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uhhh ohhh

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Posts posted by uhhh ohhh

  1. Music:

    Get as many opinions as possible from as many options as possible....Brachytherapy, surgery, HIFU, Chemo, Proton Therapy, etc. BUT.....keep in mind that each specialist is likely to recommend "THEIR" treatment as the best. That's why it's VERY important to do your own research and ask as many questions as possible to each doctor in regards to side effects, possible lifestyle changes, success stats, etc! In the end it's going to be your choice!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  2. Music:

    I agree with Lefty's point above and as I previously mentioned there are meds that can very much slow the cancer growth on a short term basis.

    Also, what treatment options are you looking at? Great gains have been made over the last few years regarding treatments and there are many options and combined options. As an example Proton Therapy, was not available in Asia about 8 years ago (except maybe Korea). Even then only about 4 or 5 treatment centers where open in the states (MD Anderson among them). There are also post-treatment/quality of life issues with a number of options, but as I previously stated treatment choices are very personal. There have been good results with numerous treatments and it appears our medical community is trying to make things less invasive for the patients!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  3. Music, I'd advise you to go to this site ASAP to assist you with your options and research: www.yananow.org. It's a wealth of information regarding prostate cancer....treatment options, info about each stage.....personal stories per stage/age/Gleason scores....results of treatments, etc, etc, from ALL OVER THE WORLD! Also, and again this is a personal choice one should make with his doctor, there are drugs that one can take to significantly slow the growth of the tumors/cancer, while you're making a decision. It might give you a little more time. I'd never tell anyone what they should do and the treatment they should receive. That's a very personal choice. Again, my best wishes. You're certainly welcome to PM me any time you'd like! This is a cancer that can be treated with a great deal of success if you catch it early and it hasn't spread beyond the prostate.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  4. There are a lot more knowledgeable people, on this board, than me who can give information regarding the Medicare Plans, and their availabilities regarding your specific information/needs. I talked to a heath insurance specialist in the states as I approached Medicare age and told her my specific information and the things I wanted included with my plan.....i.e. keep my doctors, past health issues, a good subscription plan (which you may need), etc. I might start by contacting a professional regarding your circumstances and what you can and need to purchase. As TAXOUT mentions I would do the research via Internet/phone first and not just fly there.

    You don't mention the type of cancer you have, which no one else really needs to know, but I would do my own "Due Diligence" as to the type of treatment you need and the best hospitals/locations where you can get treatment that is within your preference and budget. Sometimes hospitals can give you a list of close hotels, extended stay, short-term affordable apartments where you can stay within your means and are in a convenient location. LEFTY mentions MD Anderson which is an excellent facility for treating numerous cancers.

    On a personal basis, for anything serious like cancer, a bad heart condition, etc, I would want to go back to the states for treatment. Don't take long to do your research and make a decision. I CERTAINLY wish you the very best of luck!!!!!!!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  5. I wouldn't know what the cost of food delivery is, if I want to eat I/we either: go to the market/grocery store, buy the ingredients and cook it ourselves, or, go to a restaurant/food outlet/stall, buy the food and eat - the idea of calling someone to deliver ready cooked food to my home is alien, almost American in nature and not a natural part of the native scene in Thailand, and then quibbling over the cost of that delivery and trying to save a dollar twenty is something even more weird, but that's just me.

    I asked the question initially just to save people some money. Some people may be ordering food, unlike you, on a regular basis. If it's not important to you why even make a comment. Saving 50 or 70 baht is not that big a deal to me either. But if you make 10 or 15 orders a month it might add up! You don't get food delivery??? Good!!! So why are you even interested in this??? Maybe everyone doesn't have the deep pockets you have. Do you ever look for shirts on sale? How about shoes?

  6. In a city/country where the cost of a meal ranges from 30 to 50 baht:
    A foreigner, having determined that a 70 baht delivery charge for western/premier food is excessive,  is exploring cheaper ways to have food delivered to his residence.
    My thoughts, and you did ask:
    Should you really be here!

    Hi Simoh? Are you a shill for Meals On Wheels or don't you know the real cost for delivery? 100+ baht for a 300 baht pizza! Plus it's nice to give a tip! Enjoy your 30 to 50 baht meals. Of course it depends on where you live but who doesn't like to save money. A 50 baht delivery charge from Uber is better than 120!!! You can do whatever you'd like!!!
  7. Another option would be to order directly from the restaurant and see if they will deliver. 
    You could pay them directly via OLB.
    Alternately, is LINEman available in Chiang Mai ? (Line app which Motorcycles use for delivery). 
    Another option, ask your local motorcycle rider to do the pick-up for you.

    Yes, another good option!!! My point is there are much cheaper options then Meals On Wheels!
  8. For those who order food via Meals On Wheels has anyone considered Uber? I ask because I'm close to one of my favorite restaurants and I found out I can actually take an Uber vehicle to and from the restaurant "CHEAPER" than the delivery service from Meals On Wheels which I consider a rip-off anyway! I've even talked to an Uber driver who will do delivery service for me for less than 1/2 the price!!! Any thoughts???

          It's a drag, it's a bore, it's really such a pity to be looking at the board, not looking at the city...

    It appears you have no interest in playing, Landtrout....So you better go back to your bars, your temples, your massage
  10. There used to be another guy who was also a CPA that worked with Dr. Krebs. It's been years now but he was a younger guy and I can't recall his name. Is he no longer practicing?

    Yes, I thought his name was Khun Suk or Dr. Suk. I cannot remember but I thought he helped Joe prepare taxes in the past. I assumed he would take over the practice but I'm not sure. They always did a good job for me and they were reasonable.
  11. I'm not sure but isn't there a Major League Baseball online subscription for watching the games......and I assume the World Series.....for a reasonable price? My friend in Chicago told me ticket prices were $2,800 for standing in game 1?!? That sounded high but I told him to check out the prices in Cleveland. Either way, 2 clubs that don't get to the World Series too often. It should be a fun series to watch!!!

  12. Yes I just fly Air Asia to BKK and get the cheapest flight to Europe from there. For me it's Norwegian Air  , can't beat their prices if you book early . 

    I agree, Balo. Then in my case on to an U.S. East coast destination....JFK or Florida. Finding a 1 stop flight from BKK to the U.S. East coast at a reasonable price has been difficult for me at times. Plus, Norwegian has the 787's which are nice
  13. Riding my motor bike on Charoen Prathet Road near the Iron Bridge. Police were set up to stop ALL Farang from what I saw as well as anyone without a helmet. They pulled me over. NO PROBLEM.....I thought!!!! I had my Thai drivers license. I was pulled over 3 times last month with my helmet on and when I showed them my Thai drivers license no problem. Not so now. They wanted to see my Motor Bike License. I don't have one. The fine was 200 baht. I do have an International license which I left in the condo. This should have sufficed so I'll be carrying that now. DRIVE CAREFUL!!!

    And yes, in my experience, they DO target Farangs! I've been pulled over driving in a group of bikes with Thais riding without a helmut!

  14. Someone try's to do something good for some unfortunate children,

    and he gets abuse,calling into question what his motives might be,

    can it not just be that he wants to bring a bit of joy into the lives of

    these orphans.

    regards Worgeordie


    Again, Kudos to the Duke's Restaurants and their staff!!!

  15. I think this is such a nice offer by the Dukes and I cannot believe people are trying to punch holes in it! To suggest this is just for publicity makes me laugh. As one poster mentioned, wouldn't it be nice to get the kids away from the orphanage and into a nice air conditioned restaurant for a "Special Day" as opposed to just dropping some pies off? Kudos to Duke's!!!!

  16. Seem to remember hearing the best place is somewhere near the iron bridge....Guitar Man area

    Could anyone confirm with name and give directions I can pass to a friend? (i.e. using landmarks anyone can recognise)


    I never tried Superrich but the one on Charoen Prathet Rd, just north of the River Market Restaurant gives very good rates....especially compared to the banks. I think it's called Sakol Money Exchange. I'll have to check out Supperrich.

  17. [quote name="boomerangutang"

    If I meet a Thai gal who can make salsa and guacemole, I'll marry her. Incidentally, I just met a cute gal in Tachilek Burma named Moley. No relation to guacamole, though some resemblance.

    I've met her as well! Moley is her last name.....first name is Holey!!!

  18. For whom it may concern:

    I had my biopsy done yesterday by Dr.Pruk in Rajavej hospital.

    Thumbs up for this Doctor!

    Is it painful? Sometimes a little but more of the discomfort and the pressure.

    You hear the clicking noise of the biopsy gun every time when they take a sample out,I had 12 in total.

    It takes about 25 minutes,after that you stay in recovery room for one hour.

    You feel the most pain after the process,but it's bearable with a painkiller.

    About the hospital :

    In my opinion :

    Operating room out of date and staff not really helpful,also nobody can speak English.

    For serious matters better choose a different hospital.

    Dr.Pruk also works in sriphat hospital and Bangkok hospital.

    Total cost was 20th.

    And how long does it take for the results.....about 1 week?

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