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Posts posted by tingtongdingdong

  1. First the off I'm sad to see the monks in Sydney asking for 20 dollar donation to walk around in a Line to splash water on a Buddha statue and be blessed by a monk for songkran.

    Then at the bus station I watched a Thai wai another Thai but the other Thai just ignored and gave her a weird look almost like she was to embarrassed to wai back in public.

    Do you Think the Thais in Thailand would approve of this?

  2. I'm going to try that. Buy a bottle of whiskey, walk into a night club, settle myself in and start drinking away while offering the staff some drinks too. After I'm piss drunk, I'll just have a nap on their sofa, then walk out within paying a single baht to the club.

    In a lot of Thai bars, you actually can bring your own whiskey in. But you do have to pay for the ice, coke, and soda water to mix with. I do this sometimes because I like to drink gin, and the bars near me don't have it.

    Oh yeah, that's fine, and I've done it loads too. If you bring your own bottle in, you pay a corkage / opening fee though (generally included in the mixers + ice). Sounds as though OP was dismayed they wanted a fee for drinking there / mixers, and thinks the Thai staff should be more appreciative for sharing his Hong Tong with them, and sleeping on their sofa.

    OP, if anything I'd consider yourself lucky this time around. Try that in the wrong place, and you're going to end up in the hospital, eh?

    no I payed soda and cokes and I have been asked by the staff more than once to buy a round of hong tong from 7/11 .

    Some bars are more lax than others about this type of thing . such as giving falang lady drinks at regular drink prices/ discounts on drinks / girls if you speak thai.

  3. What did you expect...there is no gratitude...only greed...in the Land of Lies...

    The white man's burden redux. Why anyone should be grateful because bwana farang dispenses some (unasked for) crumbs from the table is a mystery.

    Presumably the "Land of Lies" comes from frequenting bars where women tell you that you're a handsome, sexy man rather than telling you that you're old, fat, smell like meat that's gone off and that you wear the same unwashed clothes day after day ... just like the women back home in the Land of Truth told you before you ran away to Thailand.

    Funny. ggt sort of rhymes with "eejit," don't it?

    As for the OP, that is one cheap, sorry SOB. And if he was sleeping for hours, how could he possibly know that there were no other customers the entire night? Why do some people have to lie constantly on these forums...

    I may be a cheap son of a bitch but I'm probly taller younger and more handsome than you.
  4. bought 3 bottles of hongtong and a bunch of food for the staff to drink

    " they treat me like a stupid newbie" .............and you're surprised. rolleyes.gif

    what's that got to do with being a newbie?? 3 small hongtongs and food is under 500 baht in 7/11 better than 90 baht per small bottle from the bar and your also not drinking alone.
  5. Went for a drink at a bar in patts that I've been going to for 5 years . bought 3 bottles of hongtong and a bunch of food for the staff to drink

    And not one customer the whole night. So I had a quick kip on the couch and upon waking I was presented with a 400 baht bill for my sleep.

    Of course I pissed off without paying but that's pretty rude as soon as there's no new customers they treat me like a stupid newbie all over again.

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  6. When at work and somebody asks where I Iive I say Thailand. About 10% of the responses I get are negative mentioning under-age sex. I've been visiting Thailand for years, have lived in various places in Thailand and on a couple of the islands. I've done and continue to do the bars, I've spent a short time in the temple, lived out in the sticks for a while. I had a small girlie bar for a short time and think it would be fair to say I've seen a lot of things in the Kingdom. Whether I walk around with blinkers on or simply don't see it I've never seen anything I could think of as a farang engaging in under-age sexual grooming, activity with a minor. I know a number of guys who have small children with Thai girls and they say they are often stared at when out and about alone with their kids. In most cultures there is an underground sexual exploitation of children, the UK has a lot to be ashamed of in this regard. Why does Thailand get the bad publicity?


  7. The starngest thing is the ones who've been here for years and can barely speak a word of Thai, are still hanging around tourist orientated girlie bars and really know jack shit about Thai culture.

    I prefer to assimilate and learn from my adopted country, regardless of where it is.

    As for those that hang around bars, etc., it's a strange thing called choice and freedom. They live their lives, I live mine. I try not to take their inventory and I'm all the happier for it.

    somchaismith is jealous coz he cant afford to goto the bar and resorts to a bottle of thai whisky with the street zombies.

  8. Do not goto Australia ...... Expensive boring place and women are harder to get plus uglier . why would you work wanna work with that much money anyway why not just chillout around Indochina . hot chicks cheap moto rental cheap everything and not so thrashed tourist wise like thailand. Just have sex for free with Asian Girls and eat cheap food and work for food and hotel in snookyville islands you won't spend more than 10 bucks a day.

  9. By the looks of the bills I would bet they were made in North Korea, they are very good at that sort of thing.


    Yet the article claims they were produced in a "neighboring" country. Yeah right, like anyone in dirt poor Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar has the resources and materials to produce such good quality notes. If these notes were faked in the region, one need look no further than Thailand itself. However, I agree with you that North Korea is most likely, as they are widely accused of being the hub of fake US dollar bills. Thailand in this case is likely merely a trading hub - and given that one can apparently fly direct from Pyongyang to Bangkok on Air Koryo (who the hell is catching these flights and why do they even exist, certainly not Thai tourists! Similarly, North Korea doesn't produce any tourists), it's easy to see how they made their way from North Korea to Thailand.

    you don't have a clue Cambodia is dirt poor but they are corrupt to the core so its a playground for the making all types of contraband.
  10. So, the boats did nothing, and the person filming did nothing. Great to see we are living in such a caring society now. Sad.

    You just don't understand Thainess because you are not Thai.

    I know you are joking, but if that is indeed "Thainess" in action, then it's nothing to be proud of.

    Where's the basic humanity ... the helping a fellow human in their time of dire need ... or does it cost too much now?

    It has been explained as fundamental in the Buddhist philosophy that when you interfere in the course of events unfolding before your eyes you then assume full responsibility for any outcome.

    pffffftttttt are you serious mate...... your blaming it on Buddhist philosophy. how about forget religion and help the person next to you.
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