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Everything posted by Tony125

  1. Below is an article 3/09/22 on Mexico which you have said is a great place to retire hahaha: Thousands of feminists march in Mexico City: 'I am scared to simply be a woman in Mexico' https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/thousands-of-feminists-march-in-mexico-city-i-am-scared-to-simply-be-a-woman-in-mexico/ar-AAUOVoy?li=BBnb7Kz I would consider Portugal as my father was born in Lisbon and I still have his birth certificate and US Naturalization papers.
  2. Sorry for the average Russian but your leader started this war, was warned that there would be a high price to pay if invaded Ukraine so he ignored the warnings. By seizing oligarts ships, properties bank accounts and stranding his citzens around the world puts pressure on him to knock off his bullying or continue for even more sanctions and pain. Go pick up your citizens from around the world as we won't transport them.
  3. Met a well off Thai girl in US who after living and studying in NYC and Boston , MA for 5 years speaks perfect English albeit with a Boson accent. Met a Thai high school teacher 21 years ago that taught English and till this day have to listen very closely when she speaks in order to understand her.
  4. The Philippines is now open to fully vaccinated international travellers https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/travel-news/the-philippines-is-now-open-to-fully-vaccinated-international-travellers/as89542762.cms?fbclid=IwAR2jJOYThBuflrJe4hQA4Ee45HfzHYto8mgOmtCWOldOmODaDYR92CcLsVY
  5. What posters seem to not understand is yes Thailand might be trading with North Korea, China, Myanmar but the world and US did not put restrictions/sanctions on that. Now the EU/US are odering other countries not to trade with Russia or face sanctions themselves.
  6. Travelers to NZ no longer need to isolate https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/travelers-to-new-zealand-will-no-longer-need-to-isolate/ar-AAUoJa5?li=BBnb7Kz
  7. UPDATE : Was on Thai TV news at 1:30 PM Saturday, they found her body.
  8. Because if the package is sent to the address you are working at ,addressed to your BF who is your boss you sign for it and give it to him. Not usually a big deal. My neighbor has signed for pkgs for me (Pattaya) when I am in Bangkok at my condo. When I am in Pattaya my wife or father-in-law sign for my letters/pkgs as he owns the condo building.
  9. You are missing my point. In many cases there was no need to die so early except these people did not have a wife, kids, family, friends that lived with them or in contact with regularly. Even Bob Segat died from injuries sustained in a fall as he lived alone. My co-worker if he had wife, kids, friends around they could have taken him to a hospital. These are lifestyle choices that you and they made not to have wife, gf, kids , friends. When I sufered a heart attack 8 years ago by getting out of shape/fat my wife called next door Thai neighbor to get me into car ( if I had waited for an ambulance I would have been dead on arrival) Before I retired here I saw either younger brothers, daughter, cousins, friends every day or could call one of them and they would be at my house in mins. No need to be in a situation where I could not get immediate help. People make choices wether to cultivate a social network , pick a good partner, have kids ,friends that help you in your later years.
  10. Just looking at your post again after having a friend 71 years old just passed away last week with over 40+ years on the job. Died of Covid alone at home. No wife, kids never got chance to retire. Week before him a woman co-worker 71 passed after retiring 3 years ago. Have another co-worker owns 17 apartments (that he rents out) his own home, SUV, boat, 70---71 and still working. No wife/kids ,has 5 million US in bank. Some guys keep working as they need to feel productive or their co-workers are the only friends they have to talk to so go to work just to have some kind of social life. Shame really.
  11. For some of us it's not a problem, for those who are skint it is. Some of my former Thai GF's were Hi-so they didn't want me to pay even when we went out on dates but I did except when they paid on father's day or my birthday. My wife asked me could I let her sister build a house on land we had bought, was large enough to build 10 houses on. Years later she surprised me with $10,000 USD to pay for the land as she has her own company now. She also paid my hospital bill after I had a heart attack. I have full coverage insurance from USA but it was a Holiday weekend and needed time to have money transfered She paid by credit card and I paid her later. Also gave a Thai lady (not GF) who owns a guesthouse a few hundred to pay electric and some bills till high season kicked in , She paid me back after 6 weeks. Have a mama san and maseuse who because of pandemic have had cash problems so I have sent them 1,000 baht once or twice a month to get food. They have paid me back one way or another when I meet up with them. I say like in gambling never lose more than you can aford but I sometimes lend small aounts ,if I get it back fine if not oh well. PS After paying for Sin Sod to family of my wife none of the family has ever asked me for a Satang since then. Most of the family are miidle class and own properties (Farms,houses, apartments) It depends on what kind of Thai you hang around if they try and use you.
  12. Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), Beyonce, Stevan Seagal, Jon Claude Van Dame, Leonardo De Caprio and many other actors, singers, entertainers have visited Thailand even though they don't live here.
  13. That was not an insult it was an assault. If some one swings on you it's an assault, swings and connects (the beer/water) it's an assault and battery. Even a pro fighter can respond then and use whatever force nesscesary to detain person for Police.
  14. Not totally true. When I started training in Kung-<deleted> (in Boston,MA USA) when I reached a certain point my teacher/Sifu took my fingerprints said he had to register me with police. Told me I could not innitiate a fight as it would be considered an assault with a deadly weapon. However if attacked I could use whatever force needed to stop them. Never kill if you can just maim, never maim if you can just break, never break if you can just hit, and do not hit if you can walk away. assault is swinging at someone, assault and battery is swinging and connecting. Since he hit her with the beer/water she had a right to retaliate within reason say to stop him from leaving untill police arrived. Even a pro MMA or boxer doesn't have to let some whimp beat on him because you say the law says he can't fight back. They can but not over the top and they have to respond to the attck not start it.
  15. Saw on 7 PM news , dogs were tranked and taken away by I guess Animal Control and Police and will be put down.
  16. And you have to expect a reaction if you commit asault and battery on a person (pouring the drink on her) I would only report a complaint to police if a guy was too big for me to take on. If the girl didn't want to clik glasses or drink with him you just walk away doesn't matter if she says "no thank you sir" or "f off "
  17. No similariteis , a pack of dogs attcking an innocent child and a girl kickboxer kicking a Thai guy around after he poured a drink over her head at a club for declining to clik glasses or drink with him.
  18. And what would you do if someone came and poured a drink over your head? I would have beaten him down untill he apoligised or wasn't moving. And she was thinking she didn't need some White Knight to defend her as her being a pro kick boxer she could defend herself.
  19. Maybe because it's nice to see a girl able to take care of a punk who pours a drink on her head because she won't clink glasses with him. Has beter fighting skills than her BF who caught a few shots in the face but probably because he had a few as his reflexes seemed slow and sloppy.
  20. In Boston MA USA if dog bites someone have to quarantene for 10 day to check it doesn't have rabies but isusually given a warning. If bites again they will take away and put to sleep. These dogs have been given their 1 bite time to get rid of since they now are a pack and have no fear of attacking/killing a human.
  21. Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are very dangerous dogs and are banned from many cities in US. Have many cases of them attacking women/kids other dogs/animals and even their own masters. Rottweiler Mauls 7-Year-Old Girl to Death https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/rottweiler-mauls-7-year-old-girl-to-death/ar-AATlMsQ
  22. Moderna vaccine gets full US approval https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/moderna-vaccine-gets-full-us-approval-canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeau-tests-positive/ar-AATk6td Pfizer was the first but now Moderna is the second Covid vaccine given full US FDA approval and no longer just for emergency use. That because of testing and the results of millions of dosages given in real world situation. FDA has also announced that vaccine for under 5 year olds may be ready by the end of February.
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