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Posts posted by rewast

  1. From what I understand about Thai law, defamation involves a third party. If person A says says to person B something derogatory about person C, person A has defamed person C, right?

    But what if you insult someone in private, just between the two of you? That can't be defamation because no third party is involved, right? Like, I tell you you're ugly, but no one else hears. That can't be defamation, but does some other law apply?

  2. Is it approximately the same as the raised middle finger?


    Less offensive?

    Depends where used, over here not many know its meaning.


    Same same, but different.

    Do the British also use the raised middle finger?


    Why or when would someone use one and not the other?

    I use the two fingered salute at UK football matches or when working with Brits.

    Overseas I use the "flipping the bird" salute, which appears to be more international.

    Be aware, I will never use these gestures on Thai roads, a place for everything and everything in its place.

    Thank You RGS for answering the question.

  3. A question for the Brits among us: I'm curious about the obscene gesture made with the hand that seems to be specific to the British, the two-fingered raised like a victory sign, but knuckles forward. Is it approximately the same as the raised middle finger? Less offensive? More? Do the British also use the raised middle finger? Why or when would someone use one and not the other?

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  4. I had a slight but persistent small bodied roach problem for months and tried everything I could find in the local stores to get rid of them and nothing worked, after doing some extensive research I decided to mail order "Advion" gel bait as I couldn't source it in Thailand, it arrived in 4x syringe type tubes and cost about $20

    I placed about five spots of the stuff in strategic places - a quantity in total equal to the amount of toothpaste you would use to brush your teeth, this was about 2 months ago and within one week they were completely gone and have never come back, when I placed the stuff I checked now and again and actually witnessed the roaches filling their faces, they then go back to the nest and die and other roaches then eat the dead and die also, it is extremely effective

    I still have near enough 4x full tubes of the stuff unused.

    Hi Smedly, if you are in Bangkok, maybe I could purches 2 tubes? Pvt. Msg pls.

    ...available via ebay from Korea, search for Indoxacarb

  5. There's a thread here, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104690-search-warrant/ , with some good info regarding warrants in Thailand. Always remember that just because you're a foreigner doesn't mean that you have to bend over an take it with a smile.

    All the police have asked for -- politely -- is my name and telephone number, and copies of my passport and house registration. That hardly qualifies as bending over.

    ^ You better go back and read your op.

    The whole thing seems so random because I know I've done nothing wrong -- nothing from my past, not now engaged in any kind of illegal or questionable activity, nothing. Since I keep to myself, it couldn't be about some association. Since it is all so random, I was concerned there might be some random consequence, like being expelled from the country. I prefer that not happen, and if it seemed to be going in that direction, I would certainly not just take it with a smile.

    But now I don't think it was random; I now believe that the ex-wife of a brother-in-law has made some false charges to the police -- of what I can't possible know -- as a way of getting back at the family over what she felt was an unjust settlement in their breakup. She was always friendly with me, but she had some kind of an agenda to put me down to my wife. I expect she was envious of my wife's situation of having landed a falang. looking back, I believe she was/is a bit crazy.

    The good news is, I believe, the police are aware that people will make false charges as a way of attacking someone -- or perhaps people are crazy and don't realize their wild claims are false. The police will investigate to their satisfaction. I believe it's very different from in the west, where making false claims can have serious consequences.

    It's not sheepish to avoid challenging the powers of the police, it's foolish. They have the responsibility to keep watch. We must choose fights carefully -- especially carefully in Thailand because we don't really understand the culture. There is no fight here, not yet, not that I can see; seems best to avoid turning it into a fight. If my suspicions are correct, and someone has told the police something about me, the police will tell me when and if they decide to, not because I make them do it. But I expect I will never know, because the police will eventually realize there's nothing here and will move on, and if someone has made claims against me, they won't tell me because that could only stir up more trouble.

    • Like 1
  6. There's a thread here, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104690-search-warrant/ , with some good info regarding warrants in Thailand. Always remember that just because you're a foreigner doesn't mean that you have to bend over an take it with a smile.

    All the police have asked for -- politely -- is my name and telephone number, and copies of my passport and house registration. That hardly qualifies as bending over.

  7. From the OP:

    Maybe it's a regular routine work. Or maybe through Interpol they received any info ( if there is any past) . I would suggest just talk to him straight or get someone you trust to talk to him.

    LOL. Good one. Interpol. In about 1972 I got ticketed for fishing without a license; that's my entire police record. I doubt that qualifies for the attention I've gotten.

  8. From the OP:

    Good to see such a support network for Rewast.
    Good on you people in Thai Visa
    It seems he has little to fear and it may benefit him to befriend the law

    Yes, very nice all the info, support. Helpful to see that most think it not so unusual, and that similar has happened to others. Thanks to everyone for the posts.

    The cops have been polite, seem to be doing a task that is required of them, in the least invasive way they know how. Cop # 2 seems very decent, telling me he is coming again was just to let me know; a courtesy, not a threat; I told him afternoon was best and he readily agreed. No good could come from being confrontational, as many have suggested. Certainly will not offer a bribe, as that would seem to encourage such behavior, and might well indicate I have something to hide, when I do not have anything to hide.

    Nonetheless, multiple visits makes me think something has put me on their radar screen.

    So yesterday, reading the posts and thinking about situation,, I remember problems family has had with ex-wife of BIL (brother in law), messy break up a couple years back. So I ask my LTW (lovely thai wife) -- who likes to protect me by keeping me in the dark -- if that is possible. "Oh yes, that's what I've been thinking, but didn't want to worry you." Then she tells me the ex has gone around to various officials reporting the BIL for assorted offenses, all made up. So, I'm guessing, the ex-wife of BIL has reported me to the police telling them who-knows-what story, perhaps hoping to get me kicked out of the country, so bye-bye ATM card -- to get back at the family, it's not aimed at me. But if that has happened, I doubt they would every verify it. And the good news is, they are taking the high road, checking into a story to determine if there's any basis. I expect that soon enough they will realize there is nothing here to discover, and move on. And it seems right to establish a bit of a friendship with the cop along the way.

    Will keep you posted! Thanks.

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  9. and he kept your copies? next thing he asks for your BANKBOOK or ATM pin number...

    are you sure it is a real policeman?

    next time ask him for his badge, name, right it down, make a copy, call the cops or immigration

    Yes, he kept my copies. I keep copies on hand; 1 baht for 2 copies.

    No, I wouldn't give him my bankbook or loan my atm card and suppy the pin number.

    Yes, I know it was a policeman. My wife knows his wife, though not well enough to approach on this topic.

  10. I too live in a small village. Was visited by the local police about 2 months ago, he had a form to fill out, said they had been instructed to record all foreigners living in the area. He also took photos of me in front of the house.

    Thanks for letting me know. Did they come multiple times?

  11. Common practice, dont worry. The other point is as you speak good Thai it may be a novelty and as you are assumed to have money maybe the cop is trying to befriend you.

    The first time, cop #1 came alone, asked me if I spoke Thai. I told him I did, and then he never looked at me or spoke to me again. I got my passport and put it on the table in front of him; he didn't even look at it. Later it seemed as if he had declined, so that they had a reason to come back.

    The third time, cop # 2 came alone; when he found out I was home alone, was going to go away and come back when wife was here, because it seemed he assumed we wouldn't be able to communicate. But I provided copies of passport and tabien baan, and he went on his way.

    They aren't after my wife, I'm confident of that.

    Not worried.

  12. I see three possibilities, none of which should be a cause for concern. In order of IMO likelihood:

    1 He's hoping to get some free drinks and a little money

    2 Orders have come on down from above to start doing what they're supposed to have been doing all along

    3 He's a conscientious policeman just doing his job

    Relax and don't worry.

    Yes, that's what I think -- 2 or 3 -- doesn't seem to be out for a bribe. I really haven't been so concerned, except my wife is a bit unnerved, which is kind of infectious.

    and, as I have explained, is has been two cops that have come together and individually. apologies for failing to explain better.


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  13. You need to ask him what's going on?

    Obviously it's bothering you and rightly so.

    First time, the policeman said it was to get a list of people that might help.

    Second time, when I was not here, he told my wife it was concern about mafia, as if I was connected with mafia.

    My apologies: it wasn't one cop, but two. First time a cop came alone; second time the first cop and another; third time the second cop came alone. And it's the second cop that said he's coming to visit again next week. Remains to be seen whether he actually comes, and if he comes alone..

  14. I live upcountry, smallish village. 60 years old. Married to Thai wife 10 years. Mostly private, keep to self, live quiet life. Passport, visa all in good order.

    About two months ago, policeman came to house. Polite. Sat in my living room with me and my wife. Asked for my name, telephone number, wrote these in a book. I see the names of other local falang in the book that he leaves open on the table.. Says its something about making a list of people who might help; something to do with ASEAN. Seems like a bs explanation.

    A week later, when I'm not there, policeman comes again. Takes picture of my house, house next door. Tells my wife some concern about mafia.

    A week later, this same policeman comes again when I'm home alone. He wants copies of my passport, visa, house registration. I have nothing to hide, so I provide copies, all in good order.

    Nothing for a month. Think all is in the past.

    Then, yesterday, I run into the policeman when I'm out and about. He says he's going to visit us again, next week.

    My wife is upset and worried. Doesn't understand what is going on.

    I'm concerned. I have done nothing illegal, nothing that should draw the attention of the police. Mostly keep to myself. But here they are, apparently looking at me. Worried they might, eg, kick me out of the country just because they think there might be a problem, when there is nothing.

    The only thing that is different about me from most falang is I speak better thai than most, and I seldom leave the country, only twice in 10 years. I wonder if they think I'm politically active somehow, which I am not whatsoever.

    Anyone have any experience like this? Any ideas about what I might do? Any reason to be concerned?

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