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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. Maybe English is not your first language. Did you read what I wrote ? Check the link below, I wrote full FDA aproval for 5 year olds and up (not emergency approval for 12 and up as is the case now) https://www.cnet.com/health/pfizer-to-seek-approval-for-covid-19-vaccine-in-kids-age-5-and-older-in-coming-weeks-report-says/
  2. As the FDA in US has given full aproval of Pfizer for adults and should authorize full aproval of pfizer for children 5---17 in a few weeks I am fine with it.
  3. Same here, I usually tip even if going short distance on motorcy or regular taxi. Has beeen repaid as I have been waiting sometime in the rain and taxi has pulled over for me without me waving them down and with Thai standing around me becuase they recognise me as the guy who always give them a tip. Even in resturant, cashier and waitress know I tip so when they had lockdown and had to call for take out had a waitrees in Foodland follow me into their supurmarket and said if you want something Tony just tell me and we will bring it over to you when you finish shopping.
  4. This may help you as well https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=595905191106567&id=582005229163230
  5. Pfizer to Apply For COVID-19 Vaccine Use in Children as Young as 5 Years Old in "Next Few Weeks" https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/pfizer-to-apply-for-covid-19-vaccine-use-in-children-as-young-as-5-years-old-in-next-few-weeks/ar-BB1glSSR?li=BBnba9O
  6. It's not "just" breathing that spreads the virus. Loud talking, yelling, heaving breathing spread the virus more easily. That.s one of the reasons why gyms are not open , people on treadmills breathing heavy can spread virus more easily. Do you ride Skytrain? There are voice messages in Thai/English that ask that you refrain from talking on the train. Bars are closed because when groups of guys gather to drink they are usually not sitting quitely and even others in bar have to speak up to make themselves heard thus spreading more droplets and potentialy more virus. Plus in a restaurant people eat /drink then leave in relatively short time. At bars they congrgate telling stories , getting drunk ,,boisterous and spend more time in bars. Don't usually sit down have a drink and then move on.
  7. The N95 masks I showed with valves are sold at many hi-end pharmacies in malls in Thailand ,the other mask I showed you I have not bought but if they only ship to US/Canada order it online and see if a relative /friend can mail it to you. My brother sends me stuff all the time and my friends when visiting ask if I want anything I can't easily get here. There are also some forwarding places in US that will re-ship products you order to anyplace in the world. Examples below: https://www.myus.com/welcome/thailand/?aid=1000721&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign={campaign}&utm_content={adgroup}&gclid=CjwKCAjwhOyJBhA4EiwAEcJdcb_dgicU9tbFELkZIfzMi-pZyPcp1xiIRN6DXo2gYNb0zCZA_uOVZRoC4vkQAvD_BwE https://www.reship.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwhOyJBhA4EiwAEcJdcQz3h3b84lRlgfQJVkFiJexE__nW3nj8v830iFh9LURSNf_rYX6EURoCC8wQAvD_BwE
  8. The poster says he has COPD and trouble brething in masks, my info was for him as he could probably breath better in them. I am aware that they protect the wearer not so much those around him. I wear them or N95 masks without valeves depending on my mood as I am double vaxed with AZ and will take a Pfizer booster later. The masks with valves are banned on planes but not many other places.
  9. I am 73 Had 1st AZ shot 10 weeks ago. 11 hrs after shot got chills, shaking, fever body ach all over with headach. Took 1 Nuerofen 400 mg and cold compress on head and fell asleep. Woke at 7:30 AM felt fine. Yesterday Sept 9th had 2nd shot of AZ at 11:30 AM , later felt a little tired and slightly sore arm at injection point. Nothing else and feel fine today. Was done by Chulabhorn Hospital at TOT Convention Center in Laksi ,BKK. Was in and out of there in 45 mins inluding the 30 min wait time after shot. Nurses/staff very efficient . Gave me paper showing AZ vaccinated date/time with bar code.
  10. Supposed to be easy to breathe in https://shopspacemask.com/?utm_source=rainmaker&utm_medium=yahoo&utm_campaign=415109643&utm_term=yahoo.com&utm_content=37103403245&vmcid=p%24g%2co%24124d5312-11fa-11ec-be30-008cfac342a4-7f8bb6154700%2ct%241631252628695
  11. They will be mandatory in the US. Already nurses and Dr.'s have been fired from hospitals/nursing homes because the refused to be vacccinated. The US Military will be ordered to take Pfizer now that it has full FDA approval. The Gov won't force you to take the shots but they can make it mandatory to be able to work a some jobs, attend some schools/universites, eat a certain restaurants or go to sports games. 'It's game over. It's mRNA or nothing:' Expert on future of vaccines https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/its-game-over-its-m-rna-or-nothing-expert-on-future-of-vaccines-200508222.html
  12. 'It's game over. It's mRNA or nothing:' Expert on future of vaccines https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/its-game-over-its-m-rna-or-nothing-expert-on-future-of-vaccines-200508222.html
  13. Well the ones at Don Mueang were made by US Military to land fully loaded B52's during Viet-nam War so they are fine.
  14. Different strokes for different folks, I was born and raised in small city in US where clubs were open till 2 AM and could find someplace to eat 24 hrs a day. I am not a country boy so no way would live in Issan in Nakhon Nowhere. I have a condo in Bangkok beside my wifes childhood home where her dad still lives and has 20 apartments to rent. My 3 bedroom home is in Banglamung just out side downtown Pattaya. When we tire of BKK crowds /smog we head down to Pattaya to enjoy our greenery and can enjoy the beaches, Terminal 21 and other malls. When friends visit I show them around and can take them to visit clubs and nite life as well as Suakawadee and massage places. I like to be able to go /do almost anything 24 hrs a day if I want not be stuck out in the jungle. Still have the quiet peaceful area at home.
  15. Mix-and-match COVID vaccines trigger potent immune response https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01359-3 Five things to know about: Mixing and matching coronavirus vaccines https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/horizon-magazine/five-things-know-about-mixing-and-matching-coronavirus-vaccines Mixing Covid jabs has good immune response, study finds https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57636356
  16. Mix-and-match COVID vaccines trigger potent immune response https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01359-3 Five things to know about: Mixing and matching coronavirus vaccines https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/horizon-magazine/five-things-know-about-mixing-and-matching-coronavirus-vaccines Mixing Covid jabs has good immune response, study finds https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57636356
  17. Sinovac booster shot reverses drop in antibody activities against Delta-study https://www.yahoo.com/news/sinovac-booster-shot-reverses-drop-093610207.html
  18. Sinovac booster shot reverses drop in antibody activities against Delta-study https://www.yahoo.com/news/sinovac-booster-shot-reverses-drop-093610207.html
  19. Sinovac booster shot reverses drop in antibody activities against Delta-study https://www.yahoo.com/news/sinovac-booster-shot-reverses-drop-093610207.html
  20. Mixing COVID vaccines could result in stronger immune response https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/mixing-covid-vaccines-could-result-in-stronger-imm
  21. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50929672/sihanoukvilles-dirty-secret-dark-rumours-and-inside-information-raise-questions-about-the-china-project/
  22. Do you and Henryford not know how to use a search engine? A mix-and-match approach to COVID-19 vaccines could provide logistical and immunological benefits https://theconversation.com/a-mix-and-match-approach-to-covid-19-vaccines-could-provide-logistical-and-immunological-benefits-161974
  23. Wow, reading this post has my head spinning with some of the misinformation and well meant but wrong solutions. Some are giving replies as if you were Brits or US citizens. Austraila, GB, and US no longer give out Income Afadavits from their Embassies so are required to have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank or 65,000 baht a month transfered into a Thai bank to verify income .You are Canadian so can get an income afadavit at the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok. No need to transfer money into Thailand but still should open a Thai bank account while here and have online banking with Canada bank so can transfer funds here. Visa Exempt is no longer 30 days. It is 45 ( to cover your time in quarentene ) and can be extended 30 days and you can get a 60 day Covid extension after that. https://ottawa.thaiembassy.org/en/content/119628-thailand-visa-and-coe?cate=5f069ee272a783584326eaf5 Canadians can travel to Thailand without a visa (45 days visa exemption). For Medium Term Visitor - Visa Exemption, please CLICK HERE. 1. You need to have a copy of your health insurance policy with health coverage including COVID-related treatment in Thailand of no less than 100,000 USD. Keep proof of income (could be a pension, rental property, cash )that you might want to show Canada embassy to prove financials. You could apply for a 90 day non-o by reason of retirement after getting out of quarentene or on the 30 day extension of the visa exempt.You then would apply for a 1 year extesion of stay of the 90 day non-o by reason of retirement. These extensions cost 1900 baht. Yes you or your wife can piggy back on this retirement extension as being the spouse of the holder of the retirement extension. Can get an agent to help if these suggestions seem difficult. Or can try contacting the moderator UbonJoe on this site. The poster above mine Salerno's info is also pretty accurate , good luck.
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