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Mot Dang

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Posts posted by Mot Dang

  1. Not possible, neon light, no matter how bright or how close to the light's cover, can not ignite

    a fire as it doesn't omit and heat that can be hot enough to melt plastic and start a fire....

    keep looking, or is it another cover up in the making going on there?......

    Agreed, neon lighting runs quite cool. I think there is simply a terminology error here on the part of the reporter. I doubt if a fluorescent tube or lamp would do it either. More than likely a security spot light or halogen lamp. I'm always a bit wary at home leaving security spot lights on overnight. There is also the issue of incorrect wiring that made the fixture run hot, the new fluorescent lamps can run hot if wiring is wrong. A cover-up ? ..... wait and see.

  2. I have seen Chinese men do this in Jomtien, but in a drunken state. Thai management in the restaurant did not do a thing, most Thai families moved tables, or left (some without paying, as the staff were basically hiding). I actually saw one Thai mother shielding her children's gaze from the spectacle as they left. It took several threatening falang to quieten them down. They wanted to argue loudly (a bit of Dutch courage I would suspect) but they soon enough realized they were in deep sh*t.

    Thailand will rue the day that they "invited" these uncouth people into their country. Just the same as pigs putting their snouts in the feed troughs. Same same.

  3. Keep going on this initiative guys, don't be put off by Thais or falang that have no empathy for the suffering of animals.

    But, unfortunately, I can't see them having any success against water theme parks involving dolphins, seals (and Orangutans) etc. Too much money there going into the exploiter's and TAT's pockets.

    Reminds me of the Liza Minnelli song from Cabaret. "Money Money Money. Money Money Money. Money makes the world go round ................... "

  4. The school is in a 1980's time warp with the thinking to match. Ignorance breeds ill-tolerance, and worse, fear and hate. Someone needs to educate the educators about Aids/HIV.

    From a personal experience, I was travelling through Tong Lang with my wife in 1986. I needed a pit-stop and we stopped at a set of run-down local shops that advertised out front "Toilet 1 Baht". I chose the cleanest shop, while my wife bought some mangoes I went to go into the hong nahm. I was waved off by a very vocal woman. My wife asks what was wrong. The owner said that all falang carried HIV and I would infect their (despicable) toilet.

    My wife in her bull-dozer fashion told them they needn't worry about falang, but the Thai lorry drivers criss-crossing Thailand, taking pit stops at the cheap brothels. Then taking it home to the wife or gf. They were mortified that a hi-so (their words) falang wife told them that, and told us to leave.

    My wife was smart enough to know this is how (in one way) it spread in Africa.

  5. Their holiday was ruined because of the theft of 4,000 baht ? Now that is traveling on a shoe-string. That's the 7/11 money gone.

    Surely they had additional money back at the hotel.

    I feel sorry for the ladies, but women coming to Pattaya have to be always alert for these parasites on their motorcycles. And BKK and CNX and ................

    Women being severely injured or even killed in these bag snatching episodes is not uncommon.

    Being a victim of violent robbery would ruin anyone's holiday - regardless of the amount of money lost.

    exactly..not to mention the IDs, ATM cards, passports, etc that could have been in their purse. Such compassionate people on TV

    I don't deny what you and Chickenfeet are saying, yes it was a violent cruel event. I had a women friend killed in BKK about 15 years ago thru this very crime. But writing one small paragraph does not explain ALL of one's feelings on a subject.

    The two points I was making (1) the article gave the impression that they only had 4,000 baht to their name. I doubted that. The article did not talk about lost cards etc. I presumed in my doubt that they were back at the hotel. If it was their only money, traveling with no extra money for accidents etc. is not wise. (2) that women have to be extra alert in Thailand, sometimes even when getting about with male companions.

    I always tell people coming to Thailand that this is not down-town London, Sydney or Moscow. No time to learn the ropes so you have to be extra alert. Is this or is this not true ? I have lived in the Kingdom for just over 3 decades and I still don't know all the ropes, the goal posts are continuously changing.

    Don't call me incompassionate. What I have done for the people in my village in Buriram, and my extended family, in the last 34 years would be way past what I am sure you have ever done for Thailand. You don't know me and hide behind anonymity in your trolling.

  6. Their holiday was ruined because of the theft of 4,000 baht ? Now that is traveling on a shoe-string. That's the 7/11 money gone.

    Surely they had additional money back at the hotel.

    I feel sorry for the ladies, but women coming to Pattaya have to be always alert for these parasites on their motorcycles. And BKK and CNX and ................

    Women being severely injured or even killed in these bag snatching episodes is not uncommon.

  7. And how the hell are they going to achieve this ? What actions are they going to put in place to prevent the populace from wasting water ? Shut down/restrict water supply, only one bucket per person, ban water guns, arrest those with more than one bucket ?

    Oh wait a minute, the Governor will say to populace, "please be responsible". Rubbish, there will be no change, as much water will be used as last year, and the year before that. There is very little civil conscience, as we know. It's called Thainess.

    I for one will go up to the village and stay there. At least the old fashioned Songkran festival is celebrated up there. Small buckets of dam water (which the idiots tire from carrying about), and no damn water guns. I'll celebrate it my own way, a couple of chickens on the BBQ (Gai Yang), and a few bottles of San Mig Light.

    I've had my fill of Songkran festivals.

  8. Some "should be's":

    1. She should be fined for being naked.

    2. Her parents should be fined for allowing their crazy daughter drive.

    3. The Land Transportation Office should be fined for giving a driving license to a crazy woman.

    4. Her doctor should be fined for not giving any restraining order to a crazy person's family.

    Anymore? Please help...

    5. You should be fined for posting such brainless nonsense.

    2. Her parents should be fined for allowing their crazy daughter drive ..... ????

    The woman is in her 30's, crazy or not I don't think the parents are in a position in stopping her from driving. Would you also force her to wear a burqa when she came to her senses ?

  9. I think Mr.P should be worrying about the big picture. Can't see any other countries leader standing up like this and commenting on a boat accident. This is at best probably a publicity exercise, but Mr.P, don't micromanage, let the people you are paying to perform these investigations get on with their job. If they don't, then use your big boots. Remember the country still has a water problem, people smuggling, crooked fishing industry, a floundering airline, the new constitution to finish ................................. etc.

  10. The hookers on the coconut bar do this all day every day, and the Ladyboys go much further than that with their touching of foreigners, so I assume they all should be thrown in jail?

    One thing I do hate are the sub-continental tailors in Pattaya on Beach Road, grabbing you by the arm, as you walk past, to get your attention, even though you are in conversation with family or friends. One particular guy did it to me three times to me in one day. Us falang look all the same I think.

  11. QUESTION: Don't these idiot know that walking around in public without a shirt is considered extremely rude in Thailand? Hell, I don't go out of my house without a shirt on, and I'm in damn good shape with nothing to be ashamed of. But in Thailand, it's considered flat out rude! They should learn something about the culture if they are going to be here.

    Well said and very true. I get an ear-full from the trouble and strife if I wear tank tops outside of the house. Thais hate them.

    Go thru any of the villages round by me and many Thai men topless.....sadly no women!!

    Yes you are right, but generally the whole village is like one giant family. In my village half the village seem to have either my wife's father's surname or mother's surname (shades of Deliverance, joking). The men do walk around with no shirts but if they leave the village for the next, or go to the Wat, the shirt goes on. Plus I think Thai wives like to see their falang husbands a cut above the rest. This sometimes is not possible, say no more 8-)

    I started living in my wife's village in 1982, and then on occasions some of the younger women weren't so quick to cover up. The Yia's could not be bothered. Now, no way. Funny isn't it that I have noticed this, but yet we all think Thai culture has warped more towards a Western culture, where nudity can be the norm.

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