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Posts posted by tonyjimmac

  1. I really think the girls and boys on the check-outs at our local Tesco Lotus must have been trained never to use one plastic bag but as many as possible. I have seen three or four bags used for fewer than a dozen small items. No wonder the ditches lining every country lane and road are knee deep in discarded plastic...

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  2. I think Mr Bolshaw should take a long hard look at himself. If he's so concerned about Thai people only speaking Thai in their own country. If he intends visiting the country perhaps he should snap out of his laziness make the effort to learn at least a little Thai... If he is from the UK then his extreme stupidity is no surprise. The UK is now visited by hundreds of thousands tourists. I doubt any of them ever get an answer in their own language.

  3. Each morning as I fire up the laptop to scan the daily papers in the UK and some of the rest of the world I feel a little happier in the tranquility and relative sanity of my village home in remotest Isaan, After more than three years here I have no wish to go anywhere, least of all back to the UK, where apparently because I consider myself a citizen of the world I am - according the the current PM - "a citizen of nowhere..." Neither to the US. In both countries so-called western democracy is clearly in terminal decline. The expats who complain most are the ones who even after several years here speak not one word of the language nor have the slightest interest in the culture of the country. They should fulfill their wish and leave pronto - and good riddance.

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  4. There is never any excuse for this kind of behaviour by anybody. It is immature, uncivilised and, I'm afraid. all too typical of this type of self-evidently low quality visitor. Why these people are admitted to the country in the first place is baffling. One look at them - beer bellied, shaven headed thugs - and surely any immigration officer should think twice before stamping their passports. They clearly do not have the intelligence to understand they are in another country and another culture. If they did and knew how to handle the situation in a way appropriate to the culture of the country then this ugly incident might never have occurred. One hopes they are apprehended and made an example of.

  5. All this reminds me of arriving as a crew member aboard at Atlantic liner in the early 1960s. Before being allowed ashore we had to be photographed, have our finger prints taken (quite roughly I remember) and complete a form that included the laughable question - "Do you intend to overthrow the government of the USA?" Of course all those lively Liverpool lads put "yes". I don't recall anyone being refused shore leave as a result!

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  6. Quite right too... She should think herself lucky to have got off so lightly. Her passport is NOT her property but that of Her Majesty's government and as such ultimately the property of the Queen herself. In Thailand any insult, which this most certainly was, to ANY royalty can, and has been, interpreted as 'lese majeste', which under Article 22 of Thai law is punishable by up to five years for each offence. That could I suppose, given the Thai courts' propensity for literal interpretation, have meant five years for each page!

  7. Passports remain the property of the government of the issuing country. In the case of the UK that technically means the document is the property of HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH the second. That little nuggest should scare the proverbial out of any Thai cop. As I understand it technically within the Kingdom insulting anybody's royalty is by implication seen as an insult to His Majesty.

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