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Posts posted by Simpleton

  1. Anyone who goes to a foreign country and claims ignorance of even the most basic things about that country is, well, ignorant!

    As for signing something that was written in Thai.....yeah she was in Thailand. :o If you can't understand it, call the tourist Police or pay an interpreter. Does she think the Police will have on stand-by an interpreter of every language on this Earth.

    Not every language, perhaps, but quite a few. The police in London certainly have ready access to Thai translators.


    Right, and they'd call in an interpreter for something as earth-shaking as this...

  2. There are lots of local design books and magazines on the market. "Baan Lae Suan" is a big one. They do features on various people's residences, with photographs, and always mention the name of the interior designer. There are also advertisements for interior design services in some of the magazines.

  3. IMHO. The WTO stance on piracy is crap.

    Probably 90% of people who buy pirated CD's DVD's, T Shirts, Handbags, Watches, etc (note I exclude software) only do so because they are cheap!

    Were these cheap copies not available they would not buy the originals as they could not afford or would be unwilling to pay the asking price.

    So tell me what are the corporations losing ?

    The Chairman of Rolex admitted his Company rarely take any action against people faking his products as "The people who buy the copies cannot afford the original,.........but perhaps by wearing a copy they may aspire to one day buying the real thing" (my wording I cannot find the original quote).

    Software now that is a different issue, Mr Gates has sewn up the market so we cannot operate our computers without the stuff and if copies are not available we have to buy the originals, we have no choice really.

    :D  :D  :o  :D  :D

    What about music and movies? Are you saying people wouldn't buy music and movie discs if there weren't fake ones available?

    How about the fake PC-CD games? The real ones are only about 350 baht and the fake ones around 100 baht -- a relatively little difference, yet still people buy the fakes. If the fakes weren't there, you don't think they'd cough up an extra couple hundred baht to buy the genuine product?

    We're not just talking about luxury goods and software here.

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