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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. Was driving from Bangkok to my house in Pattaya around midnite with a friend from USA who was visiting. About 5km from BangLamung had about 11 motorbikes pull along each side of my car. I put on interior car light and rolled down drivers window, they slowed and pulled off. Obviously they were looking for someone.
  2. What You Should Know About COVID-19 Booster Shots, According to an Infectious Disease Expert https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/know-covid-19-booster-shots-181800662.html COVID: 2 Pfizer doses and Moderna booster give more protection than 3 Pfizer jabs – Ong Ye Kung https://www.yahoo.com/news/2-pfizer-doses-moderna-booster-more-protection-3-pfizer-jabs-ong-ye-kung-120125008.html
  3. 6months after second shot is usual recomendation What You Should Know About COVID-19 Booster Shots, According to an Infectious Disease Expert https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/know-covid-19-booster-shots-181800662.html COVID: 2 Pfizer doses and Moderna booster give more protection than 3 Pfizer jabs – Ong Ye Kung https://www.yahoo.com/news/2-pfizer-doses-moderna-booster-more-protection-3-pfizer-jabs-ong-ye-kung-120125008.html
  4. I am well aware of that but I like doing things my way, also I had to wait for a new passport as all the pages in my old one were full.
  5. They (Immigration) want a pritout of 1 year of transfers into a Thaibank . They also want an update to your account on the day you apply for the extension to show balance in the account on present day and that the account is still active.. IO told me go downstairs and deposit 100 baht into your account, I came back and told her the bank closed early today. She said no problem, come back tommorow and make deposit., I charge you 500 baht for 1 day overstay then give you extension. Such a nice lady.
  6. Nah , I'm an American who for the time being finds himself staying in Thailand until I tire of it's charms and decide another country might offer me more.
  7. Right ! As the music gatherers will be wearing masks while the drinkers will be sitting at tables or bar counter no masks talking/yelling, shouting and spreading droplets all over the bar.
  8. Is it safe for Americans to vacation to Cancun? What travelers should know https://www.yahoo.com/news/safe-americans-vacation-cancun-travelers-131317616.html Ecudor a better option, read the entire report
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59163899 The drug needs to be given within five days of symptoms developing to be most effective.
  10. Lockdown of New Zealand's largest city to end this month https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/lockdown-of-new-zealands-largest-city-to-end-this-month/ar-AAQr7OT?li=BBnb7Kz
  11. Better re-think moving to Mexico. Yes more Americans live there than in any other country because it's cheap and close, can drive back in no nead to fly but it is getting highly dangerous for gringos. Two Cancúns collide as masked gunmen storm Yucatán beach https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/two-cancúns-collide-as-masked-gunmen-storm-yucatán-beach/ar-AAQnWDI?li=BBnb7Kz
  12. Maybe but could also happen when you have no one around the area and squatters taking over unused buildings for shelter/housing.
  13. I have never put anyone on ignor because I disagree with their views . The personal attack? You started when I mentioned there are still bars you could hang at to pick up girls in Pattaya but I mentioned plenty of freelancers along the beach, You stated no freelancer would spend an hour or 2 talking to you along the beach rd you rather sit in a bar play connect 4 (no drinking? for you or her) till you decided if she was the one to take home. Told me my way was not for everyone. I think, maybe wrong, that most guys here long term have bpicked up girls at clubs and have a favorite or 2 that they can just go to the bar and pick up or even call or message online. But then again I see you mentioned not liking smart phones. I know you state you get exercise but digging dirt at farm your living at ( correct me if I am wrong) but I thought we had talked about you hurting your shoulder doing push ups.. ANd your reason for leaving, I thought you said that you couldn't afford to live here anymore after last relationship failure. Could have stayed if living in family house but couldn;t anymore. But then you say you left because of increasing health insurance costs? Would have had those wether living in family house or in cheap condo in Pattaya. Well with no quarentene after Nov 1st and probably much relaxed entry requirements after Jan 2022 you maybe can make visits to Thailand but live collect pension have health care in NZ. I'll try and refrain from harsh comments/replies but sometimes I get tired of guys complaing how bad things are because of ex wives, Gov, Immigration, finances ect which a lot of could have been prevented by better choices, I'm out, Peace.
  14. I'm an American and not a millionair but after being in the US Military when I started working a Gov job I made sure I was covered by a good health policy that would even cover me overseas so I would never have to rely on Medicare/Medicaid. Still pay less than $200 a month for it and can never be cancelled except for non-payment. Just need to plan ahead. I knew in my early 20's that I might want to live overseas so made sure I had a policy to cover me.
  15. His links lead to posts that were taken down because Youtube and Facebook said they will not post unreliable/unverifiable or false info concerning vacccines or Covid. Someone may load such BS but it will be taken down when Youtube or FB spots them.
  16. Hey you were the one that stated "What I want from Thailand is bars+girls and nice beaches. I know the girls are on line, but looking was a lot of the fun for me. Beaches by myself just don't seem to appeal." You also mentioned your not wasting time in quarentene if you came back for shot trip. As of Nov 1st there is only 1 day you have to wait at hotel for test results no 7--14 day quarentene. Some bars serve "coffee" so you could still sit and play connect 4 while you drank enough to get the courage up to ask her to acompany you. I have beeen coming here 21 years and now living here for 8 years with my wife who I have known since first week I got here . Don't drink,smoke done any drugs in my life so I don't need to hang at bars as you mentioned "You seem to overlook the possibility that not everyone wants to operate in the same way as yourself." My cousins could,nt understand when we were young how come I got all the girls. I told them "by the time you drink enough to get the courage to ask them to dance/go out you're drunk sluring your words and they don't want to be bothered." Look at your post count, almost 42,000 ---that's more than most of the moderators ! Mostly about your poor choices of picking women overseas and in Thailand as well as searching for info from posters on if they know were to get uthenasia drugs. When advised about exercising to improve mood you say cannot. Told me rippped rotator cuff so can;t do pushups when I and others stated you can't train like you did when young you say too late now. When I told you about ways to repair damage to shoulder you just ignor. Now basillly say your too old to do anything , except come on AN and gripe, never trying anything which might help. So basiclly you got screwed over by your home country GF (common-law -wife ) as well as Thai wife here, Seems like you make poor choices and plans then complain why Thailand has no good taste to you.
  17. And since you said you had an agent do your extensions when living here as you did not want to wait in long line you could have used an agent to change to retirement visa from marriage and they can fix the financials. No need to leave.
  18. Just more excuses, the bars are (mostly ) closed but the beaches are open and plenty of Freelancers sitting, walking , jogging along Pattaya Beach Road. You wouldn't have to sit by yourself or go online to find a girl. Find girl on beach take back to hotel for food/drinks. ect. The bars should be open by December 1st or possibly sooner.
  19. He's not in Thailand for a few years now. Lives in NZ , as I remember can't afford to live here after getting ripped off by Thai wife.
  20. AstraZeneca increases COVID-19 vaccine supply to Thailand after row https://www.yahoo.com/news/astrazeneca-increases-covid-19-vaccine-123658882.html
  21. Thailand, Australia, Israel ease travel curbs as lockdowns bite elsewhere https://www.yahoo.com/news/thailand-australia-ease-international-border-060701688.html
  22. Major study finds that people who believe in COVID-19 conspiracies are more likely to catch the virus, lose their jobs, and be socially isolated https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/major-study-finds-that-people-who-believe-in-covid-19-conspiracies-are-more-likely-to-catch-the-virus-lose-their-jobs-and-be-socially-isolated/ar-AAQa256
  23. Try taking Turmeric aka Curcumin tabs with every meal. I take 2 (400mg) tabs with lunch and dinner but you can take 4 times a day. Will take awhile to build up in your body. Calming effect. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-turmeric#TOC_TITLE_HDR_4 https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/diet/scientific-health-benefits-turmeric-curcumin/
  24. Isn't that what I wrote in my post? If the wife goes to diviorce court the court can overturn/cancell the Usufruct or even any pre-nup that they rule is unfair/illegal.
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