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Everything posted by Froggybanrai

  1. Dr Bundit at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, multifocal Lens on both eyes, excellent job 5 years ago, 100k/eye
  2. CARABAO lager, great local beer available at CJ but (unfortunately) not at Seven...
  3. Planning a week in Chiang Mai with some golf...Any ideas? thanks
  4. The interest of the ISP in degrading the bandwidth when using IPTV is to discourage you from using it which drives you towards buying the ISP's premium package...True Visions has several of those packages in store.
  5. I have the feeling that True online is shrinking the bandwidth when I am connected to IPTV. Neftlix and YouTube premium display like a breeze in 4k or FHD but IPTV is constantly buffering. Anyone feels the same? Any suggestion?
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