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Posts posted by Duncancan

  1. not true at all , the laws were broght in because there were korean marriage firms sending young Cambodian girls to older Koreans in Korea an they were being abused and mistreated.

    Its a human rights issue as well, an NO GOVERMENT should be alowed to say who can marry who or at what age.

    PS if ur under 50 u need show an income of $2,500/month!!

    number 4 above

    Spoilsport. I bet your telling everyone there is no Santa and tooth fairy too.

  2. from the "other" forum

    if ur over 50 can not be done

    will need a letter from district police saying he isn't married. You will need a letter saying the same from your country and also that you don't have a criminal record. Your forms need to be notarized. Then you will go to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and pay about $250 and do some paperwork. Then you will go to Ministry of Interior and pay about $300 and do more paperwork and an interview. Negotiate the prices and don't expect a receipt. Took us several months to get the actual marriage certificate.

    You will need to present the following to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

    1. Certificate of non-impediment/single status/divorce certificate (if applicable)/ex-spouses death certificate (if applicable)

    2. Criminal record check

    3. Passport with valid E type (Ordinary MEEV) visa, minimum 6 months validity

    4. Letter of employment/proof of salary minimum $2500USD p/m (Male only)

    5. Letter from Embassy - permission to marry

    6. Pre-nuptial Medical certificate from Calmette Hospital (no older than 3 months)

    The MoFA will tell you to have all these documents notarised by your Embassy, but the British Embassy will tell you this is no longer required as there is an agreement between them.

    Khmer partner will need to present;

    1. Certificate of celibacy (single status) from Sangkat

    2. National ID card

    3. Birth Certificate

    4. Family Book

    6. Pre-nuptial Medical certificate from Calmette Hospital (no older than 3 months)

    Once the MoFA processes the documents which takes about 1-2 weeks, you will be issued a letter and invoice, and an appointment will be set up with the Ministry of Interior. You will both be interviewed by someone in the MoI, and if they are satisfied it will take approximately another 2 months for them to issue an authorisation to marry letter, which you will then need to submit to your partners Sangkat, who will then issue you with your marriage certificate.

    There is no requirement for a wedding ceremony in order to be issued a marriage certificate.

    Thats for marrying, obtaining a visa u will need do research on ur Embassy

    These laws were bought in by the Cambodian goverment to protect older guys from getting ripped off by sexy young girls who conned old age pensioners into marriage. Now if only other goverments looked after their citizens that much, their countries would be a better place to live in.

  3. You registered an account just so you could ask this?

    I hope it was worthwhile.

    Nope ! ,,, I regestered to make my first post, to see if anyone noticed it was my first post. You won the prize.

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