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Posts posted by kalasiner

  1. 3 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:

    ... yep, just look at their 'opening' price, that's FROM 41k thb upwards, round-trip supposedly but haven't looked into it ... too freakin' expensive in comparison anyway & always have been ... no thanks, no more questions, 555 ...




    If you had "looked into it" you would have found out that Thai Airways haven't flown to Vienna for a number of years.

    This route is now served only by Austrian Airlines and EVA Air.

  2. Free Speech seems to be  another victim of this war.

    I have been banned from posting by DW News, the "German BBC"; presumably for not prefacing every post with "I pray for Israel".                                                                             A recent video had an audience of 1.8M and only 167 comments escaped the censor.

    My posts on DW News have been factual without slurs like "scum". "savages" or "human animals" that I read on this forum.

    I regret that I cannot contribute further to this forum. I am an unhealthy 75, have poor eyesight (keyboard) and simply do not have the strength.


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  3. I knew a rich guy who spent his summer holidays at the Hotel du Palais in Biarritz, France. He always had a suite at the top of one of the twin towers.

    One year the hotel deeply regretted that they could not give him the suite because both were already booked; by the Duchess of Windsor (Wallace Simpson) and Frank Sinatra. Luckily, Frank Sinatra cancelled.

    He never visited Thailand, probably because he enjoyed a glass of fine wine and could not afford the outrageous Thai prices for a tipple..

    • Sad 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Is that the best you can do kalasiner? does he want videos of shot burned kids or the bodys in bags at a concert, so yes he needs to think what he is posting. Would you like to defend his post about video evidence ?

    What are you talking about ?. Who is "he" ?

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Morch said:

    There's a difference between the right to fight for freedom, and the deliberate murder of civilians as in the Hamas attack. If, for example, their attack was directed at the IDF bases they stormed, there would be less of a backlash.

    "the deliberate murder of civilians" like the hotel bombing, the murder of the UN monitor and the Deir Yassin massacre which Begin hailed as a "splendid act of conquest" ?

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:

    You are treading on thin ice , reposting deleted material .

    You could have some white prosperous coming your way quite soon 

    Please note and later watch the video....it's worthwhile.


    It is not a repost; the 1st was a link and the 2nd a recommendation....I will see.

    On the other hand, I would welcome some "prosperous" coming my way !




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  7. 46 minutes ago, MikeandDow said:


    agree not convincing   I whole heartly support Israel  They have had to fight for a right to survive for a long time, people who sit in there own homes safe and call Israel a terrorist state dont really know what they are talking about 

    People who wholeheartedly support Israel don't really know what they are talking about.

    Palestinians have had to fight for a right to survive for a long time.

    • Like 2
  8. 30 minutes ago, Morch said:

    So everyone is wrong but you, the Palestinians and Iran?


    And it's not just 'the West'. Most countries in the World have relations with Israel. Fact and reality don't seem to matter much, eh?

    I believe, not sure, that Sweden and Switzerland had diplomatic relations with Germany throughout WW 2. Did they support Nazism ?

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, MikeandDow said:

    Keep thinking that The rest of the world does NOT, my question to you is are you a supporter of Hamas because your posts indicate so

    I support the Hamas as much as you support the bombing of hotels and the massacring of villagers. In other words, NO. I do however, unlike the Israeli state, support  ALL inhabitants of a state having equal rights and obligations. 

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  10. 14 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    No body is interested in this or whataboutism years ago go with this current thread.

    Yes, that's the problem; The West continues to support and arm Israel, not interested that it is a terrorist state causing misery to millions of its inhabitants who  have no civil rights.

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Danny Australia said:

    It appears that any nation, organization, or entity that opposes Israel is often swiftly labeled as terrorist groups. In this forum too, anyone criticizing Israel’s inhumane actions in Gaza is swiftly accused of being Jews hater, anti-Semite and the rest of ready labels.


    The founding of Israel itself involved various Jewish organizations, including Haganah, Lohamey Heruth Israel (Stern Gang), and Irgun Zvai Leumi, which was led by Menachem Begin, later becoming the Prime Minister of Israel.


    These organizations were associated with tragic events such as the Deir Yassin and Kufur Qasim massacres. Additionally, they were responsible for the assassination of Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat who was unanimously appointed as the United Nations Security Council mediator during the 1947-1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. Bernadotte was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the paramilitary Zionist group Lehi while carrying out his official duties.


    To this day, Israel has continued to employ terrorist measures including extrajudicial assassination, confiscation of land, collective punishment and bombings. Just yesterday, they issued a notice for 1.1 million people in Gaza to relocate within 24 hours or risk facing airstrikes. They might just as well march 1.1 civilians into a new concentration camp complete with gas champers.

    A group of Hamas fighters, numbering in the hundreds, managed to humiliate the Israeli army, its intelligence agencies and brought the entire country on its knees. In retaliation, they have been targeting civilians in a pure act of vengeance and to restore their shattered image and to justify getting billions in military aid from USA.


    While Israel, with the support of the United States and other major powers, may potentially eliminate Hamas, the question remains: will they ever succeed in quashing the aspirations of millions of Palestinians for their own state and ending the ongoing Israeli occupation?


    In addition, Irgun bombed the King David David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 with 91 killed. The murder of the UN mediator was authorised by Yizthak Shamir as one of the 3-man Irgun 'centre'. Shamir later became PM of Israel.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    I was responding to this post:


    This thread is about Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza. No idea why you are dragging the West Bank Palestinians into it.

    "No idea". The only logical words in your nonsensical posts.

    • Confused 1
  13. 2 hours ago, MikeandDow said:

    so u belive Hamas is justifed in killing babys , as Hamas is the goverment of the Palestine people  you are a sick person

    Sick is to make baseless accusations against a poster without any justification or a shred of evidence.

    So you believe the settlers, many from the USA and Russia, are justified in driving Palestinians from their lands and homes which they have occupied for many generations

  14. 2 hours ago, Morch said:

    Get back to reality - the recent casualty lists more of less evened just now. There is no 'extermination' of over two million civilians, other than in hyperbole posts. There is no policy announced by Israel to that effect, and if there was you'd see international support withdrawn. That's not the case.


    The Stern Gang was not mainstream. Even the Irgun wasn't mainstream. Shamir was elected Prime Minister many many years after events - not right away or anything.

    "Shamir was elected Prime Minister many many years after events - not right away or anything"

    I find the words of an earlier poster appropriate : mealy mouthed.

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