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Posts posted by pbrane

  1. Being from Wizconsin (cheesehead) I appreciate decent butter. I have not been to Thailand yet and am wondering about how cheaply I can live and am interested in food costs. Can someone tell me how much a pound (or however many grams they sell) of real butter costs?



  2. Hi ho:

    I'm trying to talk myself into coming over to thailand to see if it might be a good place for me to "retire." I'm sort of retired here in the states, but no healthcare insurance. So, I try to go the natural/prevention route and have become a health nut. I prefer natural healthcare techniques like acupuncture or ayurveda etc.

    I'm wondering how available and how cheap are decent acupuncture treatments? Here, they cost $40 to $60 or more per session (US$). Also, are there herbalists and/or herbs available?



  3. Centrum is crap, but if it's all you can find....

    I think you meant 100 mcg (micrograms) not mg (milligrams)


    Centrum is highly overrated.  Most people seem to buy them because of wide distribution and advertising (but no surprise there because they're made by a pharmaceutical company).  You need to check the amounts of the vits and minerals on the side to get a sense of what it can do for you.  For example, most studies on selenium say you need at least 100 mg a day to get anti-cancer benefits.  How much does Centrum have? 

    Centrum is only useful or prevent serious deficiency type illnesses like scuvy and rickets.

  4. Sorry to "hear" about your problems. I really need a sanctuary from noise, at least for sleeping. I think I should just plan on building a sound-proof room -or whole house!. Triple layers of drywall on walls and ceilings, double or triple-paned windows etc. Costs more to cool, but at least you're still SANE (or maybe its too late for me...)


    Ear plugs are the way to go, i hate having to use them but i can't sleep without them in, new neighbours make sure of that. They are learning to play the guitar from about 6 am to 1 am. most days. Driving me nutts, i have asked them nicely to keep it down a bit, and they do try, but unfortunately that makes it worse, now they are trying to be quiet, but failing i can't really get angry at them as they dont go silly loud, but it is loud enough to wake me even with ear plugs in. School kids of about 18 so often all their friends gather there too. Grrr give me the soi dogs back, at least you can throw things at them to get them to shut up which helps relieve the stress of noise pollution a little.

  5. Thanks a lot for the comments, everyone. I guess I just need to come for a "look-see."



    Can anyone give some general comments on general noise problems in Thailand? I realize that its a big country, but need to know if peace and quiet is possible. Can't stand barking dogs, loud mufflers etc.  Does everyone have a "guard dog" to protect their home? Don't know if I could live like that (or next to someone who 's dog is barking constantly). OR maybe someone could recommend a peaceful little beach town etc...??



    No noise problems here. Nobody's ever mentioned anything like that on this forum. The dogs are really sweet and playful, especially the poodles - very quiet. No building works of any consequence, no trucks with poorly maintained exhaust systems. Paradise.

    Peaceful little beach towns? I should give Pattaya, Patong or Chaweng a try. Really quaint.

    Nice nick by the way. :o

  6. Hi.

    Can anyone give some general comments on general noise problems in Thailand? I realize that its a big country, but need to know if peace and quiet is possible. Can't stand barking dogs, loud mufflers etc. Does everyone have a "guard dog" to protect their home? Don't know if I could live like that (or next to someone who 's dog is barking constantly). OR maybe someone could recommend a peaceful little beach town etc...??



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