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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. FDA mulling to allow 'mix-and-match' COVID-19 vaccine booster shots: report https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fda-mulling-to-allow-mix-and-match-covid-19-vaccine-booster-shots-report/ar-AAPGmGe
  2. And if you notice countries such as Thailand and I think Singapore are no longer ordering Sinovac because it's the weakest of all present vaccines at protecting from infection, hospilization and death. The old ways are not always the best way. The Mrna vax do not chage your DNA ,check how they are made and what they do to the body. Time changes things, why rely on old tech. We can now make vaccines faster more targeted than before. For persons who say the old vaccines were 1 shot and gave lifelong immunity remember this is not a virus that normally affects humans ,it is a bat virus that crossed over to humans so the vax and body don't handle the infection or ability to fight it as well. Surge in Covid in NZ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/new-zealand-covid-cases-hit-record-despite-vaccination-push/ar-AAPGh8d
  3. You say you can avoid infection because you know how to protect yourself and have no interest in family or social life. Well many/most of us have family or some kind of social life were we need to interact with other persons so can come in contact with Covid. You say do we have stock in Pfizer, we don't say take Pfizer take any vaccine you can get. Moderna, Pfizer, J and J, Novavax, Sputnik, Sinopharm, Sinovac whatever . If you don't mind staying at home , not traveling to other countries and possibly even localy then fine, live like a hermit. Most of us rather not.
  4. As I mentioned in other article Sinovac/Sinopharm are made the old way = inactivated virus but as you see from link below its effacy is much weaker than other high tech vaccines and Thailand and other countries will cease it's use. Even Chinese don't want it. Thailand to cease Sinovac vaccine use when stocks end this month https://www.yahoo.com/news/thailand-cease-sinovac-vaccine-stocks-082710604.html
  5. As I mentioned in other article Sinovac/Sinopharm are made the old way = inactivated virus but as you see from link below its effacy is much weaker than other high tech vaccines and Thailand and other countries will cease it's use. Even Chinese don't want it. Thailand to cease Sinovac vaccine use when stocks end this month https://www.yahoo.com/news/thailand-cease-sinovac-vaccine-stocks-082710604.html
  6. As I mentioned in other article Sinovac/Sinopharm are made the old way = inactivated virus but as you see from link below its effacy is much weaker than other high tech vaccines and Thailand and other countries will cease it's use. Even Chinese don't want it. Thailand to cease Sinovac vaccine use when stocks end this month https://www.yahoo.com/news/thailand-cease-sinovac-vaccine-stocks-082710604.html
  7. They already have vaccines made the "old way" = inactivated virus. Sinovac and Sinoparm are made that way but as you may have noticed not too effective against Delta varriant. Your afraid of new tech because as an old timer you think progress cannot be made in Medicine and Science? That's how we got vaccines in the first place. I remember when Polio vaccine first came out you needed a shot. Later you could just take an oral drink. Times change. Below are some of the way vaccines are made. https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/the-race-for-a-covid-19-vaccine-explained
  8. Statins may slightly lower COVID-19 death risk; using a different vaccine as booster may offer more protection https://www.yahoo.com/news/statins-may-slightly-lower-covid-181702658.html
  9. So in the 2 years that you have not gotten Covid have you taken precautions? Wearing masks, social distancing, not eating in restaurants, not going to large gatherings, ordering food from grab? Non vaccinated will need to continue to do this otherwise sooner or later you will come down with Covid. You may be lucky and have mild case or unluky and die.
  10. There’s Now CDC Data on How Much More Likely Unvaxxed Adults Are to Die of Covid https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/now-cdc-data-much-more-201921102.html
  11. Say Goodbye to Belly Fat with These 8 Fat-Burner Exercises https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/goodbye-belly-fat-8-fat-170009817.html Green Tea Fat Burners Are Your New Favorite Weight Loss Supplement https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/green-tea-fat-burners-favorite-170011188.html The One Diet That Will Slim Down Your Waistline, Says Dietitian https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/one-diet-slim-down-waistline-122759195.html
  12. Oh she is well known just not among old farangs. The vid below is from The Toight Show with jimmy Fallon showing Black Pink and he mentions they have over 1.5 Billion streams. Thing is even if it was Adel you won't have 1 mil people flying all the way to Thailand to see her perform especially if most of the coutrie's enetertainment areas are otherwised closed. No drinking, partying, dancing in clubs ect.
  13. If you can't run right now because of leg/foot injury but can still walk , do a 15---20 min walk every day immediately after dinner. Try later to work in another 10--20 min walk after lunch if you can. Can also ride bike for distance and speed to exercise. Use weights to build muscle , muscle helps burn fat even at rest. Try eating fish at least 3 times a week and more veggies, fruit .
  14. Not bad, had 5 bikes go by me after starting up from a red light on Sukumvit near Long Po weeks ago all riding only on their rear wheels.
  15. My expiriance at CW, had 1 year of transfers and letter from Bangkok Bank stating it was my account (marriage extension.) I told my wife need to do a transaction to show activity this day, she said not necessary. IO said need show deposit this day 100 baht ok. Went downstairs and BKK Bank was closing early. IO said come back tommorow I said I'll be on 1 day overstay. She said it ok no problem , pay 500 baht for over stay/1900 for extension and all good. TIT This was 2 weeks ago.
  16. Just monitor this site daily for information as the Gov is supposedly opening up the country with no quarentene after the 1st of Nov or shortly after. She could hopefully applyb online for not a COE by a ThailandPass and if fully vacccinated enter Thailand and go about her business .
  17. My 14 yo nephew and 15 yo niece had 1st shot of Pfizer Fri 10/15 , just sore arm.
  18. Only if they can somehow do away with the burning season, not very productive to have to wear masks to be able to breathe because of all that PM25 and airpolution (smoke)
  19. She is definately not talentless, she is an excellant dancer , rapper, singer and may go on to act. Very beautiful young lady who speaks 4 languages. The problem is few travel thousands of miles to see a star perform . That's why they have tours to visit different cities to meet their fans not visit one city and expect all their fans to fly to visit them. And if they still are banning liquor and entertainment venues no one are going to waste their time or money on one show and then can't party in other places for their vacation.
  20. They did a poll among unvaxed and was reported that many might take the vaccine but were "hesitant" because they were pregnant and did't know what harm the vaccine might cause their unborn child, they were "hesitant" because they didn't know enough about the new Mrna tech, they were "hesitant" because they had heard on internet bla bla bla. , were scared of long term effects, ect.
  21. So in the 2 years that you have not gotten Covid have you taken precautions? Wearing masks, social distancing, not eating in restaurants, not going to large gatherings, ordering food from grab? Non vaccinated will need to continue to do this otherwise sooner or later you will come down with Covid. You may be lucky and have mild case or unluky and die. 90,000 deaths since June were preventable with vaccination; US to reopen land borders to vaccinated tourists: COVID-19 updates https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/90000-deaths-since-june-were-preventable-with-vaccination-us-to-reopen-land-borders-to-vaccinated-tourists-covid-19-updates/ar-AAPs0Ff?li=BBnb7Kz Do coronavirus vaccines prevent transmission of the virus? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/do-coronavirus-vaccines-prevent-transmission-of-the-virus/ar-AAPsEfu?li=BBnb7Kz The findings showed that both vaccines reduced transmission, but that the Pfizer vaccine was the most effective in doing so.
  22. So. Pfizer is aproved for 12 years and up in the US but in a few weeks ( of more testing ) it will be submited for for vaccinating 5 to 11 years old. As more information , testing and results on people come in recomendations on dosage , ages, after effects change.
  23. Kids are being vaccinated in US and Thailand. Pfizer has full FDA approval and is the only vax in US approved for kids 12 and up. They are going for certification to use on 5 to 11 year olds next month. Pfizer is also being given here in Thailand for kids 12 and up. My 14 yo nephew and 15 yo niece are getting Pfizer shots tommorow, Friday 10/15 in Kow Yai.
  24. Anyone hesitaant or against vax should read below article. I keep seeing patients who are still too afraid of getting the COVID-19 vaccine: Doctor https://www.yahoo.com/news/keep-seeing-patients-still-too-090338558.html
  25. Below link shows what vaccines are approved for entrance to USA Foreign travelers with COVID-19 vaccines approved by FDA, WHO can enter the US in November https://www.yahoo.com/news/foreign-travelers-covid-19-vaccines-143813283.html
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