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Posts posted by khungribo

  1. wait until you have seen the full deck of what happens in the next couple of years before trying to rub peoples noses in this wonderful governance...not

    Thanks for the input Nostradamus.

    There's about 50 million people willing to take their chances on a better outcome than the pigshit you have been dishing out for the last decade or so.

    Seriously, dont you have a better argument than "we're disgraceful criminal pigs but it could be worse"?

    Crawl back under your rock and see if you can find a clue there.

  2. Free ticket holders use empty seats

    Oh what complete and utter bullshit. Thai Air seats are more often sold out than not - at least up until your amnesty attempt. Many flights were impossible to get a seat unless you were sure to book a few days beforehand on popular routes and times.

    Empty seats my ass. If they were taking empty seats they would have taken them on standby within 1 hr of departure. You, sir, are a liar.

  3. I'd ask you to elaborate if it wouldn't be deleted for being off topic, but I'm actually curious as to what you meant. Implicit in your response to bkkgooner seems to be the idea that military coups are crucial to development and progress, which is a rather counterintuitive idea on the face of it, but I suppose not untypical of someone who has absorbed a "Thai" view of history - or at least the version of history Thais are generally taught.

    Anyway, the junta's economic czar ACM Prajin Juntong, has been chairman of Thai since March. I'm sure he would've sorted it all out regardless of whether the coup happened or not.

    Oh what complete and utter rot. 'Gooners post dictates that progress cannot be made without righting all wrongs from past history. A pointless and mischievous position. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge this is reason for the lack of surprise. The fact that you go on to conflate this position with a logical fallacy is further evidence of your apparent dimwitedness and/or malevolent intention.

    The writing was on the wall for a long time. Your position was always untenable. It wasnt a question of 'if' it was a question of 'when'. Nothing you can do or say now will change history. History has changed. Your squeals are irrelevant now. Thailand has taken a giant leap for the better. The pigs left squealing are merely an echo to an unfortunate past.

    Adapt or die. History will judge you harshly.

    • Like 2
  4. When is he going to apologize for past army massacres and give back some of the money from the army's insane budget?

    Do you actually read and consider what you write before you post it?

    Mankind would never have moved out of their stone-age caves nor the mire of the Dark Ages if civilisation depended on your "model" of advancement.

    Alas, your "model" appears to depend on never having your snout pulled from the trough, no matter the consequences.

    Shameful trolling at its worst

  5. The military may be the "least" corrupt organization in Thailand...good for them...taking on many of Thailand's problems...forward thinking...and trying to bring about stability...integrity...and cohesion to governing Thailand...I like it...

    It's definitely a watershed. Even in this short time they have managed to achieve at least partial reforms that most would have thought nearly impossible, or at least decades in the making.

    The hangers-on and outright pigs will continue to squeal in protest for some time, but the changes taking place right now are sure to bring about a better life and higher standard of living for the vast majority of the population.

    I have no doubt that the name Prayuth will be revered in textbooks and political analysis for many generations to come.

    Bravo General. Bravo!

    • Like 2
  6. True story - going back a good few years mind !

    My old Auntie used to break down in her car on her way to work almost every day and have to call out a mechanic - who eventually always managed to get her to work somehow. This went on for weeks and they couldn't fathom out what the problem was until my uncle travelled with her one day and realized she was pulling out the manual choke lever and hanging her bag on it whilst driving so she could eat her biscuits on the way to work !

    I think it's a gender issues to be honest !

    It may be a true story but it isn't yours... This was penned by Wheels journalist "Quints" in the late sixties/early seventies in his column in Wheels Magazine.

    • Like 2
  7. You dont need to pay the 3.4% + fixed fee, that is for commercial transactions. You are doing a personal transaction

    When you send a payment select send money >> family or friends

    There is no fee at that point if you pay from paypal balance except a 1% cross-border fee.

    If you pay with credit card there is a fee which will be 3.4% + fixed fee (small amount) if you use a foreign card. If you have Thai CC the fee MAY be 2.4% + FF

    I dont think you can send Rand so you will probably send USD, and there will be a conversion fee of 4% above wholesale, (and your friends bank will probably slap on a conversion fee when they withdraw to their bank as well if their account is in Rand)

    If you have baht in your paypal account just send baht if the receiver can deposit baht in their bank account. That will save you on the first conversion fee

    complicated but HTH

    • Like 1
  8. I am pretty sure the snouts have been removed from the trough. At this point am sure

    the strategy to get the ill gotten gains out of the country before the military grabs the

    money back......

    No, you dont understand the mind of a sociopath. The snouts will remain in the trough until the snout or trough is physically removed.

    The sociopath will create lies on a whim, never aware that the lie they told yesterday contradicts the lie they told the day before.

    The only solution is to remove the sociopath from society for as long as possible. They are incurable.

  9. khungribo, do you reckon that freedom of speech was restricted during the Thaksin Party's time ?

    Are you so naive as to think that it wasn't? Are you under 12 years old and don't realise there is more than one way that criminals silence their opposition?

    See, people are now banned from writing negative comments about the coup

    My heart bleeds for them. The coup was necessary due to their own actions. It has only silenced those who brought it about. An incorrigibaly corrupt regime that stepped far outside the boundaries of what is considered acceptable. Absolute pigs.

    • Like 1
  10. Gee, your posts become even more Christian and charitable. The meek shall inherit the earth. Cheers

    Ahh yes. When the criminally corrupt and incorrigible are brought to account they have nothing. No excuse for their words and actions. Only vague biblical references in the hope of clawing back their irretrievable loss of face.

    And indeed they shall. The inheritance is being repatriated as we speak. Meanwhile you shall slink back to your filthy pit, strengthening yourself in your own mind to spew forth more bile against the good and decent people from whom you steal your succour.

  11. And you decide who has the right to an opinion or not? Jesus wouldn't love that.

    In your arrogance and simple-mindedness you still appear to think that entitlement to an opinion somehow validates that opinion.

    You have expressed your opinion many times. The overwhelming majority have judged your opinion to be that of a self-interested, self-serving and criminal-worshipping sycophant.

    The people have spoken. You have lost. Crawl back under the rock from whence you came.

  12. Not very Christian of you to be so vindictive or is that just a pose?

    You, (in your simpleness and arrogance) confuse vindictiveness with justice and fair comment. Of course this is to be expected after your disgraceful behaviour in support of the criminal Shinawatra regime and being on what would inevitably be the losing side. Go forth and multiply, but do not sow your sour grapes here as they are no longer tolerated.

    Freedom for Thailand! Long Live the King!

  13. Dumb as a Brick because now those red shirts will not forget what she has said and there will be some red nutter will most likely attack her she should o fkept her mouth shut because not the cats out of the bag and she is now a target

    This post is a veiled threat to incite and encourage violence from the corrupt and criminal losing side. It should, therefore be deleted

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