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Everything posted by Swampy999

  1. And his place of residence is owned by ????????
  2. 81 do not avoid anything, don't be foolish and assume all patch wearing motorcycle groups are the same.
  3. "He cited 1979 laws saying that beeping of the horn is only allowed when used to avoid accidents" That would be every couple of minutes then ????????
  4. The clue was in "first half of the year" so divided by 6 not 12 ????????
  5. So that would be 4th, not even on the podium, where are all these quality, high spending tourists we were told would be coming in droves? Most probably still in the dream of the person that said it. So we are left with the Chinese and Indians, not forgetting the Russians flying in on dodgy Aeroflot flights with a maintenance record on par with the average tour bus.
  6. How I wish it was rat poison and not cocaine.
  7. It's called a news report, rather like a plane crash the type of aircraft is mentioned or has that escaped your attention.
  8. Or a pocket full of straws and no gold chain destination ????????
  9. I did not think it was possible to use the words 'Thailand' and 'modern first world standards' in the same paragraph ????????
  10. Trying to saving face as they dig the hole even deeper ????????
  11. Yep, just turned 59 and have had the song 'Time' by Pink Floyd going around in my head ????????
  12. Yep, exactly what I do if I sence a rip off, I ask what the price is then later 'er indoors' does the same, then we both go and buy it at the Thai price, I always smile and say "thank you" as I pay ????????
  13. "A long time ago Yingluck said that she is not interested in politics. And then her big brother convinced her to run for PM - with no relevant experience" What makes you think the current muppet had any relevant experience?
  14. Harley Davidson's ain't motorbikes they are the forerunner to the Kubota powered Thai tractors ????????
  15. Dr Somsak "not a concern for the time being" "it's under control" Did he forget to add "for the time being" after "it's under control" I sence a little 'not very sure about this one'
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