-smiles-thailand-may-more-114353086.html Why are children who have had Covid at risk of becoming diabetic? https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-children-had-covid-risk-155236434.html
  6. There is an expression " You never miss what you never had" Many of my co-workers/friends in the US did not even know about Thailand they said "You're moving to Taiwan? So if they don't know about a place have not traveled the world and seen other countries/culures they think their place is #1 and don't care to be somewhere else.
  7. Everyone has different tastes/ likes. I checked out Ching Maiin early visits but was raised in Boston,MA USA near the sea so Chiang Mai was too far from the ocean. Being a city boy was not going to live on a farm in Nahkhon Nowhere. Bangkok was nice but too much smog /P2.5 , traffic so I have small condo in Bangkok and a 3 bedroom home in Banglamung 12 mins outside Pattaya. Can enjoy the sea/beaches, malls, and entertainment but drive home to peace and quite.
  8. Fauci Says the FDA Could Approve the COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5 Next Month https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/fauci-says-fda-could-approve-183840705.html Preteens may be vaxed without parents under California bill https://www.yahoo.com/news/preteens-may-vaxed-without-parents-053224408.html No, COVID isn’t a benign infection in kids. Florida doctors urge unity to fight virus https://www.yahoo.com/news/no-covid-isn-t-benign-012053334.html Nearly 800K vaccinated NYers infected with omicron. But risks are higher for unvaccinated https://www.yahoo.com/news/nearly-800k-vaccinated-yorkers-infected-154503568.html
  9. South Africa study shows boosters failed to block omicron, bolstering case for face masks, distancing and hand washing https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/3f8d7873-2d8c-33d4-bd50-d08aeb921593/south-africa-study-shows.html
  10. He was a kickboxer not a wrestler and was not fat like the wrestlers you mentioned, no fat aroundhis weigh just has big muscles. Photos below as well as another article about a top athlete who died of covid. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/nov/30/life-tragic-death-john-eyers-fitness-fanatic-who-refused-covid-vaccine Schermata-2021-12-26-alle-08.50.58.webp
  11. How can we prove what we say you ask, by usually supplying a link to a science/medical report or in other cases news report. Besides the champion EU kickboxer who died from covid an was in great shape there are many reports in US news ( I don't check alll the world news but some) of anti vaxxers dying who were in good shape no under lying conditions who didn't vax just because of the very reason that they figured they were strong/healthy had strong immune system so didn't need vaccine. Now they are dead. Being in good health, not fat, no heart problems, diabetes, or high blood pressure makes you less likely to die from covid but doesn't help protect you from getting it and possibly dying. Hana Horka: Czech singer dies after catching Covid intentionally https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60050996
  12. It's not just Cartels commiting crimes. Texas Couple Found Tortured and Murdered During Family Trip to Mexico https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/texas-couple-found-tortured-and-murdered-during-family-trip-to-mexico/ar-AASX3qY?li=BBnb7Kz
  13. Why Omicron Is More Likely to Kill Americans https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-omicron-more-likely-kill-095827707.html REUTERS Mild COVID cases still lead to attention and memory issues https://www.yahoo.com/news/mild-covid-cases-still-lead-000829958.html
  14. You keep harping on and on about people dying from Covid because in your opinion they have brought their deaths on by their unhealthy lifestyle. You have mentioned many times about how many fat kids you see in your area of NZ even though you mention that YOU are a little chubby and could lose some weight. If you know that why haven't you lost weight. Why, because it's not that easy when we get older. You asked if they were not obese or had underlying conditions would they be dying of Covid? Yes, I sent you a post about a 41 year old EU Champion kickboxer who was in great shape /unvaxed who died of Covid. You keep talking about calories in /calories out to lose weight. Not that simple. We have brown fat cells when younger that burn sugar,carbs,white fat cells for energy They don't store fat.but as we age we lose most of the brown fat cells. Becomes much harder to ramp up energy production to burn the white fat cells. https://www.webmd.com/diet/brown-fat-what-you-need-to-know#1 And what should people who are a litttle overweight or obese do, starve themselves , take a crash diet course so they don't get covid? Or get vaccinated and hope the vaccine will work for them. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/08/health/covid-fat-obesity.html New science on exercise shows how it affects nearly every cell in the body https://www.yahoo.com/news/science-exercise-shows-affects-nearly-110116690.html
  15. Omicron is not that mild: 50,000 to 300,000 more US deaths projected by March: COVID-19 updates USA TODAY https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/omicron-is-not-that-mild-50000-to-300000-more-us-deaths-projected-by-march-covid-19-updates/ar-AASThPf?li=BBnb7Kz
  16. Omicron is not that mild: 50,000 to 300,000 more US deaths projected by March: COVID-19 updates USA TODAY https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/omicron-is-not-that-mild-50000-to-300000-more-us-deaths-projected-by-march-covid-19-updates/ar-AASThPf?li=BBnb7Kz
  17. Seems like kids who come down with covid but survive have a high chance of developing Diabetes CBS News COVID-19 is linked to more diabetes diagnoses in kids https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-19-linked-more-diabetes-192700046.html
  18. My niece's dad is tall (mother also) and at 11 years old is already 163 CM and 52 Kilo so I will advise her mother to also get either a dose for 12 + year old or an adult dosage.
  19. It can be said that it will protect teachers/parents and gran parents fron getting Covid but also it protects the kids. Omicron is running rampant around the US and the world with many more kids being infected than was the case with the other variants of Covid. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/coronavirus/coronavirus-kids/doctors-seeing-croup-in-kids-infected-with-omicron/2936011/
  20. The worst pandemic facing America right now isn't COVID-19. It's obesity. Why that matters https://www.yahoo.com/news/worst-pandemic-facing-america-now-100727306.html
  21. A Booster Vaccine Red Flag: Getting Too Many Could Backfire https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/99a220f2-4735-3171-82a1-069def598f62/a-booster-vaccine-red-flag-.html
  22. WHO warns against treating COVID as "endemic" like the flu https://www.yahoo.com/news/warns-against-treating-covid-endemic-135306075.html
  23. Immigration will do an extension after 500 baht per day overstay fine is paid if only a few days over. I forgot (misread) my expire date and went up 8 days late. Had all paperwork for retire extension with me. (this happened at CW 4 years ago) IO said nothing till the end, then said "that's 1900 baht for your retirement extension and 4,000 baht for your 8 day overstay" Always have gone a week or more early after that in case I forget somepaperwork , photos or they want something they didn't ask for before.
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