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Posts posted by miseryguts

  1. 35 out of 50 advance voting stations in Bangkok cancelled so far

    As of 10am: so far 35 from 50 advance polling stations have been closed due to the rallies against the election by the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Nation News Agency reported.

    Happy days..... that's 70% of them shut down. smile.pngsmile.png

    Happy days? For a monkey maybe. For a normal person it's a sad day.

    And you consider YOURSELF 'normal?????

    Funniest thing I ever heard.

    Happy days for all those who oppose tyranny, corruption, murder, fascism, nepotism, dereliction of democracy........ sad days for those 'normal' folks who support it all.... Like yourself of course.

  2. 35 out of 50 advance voting stations in Bangkok cancelled so far

    As of 10am: so far 35 from 50 advance polling stations have been closed due to the rallies against the election by the People's Democratic Reform Committee, Nation News Agency reported.

    Happy days..... that's 70% of them shut down. smile.pngsmile.png

    Edit: Actually, it is now almost ALL of them..... Nice one Suthep.

  3. What a banana republic... Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?


    The police are moving now on one mob.

    The fascist spokesperson for PDRC is bleating on Twitter that they are being attacked. Big cheer went up all down Rama 3 area when MCOT showed the PDRC getting a kicking.

    Might be a lot more of this if they not careful

    Seems to me that you support violence.

    Unfortunately for you, we all know that your post is pure BS that just came from your own deluded mind.

    The police will not touch a protester, I have been watching all morning. If they did, it would incite riots all over BKK that they can't control. Or act 1 in the Thai civil war. The police know this. If they laid a finger on the protesters, the army would turn on them and that would be goodbye Yingluck.

  4. This is a very clever strategy being played out now the the CC has passed the buck back to Yingluck and the EC, they need to make a decision and they need to make it fast. They don't have the luxury of laying down conditions, because they won't be accepted by the protest leaders or the Dem party. They need the rice money fast and that is still up in the air at the moment with an influx of legal challenges still threatening to close that door. Also a sword of Damaclese hanging over the heads of cabinet ministers and the PTP which can be dissolved without notice.

    Then the PDRC and PCAD sending out very deliberately mixed and confusing signals just to make that decision much tougher. Just goes to prove that Yingluck is just too easy to be manipulated psychologically by anyone who wants to. Not great statesman material, but then again she never was. She must have been really shit at chess.

    It is almost like they want her to make the decision of pressing ahead with the elections because the rice payments are likely to be stopped by legal challenges before they really begin. The clock is ticking and of course, the elections will be hampered, maybe they will allow the advance vote tomorrow just to give that little extra confidence to Yingluck to step into the trap. Then come Feb 2nd, the protesters will not even approach a polling booth, they will simply deploy bodies to sit down on every road leading to a polling station and not move in a 'peaceful' protest, thus blocking entry to potentially dozens of polling station areas. Add this to the seats that won't have candidates and those who don't have staff or even polling facilities. Then we have a recipe for a disaster which will serve to put Yingluck in the clown seat once again for the world media to laugh at.

  5. If all sex tours to The land of smiles are cancelled its goodnight Thai economy. Theres not all that much else here.

    Maybe not much more for tourists, but there is a great deal for travelers to see -- the beauty of Ayutthaya and the Wats nationwide, watching the sunrise over the Andaman Sea, the short rugged mountains of the north, the scintillating waters of Phretchabkirikahn...

    There is so much more here than sex tours I could not fit it into two books.

    Well just about every country has that lot and gets boring after a while anyway. So you named nothing that makes Thailand unique and worth visiting over what is on offer in many global destinations.

    Also, watching the sunrise over the Amdaman sea would require you to be in the Nicobar Islands which is in fact INDIA.

    Remove the sex industry and tourism would decline by about 60%

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