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Thai Travel Bug

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Posts posted by Thai Travel Bug

  1. Isn't it fact that any property or assets aquired in the marriage are classed as joint assets anyway. Your name may not be on the chanote, but if the marriage were to fail, it is an equally dividable asset. A name on a chanote would not offer anymore protection than the law in the case of divorce. If not in fear of divorce, what do you gain by having your name on the chanote anyway. You are covered in either or scenario to claim your share of the asset

    Legal niceties are all very well. But if your wife decides the marriage has gone to ratshit and wants out, a bit of paper won't save you from the trucks full of cousins from Isaan with their farming implements, who turn up to tell you it's time to go.

    I am quite happy with my life here, as the poster seems to be. But the old adage of never putting more into Thailand than you can afford to walk away from (albeit a bit poorer and wiser) still holds good.

    That is of course assuming that the only marriages that take place in Thailand are between Isaan girls and foreigners. And one further, not all the girls from Isaan should be labelled as many here label them. I have met many kind souls from Isaan who would rather feed you than fight with you, and some have become loyal friends over the years. Labels should only appear on things you buy, and if you have bought a young lady from Isaan, and you know from the onset that it was purely a financial agreement to see you into old age, be prepared for warranty problems.

  2. Isn't it fact that any property or assets aquired in the marriage are classed as joint assets anyway. Your name may not be on the chanote, but if the marriage were to fail, it is an equally dividable asset. A name on a chanote would not offer anymore protection than the law in the case of divorce. If not in fear of divorce, what do you gain by having your name on the chanote anyway. You are covered in either or scenario to claim your share of the asset.

  3. Definitely Wongamat. I have a condo on the northern tip about to be completed, sea breezes all day long from both bays, if your wanting to rent a place, pm me if you'd like to take a look.

  4. Exessive alcohol, balconys, and people dont mix. Excessive alcohol, drunken exhuberance, bravado and play, coupled with balconys anywhere above ground level dont mix. Excessive alcohol, fun and frivolity on a balcony can be a deadly mix. There doesnt always have to be a dark story to tell, nor a crime committed, nor a suicide evident. Some of the drunkest skylarking fun imbibed people have fallen from great heights to their demise. Its not really all that unusual. Even if your wife is in the same room, at the same time, on the same floor, in the same state of anebriation. Its just that the male of the species, when full of alcohol, can make some really bad decisions, in the name of fun, love, laughter and romance, and even by perching ourselves in precarious positions on balconys, because it could never happen to us.....when we are drunk.....

  5. Who knows the road that this man has travelled. Who knows what pains, and who has taken advantage of him before. Who knows if he has been abused as a child, unloved as a child, treated as a nothing, a lost soul, and searching all of his life. Was he emotionly abused, paralised through life with fear and mistrust. Was he a human shipwreck, a soul always searching for love, a love that was never found. We will never know. But we know this for sure, that he was 81 years old, and a much younger lady being 41 years of age had taken advantage of whatever vulnerable state this man may have been in, and it obviously wasnt the true love that most of us would wish for. Upon the realisation that this love was false, and had never been, did this man finally crack and unleash all of the anger he had pent up inside him since he was a teenager. Did the probability of prison not act as a deterent, because in his eyes, nothing mattered anymore. At 81 had he had enough of being emotinally blackmailed in what he first may have thought was a true and lucky love for him? Who knows......But sometimes people just crack. Their soul breaks in two, because after years of being lost, and at a loss as to who they really are, and to why they even exist, a temptress comes in, and steals their last ounce of dignity from them. Who knows......A very sad tale for both of them.

    • Like 1
  6. It is just possible that the wife knew something about her boss. She was SECRETARY to national police chief Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang.

    It could be that both deaths wee arranged.

    Is it just possible that this is just another sad occurance in a country that is not of your motherland, where murder suicides happen on an almost daily basis involving husbands and wives, and or loved ones.....why in Thailand do we always have to over question the reality of life that happens in every state and territory all around the world.

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  7. The world is changing, and isnt it changing rapidly. We are under new governance, and rules are being re written. Look at what could be happening soon within the borders of our near and close influential neigbors.

    While Indonesia's plan to execute Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan has not dented Australian tourist visits to the island, a proposed alcohol ban could.

    The number of Australians visiting Bali over the past two months was up 16.7 per cent from the same period last year, with more arriving than any other nationality.

    Indonesia Institute president Ross Taylor says it is unfortunate the fate of Bali Nine drug smugglers is probably third on the list of concerns about Indonesia among fellow nationals.

    He says legislation proposed by two Islamic parties banning consumption of all beverages containing more than one per cent alcohol is considered more of a worry, and could become law as early as the end of this year if backed by President Joko Widodo.

    Also of concern is a review of foreign property ownership.

    Mr Taylor said mini marts would be the initial focus of the alcohol ban, which would be broadened but not apply to certain locations to protect tourism, such as five-star hotels.

    He said the proposal had "horrified" authorities in Bali.

    "My own view would be that common sense would prevail ... but I'd be cautious in saying that because there are some of the more pronounced religious groups throughout Indonesia really gaining momentum now," Mr Taylor told AAP.

    "In Aceh, they've introduced Sharia law. Very strictly. Even foreigners can be arrested in Aceh for not dressing appropriately."

    Mr Taylor said nationalist sentiment was running high, with Indonesian authorities reviewing every property to ascertain whether it was being held on behalf of a foreigner.

    "A lot of them are," he said.

    "The state will either resume that property or offer the nominee the option of just keeping it for themselves, with no legal comeback from the foreign owner.

    "So if you take that and the alcohol thing I think it's really symptomatic of a disturbing trend - and Indonesia is a country that stole my heart so I'm not anti-Indonesia - of the Jokowi government showing all the signs of being naive, dysfunctional and lost at the moment.

    "Just drifting off into thought bubbles."

    Soon with the grouping of the ASEAN there may be a whole new world order.

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  8. Posted 2015-04-11 21:17:44



    Thai Travel Bug, on 11 Apr 2015 - 21:11, said:

    Let me reiterate a little. Yes, jihad has now hit Thailand, and it has infiltrated tourist destinataions.....this car bombing was a trial run by the muslim brothers of southern Thailand to see what damage it may cause....They will build, and change build bit by bit.m. This will not be Thai muslim against Thai budhist by any means.....there is no reason in todays bigger picture to call the muslims opposition Buddhist. This was the first try and experiment in a western congregated tourist area... This was a soft opening for lack of better words. Westerners in Thailand beware.....Jihad is upon westerners in western tourist destinations from this day forward....Jihad is well and truly upon us.....Take care.

    Waoo, you're on speed or what?crazy.gif

    Calm down, take it easy otherwise you'll die of a heart attack coffee1.gif

    Really sorry to say it, I was bagged for it in the last bombing incident, but the fact is, Thailand is not immune to threats of terorism, and wether it be soft targets like we are seeing, or full on destruction and loss of life on a major scale. Google "Thailand Jihad". it has been going on for a long time, but southern Thailand has been the area that it has been sutained. ISIS or ISIL or whatever you want to call it has shown pooer cousins how to unite, and spread the terror further than your back door. Yes, it is starting out small, and fairly uncultured, but boys and girls, they are starting to experiment and encroach on western populated area's, and soon, be it the next week or month, who knows, but we will see a huge terrorist act, probably involving a bomb, but one that has the ability to inflict major loss of life, and if you think that Thailand is not capable of this, think again. Our country is a melting pot of criminal, idealogical, well hidden tourists, would be terrorists, and all you need is one or two loose screws.....lguys, the new age is upon us, and what an easy soft target a tourist destination like Thailand is....My beloved Thailand is about to to show the world stage what terrorism can do in a highly inhabited tourist destination. This is real.

    Edited by JoeLing, 2015-04-11 21:18:46.

  9. Let me reiterate a little. Yes, jihad has now hit Thailand, and it has infiltrated tourist destinataions.....this car bombing was a trial run by the muslim brothers of southern Thailand to see what damage it may cause....They will build, and change build bit by bit.m. This will not be Thai muslim against Thai budhist by any means.....there is no reason in todays bigger picture to call the muslims opposition Buddhist. This was the first try and experiment in a western congregated tourist area... This was a soft opening for lack of better words. Westerners in Thailand beware.....Jihad is upon westerners in western tourist destinations from this day forward....Jihad is well and truly upon us.....Take care.

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  10. It is game over kids......this is it, it has now begun to rear its ugly head in tourist destinations in Thailand. This is a part of the muslim rise, this is the begining, not the end. Get out while you still have time to put your Thai affairs in order, reconect with those in your home country that you had lost connection with, reavaluate what is important to you, because now the hate of the muslim world is upon us, beheadings will become the norm in Thailand....trust me....read this post again in 6 months, and tell me I was wrong. Jihad has now hit Thailand.

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  11. Morphine, when administered in a Thailand hospital, needs to have the correct paperwork filled out for each dose, accompanied by a vial number, and this then has to be reported and retained for audit. It is not given out willy nilly, and the hospital is accountable for all the numbered vials of morphine in their care.

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  12. Reading her story she sounds so sweet and innocent ... to me nothing more than a load of b/s.

    So what do you think she did? Wish bad karma upon him that caused him to kick a mirror, have an artery severed by a shard of glass, and it is all her fault that he in this instance he had no control of his temper....Yeh, you are right......its plausible that it is B.S, and that she automated this unfortunate death by a newly aquired app she installed on her phone called, "Kill foriegn boyfriend through his own stupidity" She only played the app once, and obviously it worked......Im so sick of Thai Bashers.....So sick of it.... I really wonder if some of you have been to Thailand.....Seriously...

  13. End of the day, as usual, you check out when you least expect it.....His girlfriends account of their life together sounded plausible and honest.... He, not a bad bloke, but by her account, able to fire up and lose his temper because of alcohol....Had a temper that was generally kept under control, but on this night, got full of booze, lost his way, lost his thoughts, then lost his temper.....kicking a mirror is exactly the same as kicking glass, as thats all a mirror is. Glass with a reflective coating.....Kick glass, or punch glass, and the greater chance is you will cut yourself, and unfortunately as God or Buddha has it, this kick did cause a cut that struck an atery....not an uncommon event, it happens, and sometime due to the injury, and the angle on which the arterey was cut, it is impossible to stem the flow of blood. I believe her account to be genuine, and this was just another sad accident that could happen the world over.....R.I.P

  14. I know this will never happen in Thailand (although if enough palms are greased it might) but in the UK ALL security are licensed. My company is involved in training security and bouncers come under that umbrella. The trainees receive very intense training (assuming they pass the required police/personal investigation. Obviously how to defend themselves first but everything you can think of. How to pull somebody out of a group kicking, how to restrain safely (not around the neck/throat etc). How to identify potential troublemakers, how to diffuse situations before escalating to violence, how to spot a potential drive by-shootist among people who have been evicted, first aid, who is allowed by law to enter (police, council etc), how to take correct notes of ALL incidents. And so on.... In the UK there was a massive problem among doormen being overly violent, this problem is minimal now thanks to the licensing. It costs of course and doormen pay for their own badge but then they have a vested interest because if they loose the right to work, they're in trouble. I guess this is much the same in other civilised countries. Thailand, which is a country that is very quick to turn to violence - usually including weapons, would benefit from a system like this.

    Thank you for taking time to post this well thought out piece of information.

    Although I do resent your last sentence that implies you are civilized and Thais are not ... I do get your drift.

    This region has been populated since about 1238 AD, which is more than 500 years before the USA took its first baby steps.

    If you want to ply your craft in a country that is not civilized and where violence is the solution to most problems, pack your bags and head for the USA ... they need your wisdom and concepts much more that Thailand ...

    You see, anyone who has even a clue about the Thai way, knows easily how to avoid conflict, especially physical conflict.

    It is a one word summary and 100% effective.

    The magic word is .... RESPECT.

    Employ that in the Kingdom, and you have little to worry about.

    It is really that simple.

    Well said. I have a wife, brother in law, two sister in laws, uncles and cousins who are Thai. None of them have ever gone out and ended up getting involved in a violent confrontation. None of them have had problems with bouncers or police. None of them have felt threatened, nor needed to be threatening. They live here, they know when trouble is brewing, and when to walk the other way. They know what should be said and what should not be said. They know their people, their culture, and their country. Two week millionaires dont, they come to Thailand, get drunk, get rude, get abusive, and act like stand over merchants to a group of people who would rather act in a peaceful way. It is us the falang who generally comes here and does wrong, it is not the Thai. 6 foot tall drunk baffoons coming in on a 30 day visa, and they think they own the place. Stay at home, yes you will be safer, because it is you who bring it all upon yourselves. Respect others, respect yourselves, and respect the fact that you have been allowed into Thailand as a visitor.
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  15. When security guards escort someone to the front door and evict them due to the state of their intoxication, they do not beat them to a pulp. When a patron becomes violent, or threatens violence, well who knows what may come their way. This could have been an each way bet. It may have been that either the security guards or the drunken patron were going to be injured in a physical confrontation. In this case it was the drunken tourist (Guest in Thailand) who came off second best. If you are at the point of intoxication where it is likely that you will become aggressive and or threaten harm to the hosts of your holiday destination, save it till you get home, or go home. No one wins by coming to Thailand and disrespecting the culture, brooding for a fight, or showing off your drinking skills. If asked to leave a premises, smile, walk on, walk out, and go back to your condo or hotel. Live to drink another day.

    I would think that if you have reached the point of intoxication "where it is likely you will become aggressive" then you're hardly likely to be thinking rationally.

    As for "disrespecting the culture", seriously? In a go-go bar?

    In regards to your comment, "As for "disrespecting the culture", seriously? In a go-go bar?" If you believe that you are respecting people and their culture by standing at the door of any venue in Thailand and abusing Thai staff, punching Thai staff, flicking your blood on a Thai lady, and being an overall abusive jerk, then I suggest that you read your travel guide again, and also reflect on the term "Loss of face" It will bode you well in the future if you ever have to make a call on respecting another culture. It doesn't matter whether you are standing at the front door of a go go bar, or waiting in line to make merit. Respect Thai's and their culture if you want a pleasant and enjoyable stay.

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  16. SAD, very sad is all i can say...........Emotions run very high when you are young, praise God that in time, and as we age, we become more excepting of love lost, love changed, love no longer in attendance........very, very sad, such a loss of YOUNG life, such a loss to their friends, and their loved ones......a very sad, sad waste of life.......buddha bless them in their travels......

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