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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. Foreign travelers with COVID-19 vaccines approved by FDA, WHO can enter the US in November https://www.yahoo.com/news/foreign-travelers-covid-19-vaccines-143813283.html
  2. They need tp read the story of never put all your eggs in one basket. Instead of trying to attrack 1 million wealthy tourists, Chinese tourists, Indian tourists, diversify the country --have something for everyone. Can have green Tours for families and tourists who would like to visit jungles, mountains, remote islands ect. Can have shopping tours for rich Chinese, ect who wish to buy things they can't get in their country. Can have Medical tours for those that would like good hospital care cheap. And yes can gave sex tours for the tourists who want to party hearty but keep it in areas away from the prudes and families. Something for everyone.
  3. Do coronavirus vaccines prevent transmission of the virus? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/do-coronavirus-vaccines-prevent-transmission-of-the-virus/ar-AAPsEfu?li=BBnb7Kz The findings showed that both vaccines reduced transmission, but that the Pfizer vaccine was the most effective in doing so.
  4. 90,000 deaths since June were preventable with vaccination; US to reopen land borders to vaccinated tourists: COVID-19 updates https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/90000-deaths-since-june-were-preventable-with-vaccination-us-to-reopen-land-borders-to-vaccinated-tourists-covid-19-updates/ar-AAPs0Ff?li=BBnb7Kz
  5. The vaccines and specifically Pfizer are tested on children with Pfizer the only one fully approved for those between 12 and up. Clearance for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in children ages 5 to 11 could come in early November, officials say, as outreach to states on rollout begins https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/clearance-for-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine-in-children-ages-5-to-11-could-come-in-early-november-officials-say-as-outreach-to-states-on-rollout-begins/ar-AAPtDoU?li=BBnb7Kz
  6. Johnson & Johnson recipients may benefit from a booster, but perhaps a different shot, new data suggests https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/johnson-and-johnson-recipients-may-benefit-from-a-booster-but-perhaps-a-different-shot-new-data-suggests/ar-AAPtyYG?li=BBnb7Kz
  7. Do coronavirus vaccines prevent transmission of the virus? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/do-coronavirus-vaccines-prevent-transmission-of-the-virus/ar-AAPsEfu?li=BBnb7Kz
  8. Do coronavirus vaccines prevent transmission of the virus? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/do-coronavirus-vaccines-prevent-transmission-of-the-virus/ar-AAPsEfu?li=BBnb7Kz
  9. 'Mix and match' Covid vaccine boosters are effective, NIH study finds https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mix-and-match-covid-vaccine-boosters-are-effective-nih-study-finds/ar-AAPtGlt?li=BBnb7Kz
  10. 'Mix and match' Covid vaccine boosters are effective, NIH study finds https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mix-and-match-covid-vaccine-boosters-are-effective-nih-study-finds/ar-AAPtGlt?li=BBnb7Kz
  11. After being active all my life came here 8 years ago and got lazy/fat. 1 year later had a heart attack, had angioplasy done and 1 stent put in. Was prescribed baby aspirin, started working out again, ate more veggies, fruits, less meat. lost weight/gained muscle. Take Co-Q-10 200 mg daily and really haven't taken the Apirin most days this year.
  12. Why not just get a non-o while in Thailand with a multi-rentry permt ?
  13. They are vaccinating children to save their lives as when the 1st cases of Covid 19 came out it infected few persons between the ages of 2----19 but the later variants , especially Delta is much more contageous and affects children as well and makes them very sick. Can even kill them.
  14. FDA review finds Moderna’s booster dose of its coronavirus vaccine strengthens disease-fighting response https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fda-review-finds-modernas-booster-dose-of-its-coronavirus-vaccine-strengthens-disease-fighting-response/ar-AAPqw6g?li=BBnb7Kz
  15. Vaccines cut the risk of severe COVID-19 by at least 90% in a huge real-world study of 23 million people https://www.yahoo.com/news/vaccines-cut-risk-severe-covid-104033907.html
  16. Or you could make it last by getting a freelancer every other day for a month = 15,000 baht.
  17. Foreign travelers with COVID-19 vaccines approved by FDA, WHO can enter the US in November https://www.yahoo.com/news/foreign-travelers-covid-19-vaccines-143813283.html
  18. Thailand to end quarantine for some vaccinated visitors from Nov - PM https://www.yahoo.com/news/thailand-end-quarantine-vaccinated-visitors-133626766.html
  19. At that time last year the US had huge problems getting masks and protective equipment. Robert Craft ,the owner of the Patriots football team even had his private plane fly to China twice to get masks.
  20. Honda is coming out with an ADV 350 by the end of the year. More power , looks like the ADV 150 but a little larger Cost about 185,000 baht, https://www.greatbiker.com/all-new-honda-adv/
  21. One of the posters said he refused Pfizer as he did not want expiramental Mrna vaccine and opted for Sinovac because it waas made the old way---inactivated virus. I think Thailand will vaccinate all children with Pfizer as is the only vaccine authorized for kids. (Sinovac may be used for kids but not as affective)
  22. You say expiramental drugs, Pfizer is not as it has been given full US FDA approval as a treatment for Covid 19. Literaly billions of people around the world have already been given shots with billions more waiting. Few adverse reactions and the vaccine in any case will not give you Covid. Courts in US have backed hospitals and other companies with their right to fire those who refuse to take the shots even though the requrement wasn't in their contracts. Also those fired cannot collect unenemployment benefits.
  23. Been coming to Thailand since April of 2000 and when Asia was having outbreaks of Avian/Swine flu as soon as we hit Narita from the USA we donned masks. Everyone in the airport had them on while waaiting for their planes. Same with Malaysia, Vietnam ,Singapore ect. You say flimsy surgical masks offfer no protection and you claim to be a nurse. They are worn in surgery to protect the patitent from germs/coughfing spreading into their open wounds as well as protecting Dr's /nurses from contaminated/infected blood splatter. Also I have been in BKK when the polution level was high, could not go outside with out lungs being iiritated if not masking up (most people) That's why it's said that Asians are used to wearing masks and don't make a big fuss about it as it's common to be seen wearing one. Maybe up in the boonies they don't because how many maybe infected farangs are touring there? I am sure they wear in Chiang Mai diuring burning season.
  24. I usually watch movies in Central Lad Prao has many screens and in English. Seen few other farangs there but plenty of Thai college girls and guys .
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