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Posts posted by Margita

  1. On 8/3/2018 at 2:54 PM, BobbyL said:

    How can things like this not be easily rectified. 

    The family did obviously know the rules.

    Dual citizens enter Thailand with their Thai passport and should naturally leave the country with the same passport.

    As well as the leave UK and arrive in UK with the UK passport.

    Rules are rules ! Then that this could have been overseen by presenting the Thai passport showing you arrived with that one.

    Now they know for next time!

  2. Maybe as I am not a permanent resident here and see things a bit different.Regarding  travelinsurances that was a big issue after tsunami and the immigration said that they could not handle it and that is true in awoiding even more long ques upon arrival.Not for Chinese who will now get red carpet to own immigartion counter! I will finnish my comment about the subject by now.

  3. Hi there.

    We have to keep things right regarding travel insurances and disaster compensations!

    Travel insurance is covering the persons medical cost due to accident or illness during the stay.

    It also covers the cost of home transport of body or funeral in Thailand

    It does not  cover any kind of compensation in case of death to family members.

    It does in most cases cover for a certain invalidity in case of accident.


    This is something that authroties could/should demand that all tourist have to sign as well as foreigners

    living in Thailand. I know this is a very "hot potato" four tourists as well for those living here.

    It is said to intergrate to persons independence.Will propably get lot of angy comments on this!


    A disarster like this in Phuket is naturally the responsibility of the country as it was  lack of control.

    The ship was built illegaly,security checks were obviously not proper and how come that the

    harbour authorities could not stop the captain from leaving the harbour . The touroperator and captain

    should not be able to set off without permission under weather conditions like this.

    The lifewest control should be charper and controlled every year.For example are the batteries for the

    light ok and does they carry a person even if unconcious.

    Is this done,not as far as I know and what I have seen.

    It will cost money but it makes the trip safe and gives more passangers.

    Rumours say that they left because the tourist had paid for the trip and it had to be fullfilled.

    Did tourists know the risks?, Sure not! Would they like to take the trip paid in advance knowing the risk,

    most certainly not.Would they ask for many back ? Ofcourse. 

    This is nothing any insurance for foreigners will cover and should not.

    Perhaps Thailand should have an insurance to cover such cost.That would really make the counytry safe

    for tourism.But I hope that this disaster has been a eye-opening and that similar things wount happen again.


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  4. Hi My parcel left Sweden 30th January when tracing no info about arrival to Bangkok and further to Phuket. Normally delivery to home-door 7-max 10 days ? Main post office Bangkok shut down or ? Anybody know ? Not nice to go to a birthday party to-morrow wuth no preseent ! Thanks for info !

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