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Posts posted by jamestip1947

  1. 6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    I have seen doc lists - these are published by all sorts of folks: first-hand reports, agregators, web-sites, law firms, posts here - which sometimes mention "past 90-day report forms", often followed by "if applicable" or "if available".


    What all this means, or how it might be enforced by any number of the thousands of IOs in all the offices, is difficult to say.


    I would hope that our 90-day "history" is available on line for IOs to review if necessary?


    I usually include my two most recent 90-day reports (done online, so app + next appt). Whether these are required is unknown.


    If you have them, include them. If not, what can you do?


    Personally I scan everything Imm related so have it in digital form.


    And I can view all 90-day reports on line, or via the mobile app.







    I have never heard of anything so stupid. The form I fill out for my 90 day report have all been retained by the immigration officer. By the way why do they make us fill form out for a 90 day report. There have been times when the Immigration officer has thrown it in the bin and not needed it which translates to me that they enjoy making life as complicated as possible. When your passport number and name are entered on their computer it automatically prints the same or similar form with a perforation at the bottom of it  which automatically gives a date for your next report.. Filling all these forms out is like Immigration is 20 years behind the rest of the world for something we shouldn't not have to do anyway!!!! So there is no mistake working out when 90 days is as sometimes Immigration used to get my next 90 day date wrong!!!

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    Take their guns away too! Ridiculous rule.

    How can you take their guns off them when  the officer OWNS his gun!!!! Very dangerous . They go to bars and get drunk after work or even when on duty and take their gun with them. Ad that to all the other things the police have to provide for them self like a scooter , uniform, boots ,webbing.. They have to be corrupt just to look after themselves, Who knows how much if anything goes to the common cause as well

    • Confused 1
  3. My wife and I went to Taryang/ Phetchaburi Immigration last week and asked them about a "combo". My marriage is not registered so I need an extension  as a single person. I always keep 400,000 bt in a fixed deposit . We asked about my Pension which is transfered directly from Australia by Centerlink ( social security) which is done at the Australian end fee free my Government. I showed my passbook and were told that I need a statement for the full year from the bank with every page stamped Plus a letter confirming the fixed deposit of 400,000 bt. Take the 2 passbooks  and copies ( 1 for the regular savings account with the direct pension payments from overseas and 1 for the fixed deposit). These must be dated the same day as I apply for my retirement extension. Also take the usual documents as in the past re my wife's house and details. They could not clarify if I could draw the 400,000 bt, or half of it out . My visa is not due until August so it's not urgent . She also could not clarify if the same combination of bank accounts and income could be used in August 2020. The officer  also showed me one she had just done with the "farangs" statements all stamped  and the covering letter for the money in the relevant bank. So in my situation it looked easy . If in 2020 we have a problem my wife has a 3 year multitransit visa so we will exit and do 50/50 Thai/ Australia. In Australia  a That would cut out ever having to go to Thai immigration and would never have to have money in banks tied up in Thailand... 90 Day visas has always been easy to get. I understand that many of us are in a dire situation and I know people who are leaving and "running" their prior to there visa expiring.

  4. I can get 400,000 bt cover with a Thai Insurance company for 94,000 bt pa. I am 72 next month and the premium would rise as I got older. I once followed the link on this site for an insurance quote when I was 70 and wait for it!!!! 24000 bt per month. !!! The former would be an exit consideration and the latter would be a 100% exit ..Nowhere in the world is this required. Easier if this happens to go back "Down Under" and just visit hear as a tourist on a 90 day visa....  For my retirement visa I have always  used a 400,000 bt fixed deposit combo plus my pension which arrives 13 times a year. I would draw that down by having my pension go back into an Australian bank prior to exiting. This country is getting less friendly all the time ..

    • Like 1
  5. I am Australian and have 400,000 bt. in the bank for the required time. My question is my pension is transferred into my Bangkok Bank Passbook every 4 weeks which is 13 times a year. The BKK bank code is BTN and it shows clearly in my passbook. That adds up to just over 500,000 bt in specific  transfers to my Thai bank. These add up to well over 800,000 bt. Does anybody know it this "combo " method is this still acceptable . The embassy have stopped doing verification declarations.. If this is no good I will depart Thailand in August. Unfortunately I will be leaving a very nice Thai Lady who will be broke and will have to sell her car, pull here Daughter out of an International School in Bangkok which will probably destroy her chance of going to University .  It is quite plain to me that the Thias couldn't care less.. Surely it's immoral to kick someone out when they have done so much.  Many families will be destitute as a result. I  can not support her from Australia as I have to take my cash with me. Like any returnees I have to buy a decent car upon arrival, find somewhere to live which is easy but costly. Like many returnees I doubt if I ever will return.  I am getting to the stage where I don't care.. In Cha-am there have already been goodbye parties for people leaving so it is happening.. To get back to the question .. Does anybody know if the "combo" method will still work. Thankyou 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. GOOD LOOKING 1995 TOYOTA CORONA FOR SALE . This car has been a second car and has 215,000 k's . Very good Michelin tires, including spare. Serviced, good condition. Owned by an elderly 72 year old "farang" and I am not driving much any more . My wife's car has been upgraded so no use toy this car now... It's never been abused and always parked in a garage. No oil leeks as we park in a tiled garage, Repainted 6 years ago light blue and the Toyota mag wheels painted cream. All shock absorbers reconditioned, All rubbers, dampers, CV boots replaced . power steering rebuilt. Good reliable cheep car to run. Color change and LPG registered in blue book for easy transfer

    01 Toyota.jpg

    02 Toyota.jpg

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    01 Toyota Corona Dark Blue @103 (6).JPG


  7. I have asked several times from 4 years ago for Duty free whiskey at BKK airport . They ask me where you are going to and when I replied "Australia" their answer was " we can't sell  you any alcohol .. But I was transiting through Lualar Lumpar and there was no problem buying alcohol  there and boarding a plane to Australia .. My take on this is that it is a security concern or lack of it in Thailand . There is no ther reason why you can board at KL with duty free alcohol and NOT BKK.  Over the last 2 years I have not even bothered asking so I don't know if things have changed.  I now usually exit BKK on a  direct flight with Jetstar. Maybe if Thailand catches up with its  international  civil aviation problems ( mainly the EU ) it may in future  be classified as plus  instead of minus !!!! Thats a big ask in "my ben rai land" to get up to world standards  in aviation safety.. !!!

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