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Posts posted by clasship

  1. I lost 38 kilos last year; I now weight 76 kilos and am keeping it at this level. My tips that worked for me are as follows:

    Educate oneself on the calorie content of foods you eat, that exercise alone was enough to put me off many foods I normally indulged in. I had no idea a two foot baguette contained 1275 calories, and a slice of bread 75, add butter, add another 75. Even a tin of baked beans is 375. In no time I found I could do without many of my old favourites, they just weren’t worth the calories, and still aren’t. http://www.nutracheck.co.uk/CaloriesIn/

    If you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it, so simply only buy food that will enable you to reach your goal and lose weight. My kitchen cupboards looked desperately sad, but I no longer do.

    Weigh oneself every morning before eating or drinking anything, and record that weight on graph paper. Stick to the diet and you will see that by miracle the weight comes off. Don’t expect to lose more than one kilo a week, and that’s if you really give your diet everything you can. Please note I am disabled so I cannot do exercise. There will be days your weight goes up, but in a few days I found I had big drops, so never, ever become disheartened and give in.

    I used smaller plates and bowls; it does help one cut down the portion size. On the portion size front, I found within a few weeks I had adjusted to eating smaller portions, and even now don’t want bigger portions as I certainly once did.

    I mainly had fruit for breakfast and vegetables such as cucumber and tomatoes for lunch. For dinner I made my own mainly vegetable soups, but you need some protein so I occasionally added some meat. I found an OXO cube at 7 calories made many soups even tastier and better still add some marmite.

    I changed to not drinking any alcohol for six days a week; it was not a problem for me to change to drinking soda water. When you keep losing weight, it’s worth it.

    I can only say last year I was not spending much money at all, I watched more IPTV than usual. I avoided going to bars every night as I once did, albeit I was probably drinking less than most do. The result is that when I meet people I have not seen for a year they don’t know what to say, but it’s usually “is that (add your name)?” Everything about life has improved and that certainly includes the nocturnal activities in the bedroom.

    If you have the discipline, dieting works 100% of the time, it certainly did for everyone leaving concentration camps.

  2. Was she struggling?

    Was she screaming out for help?

    Rape is a horrid act, but so is being accused of it, when it was consensual.

    So the only person alleging rape is the onlooker?

    one hopes you dont have daughters.

    only 6 posts to turn it back on the victim. well done.

    Well said. Sadly this site has a plethora of dysfunctional ex pats. It makes one wonder what happened to them in their lives to make them so endlessly negative, so bitter and twisted?

  3. I hired a rental car from Enterprise at Gatwick this September 2015 using just a one year Thai driving licence. I was told one does not need a international permit as my details on the Thai driving licence are in English.

    I should add I was pulled by the police on my last night, I seen leaving a pub and breathalysed. As I had one pint I was well under, but the police did inspect my one year temporary licence, and the only comment was he had never seen one before. I would like another poster suggested contact the hire company, give them the facts, and get written assurance that all will be well when one arrives in the UK to pick up said rental car.

  4. I have spent some time in Venezuela, I lived on a yacht for six years in the Caribbean, and it’s simply a very unsafe country and getting worse. The second time I sailed in, the owners of the marina who I had spoken to only a few days before were both dead, they had reported a yacht to the police they suspected of having drugs on board, the husband and wife were stone dead within the hour. The local bank in the perceived safe marina had a pill box inside the banking hall; the guard had a machine gun. I say safe, it was safe in the day. At this point I shall recall what happened the first time I sailed to Venezuela, we dropped anchor 200m off shore so I we could visit a boat repair yard, I met the owner who explained that although he had 30 foot high walls, and two guard towers, that during the re-fit no one should stay on board. For it was 100% certain the guards would either be threatened, or take a bribe, or both and let the criminals in to take whatever they wanted. He further added that that may well include moi as a kidnap victim. He then asked where my yacht was and promptly told me to move it into the marina well before dark, as it would be a race to see which gang of thugs came on board tonight to ransack the yacht. Even the insurance company for my yacht changed to letting us sail to Columbia, but refrained from insuring the yacht for Venezuela, so that tells you everything you need to know. The pilot books informs one to sail with no lights, not even navigation lights, and stay ten miles of shore when sailing anywhere along the coast. We kept twenty miles off, and still had the company of pirates one night, but that's another story.

    Yes it's cheap after Chavez screwed up the economy, all imports are very expensive because their currency fell through the floor, and there are some items you cannot buy. There is corruption on a scale Europeans can find hard to believe. Life is cheap, be warned, you just don't hear about crime in that country, but it's rife.

    It's worth noting the women in general are beautiful, it's no wonder a Miss Venezuela is usually in the top five of the Miss World competition, however few speak English. Would I live there, no I would not. Having lived in that general area, I used to wonder why in particular Europeans did not go to Asia instead.

  5. Why didn't your foreign staff have a Non B visa and a work permit ? You are openly admitting that your foreign staff were working on ED and Tourist Visas... Either a troll or a perfect example of the fact that you can send a man to the moon but you still can't fix stupid.

    I am not the only business that were running this way, you can not waste your time and resources applying for a very complicated paperwork for some staff who will stays 5 or 7 months working with you, the staff were constantly changing and there is no flexible visa work scheme such as the Australian working holiday visa program, the Cambodian business visa however is straightforward you pay $300 to an agent and you have a one year visa without any hassle.

    only a fool thinks that foreigners will compete or steal jobs or wealth from locals, take a look at north Korea which illustrates the best example when a country closes its doors completely to foreigners.

    We can only assume you were not paying taxes in Thailand either for your business activity, considering you were also subverting the visa / work permit process... Lucky you left when you did, I hear the monkey house is not a nice place...

    I think you've done the right thing. Doing work here is an absolute pain and it is so expensive and time consuming to get the 'paperwork' right. It's frustrating and certainly not conducive to to making work pleasurable - which it should be. This can be the most unwelcoming place at times.

    I think it was a great post and, in spite of the 'knockers' like Loptr and Tolsti (sounds like the names of two Trolls from The Hobbit) who seem to excel and enjoy finding the negative in everything - good on you.

  6. There are far too many posters which are predictably negative as well as ignorant, all from the same people virtually day after day. It's a shame that so many ex pats on here spoil for others what could have and should have been a great forum. I know friends who refuse to contribute anything on this forum; purely out of for fear of these sad individuals. Thailand and Thais are what they are, try accepting this. Life has always been what you make it, the bottom line is if you don't like living in Thailand, do everyone a favour including yourselves and move on. Like so many others; we dont want to hear your constant moans and groans including snipes at other posters.

  7. I understand why you left Thailand and went to Cambodia, marcofunny. Its impossible to get anything to work here in Thailand with their red tape and corruption. I wouldnt invest one satang here ...

    and for some odd reason many expats here simply refuse to acknowledge that expats, visa runners etc. contribute to the economy of Thailand ... strange people indeed

    There is allot of jealousy on this forum, people are just plain jealous of those that try to make a go of it themselves without giving in to being a pathetic English teacher with no degree. It is amazing the expert advice here from people have never opened or started a company of their own in Thailand or anywhere

    The OP is not the only one on this post that has not followed the law 100% but probably the only one brave enough to post about it

    If everyone was above board there would be no need for a forum because you would all be angels

  8. Domestic tourism shranks


    BANGKOK: -- Domestic tourism has slowed down in the first half of this year as spending by the people becoming more cautious.

    This was what the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) revealed yesterday.

    NNT reported that TAT deputy governor Anupharp Thirarath said that domestic tourism declined by 2-3 percent in the first half of this year due to lower public purchasing power.

    He attributed the shrinking purchasing power to the people’s cautious spending.

    He said the TAT would cooperate with hotel operators, tourism agencies, low-cost airlines and other business allies to launch promotion campaigns to boost domestic tourism in the fourth quarter.

    Meanwhile low-cost airlines, in particular, will roll out tour packages at special prices to encourage travellers to make an immediate decision to travel. The campaign is expected to kick off in October at the beginning of the high season of Fiscal 2016.

    The TAT has set target for 800 billion baht tourism earnings this year, with a recovery to be seen in the fourth quarter of 2015.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/domestic-tourism-shranks


    -- Thai PBS 2015-08-25

  9. Domestic tourism shranks


    BANGKOK: -- Domestic tourism has slowed down in the first half of this year as spending by the people becoming more cautious.

    This was what the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) revealed yesterday.

    NNT reported that TAT deputy governor Anupharp Thirarath said that domestic tourism declined by 2-3 percent in the first half of this year due to lower public purchasing power.

    He attributed the shrinking purchasing power to the people’s cautious spending.

    He said the TAT would cooperate with hotel operators, tourism agencies, low-cost airlines and other business allies to launch promotion campaigns to boost domestic tourism in the fourth quarter.

    Meanwhile low-cost airlines, in particular, will roll out tour packages at special prices to encourage travellers to make an immediate decision to travel. The campaign is expected to kick off in October at the beginning of the high season of Fiscal 2016.

    The TAT has set target for 800 billion baht tourism earnings this year, with a recovery to be seen in the fourth quarter of 2015.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/domestic-tourism-shranks


    -- Thai PBS 2015-08-25

  10. »I have spent a fair bit of the last eight years visiting Koh Samui . I may be looking in the wrong places but I have found the women to be stand off ish when I am attempting to date some if the women here . Often treating me differently as soon as they see me get off my bike and walk . Do you think it's a common occurrence here or is it my imagination. ? Not sure how to solve this as I do want to settle full time here one day.«
    I’m sorry to say, but I would think, that Koh Samui might be a bit difficult, if you are searching for younger good-looking girls interested in a farang relationship, that island is crowded by younger handsome (not disabled) men. (I live at Koh Samui, so nothing bad said about the island).
    I have heard about other disabled people complaining about dating at Samui – even in the nightlife – but I don’t know about chances elsewhere. Why not try a week’s “holiday” at some other tourist places like Hua Hin, Phuket and eventually Pattaya or…? and check if you get more attention there.
    Wish you good luck. smile.png

    I am sorry you wrote what you did, firstly the person who posted the question has a limp, and that is quite a minor disability when looking at the big picture, he has not got half his face missing, indeed he says he is good looking, nor is he missing a whole leg or arm. I would have assumed that if you read all the replies a minor disability is not considered that important at all. I have been in Samui all winter, I am guessing I am more disabled than he, and I don't have a a problem with girls. I spent all last winter in Phuket, I had no problem there either, albeit I much prefer Samui. I was on the mainland before that, again no problem. Some Thai girls may well only want a 100% toned, 6 pack, Greek God with a single brain cell, (which is normally dead) who can't pass a mirror without looking at himself, but does our original poster want that type of girl? Would any of us? I say again, if one is positive, kind, fun, good company and happy, 95% of girls will overlook any minor disability and all too often major disabilities. On that note I have a very bad heart as well, it is mainly dead tissue after many heart attacks, I was with a girl who had a friend who I had been with, I asked her back to my place, she said she really liked me but was "worried about being in the paper if someone had a heart attack", I replied "if you die, you die" I took that line from a film, she cracked up laughing...... and I made her breakfast in the morning.

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  11. After the first re-fit in Turkey, the main contractor bought me a new brass bell as a present, on the back was engraved 'How Much!' I forgot all about that until I contributed to this post. Being Turkish it had a hole rot through it within two years, it's now off the coast of Antigua awaiting to be discovered by an excited diver.

  12. I should say my yacht was in a different league and that's the biggest reason it cost me so much, so much of my expenses you won't have. I had endless costs including MCA certification and compulsory equipment, I operated in the Med and Caribbean, see www.clasship.net I don't really understand the size of your boat or where you will sail, but you don't mention many items such as safety equipment, Will you have:

    Life raft?



    Grab bag and associated contents?

    Life jackets?

    Paper charts?

    You don't mention any electrical systems, you will need a good battery to start the engine and should have a separate batteries for power. Will you be 12 volt? Will you have an invertor to provide 230volts? Will you have a generator? What navigation equipment will you have? Will you have a portable or installed VHF?

    Fittings can cost a small fortune, allow for this and all the lines you'll need along with fenders etc. You should install sea cocks to all skin fittings as well, and don't forget your bag of wooden bungs.

    There are annual or bi-annual costs, a lift out and anti fouling are the minimum. I would guess with a wooden boat you need to take her out the water every year. I don't know what the dreaded worm is like here, but do check, if it's in the odd plank that's not so bad, if it's in the frames it's very, very bad. See http://forum.woodenboat.com/showthread.php?157644-Tell-Me-Why-I-Should-or-Should-Not-Buy-A-Wood-Boat I knew lot's of wooden boat owners in Turkey with their wooden Gullets, you should be aware as much water got in when it rained from above through the dried out decks as through the hull.

    I have no experience of having a yacht here, but in the Med and Caribbean chandeliers took no prisoners, I swear to God I bought the world most expensive nut and bolt on more than one occasion, I wondered sometimes if I was competing in an auction with NASA for a nut which would have saved a space station.

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  13. I owned and lived on a 28m steel yacht for 7 years, I chartered her out and left the 5 crew to do the charter. I can only agree with another comment, two days are the best days, when you buy and eventually sell. I also had a 'to do list' and even with a engineer, four other crew and myself, the to do list was never, ever done. Do your costing very carefully and then double them and stick a 0 on the end, you can not believe the never ending maintenance costs. My various crews were worse than salt water and broke / lost / damaged $100,000 worth of equipment every year. They did everything from ruining the new Alwgrip paintwork after just three months to sanding down a teak deck so it was so thin I had to replace it...AGAIN! If you can find someone who already has a boat sail on that.

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