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Posts posted by 303player

  1. Hello,

    I wrote a book last year which is finally getting published. The publisher (in the USA) offered to send 20 free copies to me. As I am traveling in Asia until spring '15 and will frequently be in Chiang Mai, it makes most sense for him to send the books to Chiang Mai.

    My question: Will there be complications with import duty or other taxes for such a shipment? I am not planning to sell the books or promote them in Thailand, they are mainly gifts for friends in Thailand and other ASEAN countries. If this is a hassle, I will pick up the books when I am back.

    If anyone has experience with a similar case, I appreciate any insight.


  2. Hello,

    I wrote a book last year which is finally getting published. The publisher (in the USA) offered to send 20 free copies to me. As I am traveling in Asia until spring '15 and will frequently be in Chiang Mai, it makes most sense for him to send the books to Chiang Mai.

    My question: Will there be complications with import duty or other taxes for such a shipment? I am not planning to sell the books or promote them in Thailand, they are mainly gifts for friends in Thailand and other ASEAN countries. If this is a hassle, I will pick up the books when I am back.

    If anyone has experience with a similar case, I appreciate any insight.


  3. I recently spoke Chinese (which I am learning as a hobby) with a Thai person who also learns the language. There was no other way to communicate - my Thai is rather poor and the other guy did not speak English. It was the first time I felt I really connected and learned something personal about the life of the locals. The conversation was about the social status of his family, why he was working abroad, how he feels people accept him in China as a Thai person, etc. Very interesting. When you speak in a foreign language, the barriers seem to come down.

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  4. Having been in Thailand for a few months, it is obvious things run very differently here than in any Western or other developed nation. I am interested in the experiences and insights of my fellow expats:

    • What is the most surprising / striking / silly thing that you learned about people and doing business since you live in Thailand?
    • How is that different from what you expected before you came here?

    Anyway, curious to hear your anecdotes.

  5. I am currently on a double entry visa with the first entry coming to an end in September. I plan not to do the 30-day extension and go straight for activation of the second 60 days.

    Someone just told me that officers at border crossing will no longer activate the second part of the double entry visa after August 12. Is this correct?

    No, that is not correct.

    Great, thought so.

    Just to be sure, has anybody here successfully reactivated their second leg of a double-entry visa after August 12 at the border crossing in Taichilek?

  6. A re-entry permit would only be valid for each 60 day permit to stay from the entry. You could also get one for the 30 day extension combined with what is remaining from the 60 day entry that was extend,

    It could be done but you would need to get a single entry for each trip out.

    Nobody but immigration knows what the new rules will be after the 12th.

    Thank you.

    Yes, that makes sense. So it would be two re-entry permits per visa. Do you know whether I would need to get those at immigration or at the airport?

    I hope this will still be possible after August 12.

  7. Hi,

    I would like to stay longer in Thailand (as a tourist, not work), but will have to leave to work in China from time to time. I have an EU passport. With the new visa exemption rules, I want to avoid being turned away at the airport border control after August 12. Therefore, what are your thoughts about the following:

    • Go to Vientiane and get a 60-day double-entry visa (BHT 2,000) = visa for 120 days
    • Get a multiple re-entry permit (BHT 3,900)

    With this, will I be able to leave Thailand for a week or so once every 4-5 weeks and enter, until the 120 days are up?

    Does anyone have a better suggestion?

    Many thanks for any input.


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