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Posts posted by supergomdori

  1. I go to Vientiane every three month to get my non O volunteer visa. Here is what I hand in at the consulate.

    1. Original Invitation Letter from the organization addressed to Thai Consulate in Vientiane and signed by organization's official

    2. Copy of organization registration with Thai Gov't

    3. Copy of the person's passport who wrote the invitation letter

    4. Copy of the person's work permit

    5. Application (of course) along with two mugshots

    6. Copy of your passport - photo page, Laos visa and stamp page

    Hope I didn't leave anything out.

    Please note that all the copies supplied by the organization's official have to be signed by that person.

    All the copies you supply have to be signed by you.

    They don't usually ask for any bank statement or financial proof. I made three visa trips to Vientiane last year and thank God it's been problem free.

    Hit me up if you need more info. Hope your preparation and the trip goes well.


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