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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. Seat belts in cars and helmets for motorcycle riders are mandantory at least in my state in USA. You drive a car out of a say mall parking lot or seen driving along street/highway you will be pulled over and fined. Same with helmet for motorcycle , you will be fined and cycle confiscated unless you have a helmet brought to you quickly. Not a personal choice.
  2. Or go to any Decathalon store located in Thailand. I have bought from stores in Bangkok and Pattaya. Also many large malls have SuperSports stores in them. https://en.supersports.co.th/shop/
  3. There are plenty of reports showing youger people with no underlying issues getting and dying from the Delta variant. Well known US radio/tv hosts who said for healthy people the vax wasn't necessary. Maybe for the first cases of Covid but the Delta variant is another story. Few young people got Covid or sufered badly from getting it untill now, the Delta variant infecting many more young and with serious effects. The Pfizer vaccine is not expiramental so stop refering to it as such. Fully FDA approved for adults and going for full FDA approval for children 5--and up next month. What you seem to not understand is that while the vaccine may not totally keep you from getting infected it disrupts the virus ability to mutate and grow in the body so the affects of becoming infected are minamlised . In a person who is not vaccinated the Covid virus can grow/mutate into a variant that may be more deadly, more easily spread and resistant to present vaccines thats why they want everyone to get shot to finnish off the virus or disable it's ability to mutate in unvaccinated persons. https://hub.jhu.edu/2021/07/19/andrew-pekosz-delta-variants/
  4. Could There Be a Non-Vaccine COVID Cure? https://news.yahoo.com/could-non-vaccine-covid-cure-074820921.html He also doesn’t think we should be too invested in the Biden administration sending vaccines overseas. “They’re going to want to hedge against the unknown, you know, a new variant coming alongside the population. So as a matter of national security, the doses that have been secured by the administration are going to be kept by the administration.”
  5. COVID-19 vaccine FAQ: Answers to your most common questions https://news.yahoo.com/covid-19-vaccine-faq-answers-160000791.html The CDC updated its guidance in August to recommend that people who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should get vaccinated against COVID-19, citing a growing amount of data verifying the safety of the vaccines during pregnancy. "I would say if you're pregnant, not only is it a good idea to get the vaccine on the basis of safety, but it's highly effective and important because you are at increased risk of bad outcomes if you get COVID," said Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. Although pregnant people were not included in the initial clinical trials, tens of thousands of pregnant women have now gotten the shots safely. Additional research has found no safety issues and no increased risk of miscarriage. Many doctors say the shots are especially important because of the known risk of severe illness from COVID-19 during pregnancy. "I recommend highly that all pregnant women be immunized, from initial discovery of the pregnancy right up to term," Dr. Bob Lahita, professor of medicine New York Medical College and chairman of medicine St. Joseph University Hospital, said on CBSN. He said there is "no evidence" that the vaccine "has any effect on the placenta, on the fetus, on the mother. Except if one gets the infection, the COVID, and you are pregnant, you run the risk of becoming very, very sick."
  6. Sinopharm's COVID booster reverses antibody decline, enhances cell-based responses - study https://news.yahoo.com/sinopharms-covid-booster-reverses-antibody-093516848.html
  7. Sorry but you make wrong choices and you suffer their consequences. No one in the US needs to wait on getting a Covid vaccine shot, you can get at many pharmacies no appointment nesscesary. Do not have to even be a US citizen. Pregnant women can be given any of the 3 shots used in the US as tests have shown that there is no danger from vaccine to the fetus. Guess was also the husband's choice not to vaccinate, so then you take your chance on if you survive or not. Sad but totally preventable, RIP
  8. And on a regular retirement visa Non-O personal effects are not free of import duties unless your wife is Thai.
  9. It may be the same drug but the dosage (amout of Ivermectin per tab) is totaly different. That's why so many people in us are being admiited to hospitals for taking horse size dosage which is way more than the dosage for a human.
  10. Did you read the article above? "Thailand’s acquisition of the highly anticipated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine will see the first batch arriving by mid-October, with deliveries continuing to March 2022, the government confirmed on Thursday." The part about deliveries continuing till March 2022. Nothing about any deliveries after that. The Gov was supposed to be ordering 5 million shots in earlier reports but Thai Red Cross got a portion of that so this I think this is what is left of deliveries.
  11. Check your phone for text messages , I never got an email after I registerd in Bangkok with Expatvac site but they sent messages to my phone on what hospital and time to go.
  12. So basically you are now stating you were never tested for Covid but you just "think" you had it and want people to on that asumption take Ivermectin because you think it cured you of Covid, hahaha.
  13. Adults are being vaccinated but many anti vaxers don't want to be and others don't trust the vaccine. Bottom line we have an obligation as parents/adults to protect children/younger generation. Us 60 plus year olds have had a good run , stop being the me generation. All about me, me, these children are just starting life and are owed a chance to have one.
  14. Ever think you didn't really have Covid? Where you tested for it? You may have had a cold or the flu and those symptoms were alliviated by the slight anti-viral affects of ivermectin.
  15. The kids need to be vaccinated because in school enviroment they will be in close proxcimity with many other kids every day. They are much more likely to meet with others infected with covid and can spread to teachers, parents, gran-parents back home.
  16. Pfizer submits data for COVID-19 vaccine for children ( date Sept 16th 2021 ) https://www.yahoo.com/news/pfizer-submits-data-covid-19-223006723.html
  17. It's not mARM it's Mrna https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html Covid Vaccine Myths https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/myth-busters?gclid=Cj0KCQjws4aKBhDPARIsAIWH0JUGBDmO3kbdgjcM87OfyK0ZkU7HGml1sIwoUbQCRkrfc0ei4W9JdR0aAt7QEALw_wcB
  18. There are not job losses in rural areas as their economy is mostly agricultural based. Pattaya, Phuket and slightly Bangkok rely on tourism dollars. Even 7---11's are closed in Pattaya/Phuket. Many hotels, restaurants, spa's, massage parlors, diving centers, tour centers, taxi's, motor cy taxi, gyms, movie theatres are all closed as there are not any tourists to keep them open. What don't you understand? If massage parlor girls have no money from work , and parlor cannot pay rent then rowner of parlor cannot buy food, goods, the seller of food goods takes big cut drom lack of customers and so on and so on.
  19. Has happened to USA citizens flying to Hawaii, couple were caught with fake vaccine papers were jailed are awaiting court trial . If founf guilty will face heavy fine and will be sent back to California.
  20. Maybe because not everyone was raised on a farm and can't drive farm quipment or know anything about how to plant rice and other crops, could you?. Many of the working girls in Pattaya/Bangkok went home to their villages . One massage girl I know sent me a photo of her banged up leg after she fell off her motorbike in the jungle trying to get bamboo shoots to sell along the road in her village. Your wife's condos may be rented to farang who work for foreing companies or are retired so covid has no affect on their finances. Some Thai in Bangkok were working atmalls /restaurants that only resently temporarily closed for lockdowns but other places in BKK/Phuket/Pattaya relied on tourists and they have been closed for a long time
  21. Vaccine experts: COVID-19 booster shots aren't needed now https://www.yahoo.com/news/vaccine-experts-covid-19-booster-140706440.html 18 leading scientists, including 2 outgoing FDA officials, say COVID-19 booster shots lack evidence and shouldn't yet be given to the general public https://www.yahoo.com/news/18-leading-scientists-including-2-142053541.html
  22. If you have had Covid you are still recomened to have a shot after recovering . My friends in USA and wife's father and gran-father both recovered from Covid but were given shots. Natural immunity fades after 90 days and that why the shots are recomended.
  23. Have you been sleeeping for last 2 months? There have been many posts and reports of both Farangs and Thai getting Pfizer shots from supply that was donated by the US Government. More to arrive from purchases after October. Type "Pfizer Vaccine " into search bar and clik. Pfizer has been given out in Bang Sue for 75 and over walk-in's and for 60--74 by appointments. Has also been given out at various hospitals in Pattaya.
  24. It's not overdramatic. Many food venders used to sell to night shift workers going home, epople leaving clubs,/bars, late night taxi drivers ect. No retaurants open at night, gas stations, movie theaters , malls ect. Just because you might want to turn in early doesn't mean everyone does.
  25. Another example I had a taxi driver who lives near my soi in Bangkok take me to Mochit. I was in a hurry and it was dark, so I gave him 100 baht and 20 baht tip. Next day he came down to my wife's store and gave her 400 baht. He said he thought I had given him the usual 100 baht but he saw it was 500 baht bill so came back to give me the change. She gave him 100 baht for being honest.
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