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Posts posted by bob6130

  1. It seems to me that the attitude of the RTP, Tourist Ministry, Government and people of Thailand don't give a shit about anyone.

    Its like open season on all foreigners.

    How many jumpers from high rise condos were found to be without ATM cards, no cash in the room , nothing of value and they call this suicide???

    The one thing that always works is that the Thai is not at fault and it is getting worse. Sadly.

  2. As terrible and ugly this is, where is the anger when the drones shoot some random people?

    It looks much cleaner and it seems so disconnected but it isn't any better. And let not forget who started all by supporting the "freedom fighter" against the Soviets. And who attacked Afghanistan and Iraq without reason?

    Now the millions of frustrated people without education are easily manipulated by fanatics.

    You're claiming the US attacked Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason, but there were reasons.

    Iraq was the more questionable attack, but consider Saddam had 2 sons who were more sadistic than their sadistic dad. Each was responsible for thousands of deaths of innocents. One son even had local elementary school principals bringing him little girls to have sex with. You don't comply, you die.

    The main reason for attacking Afghanistan, was because their leaders, the Taliban, were harboring Al Qaeda, who had attacked the US. Taliban were told, if they handed over Bin Laden and his buddies, the US would not attack. Taliban hung tough, and the rest is history.

    BUL? SH?t. BUSH was talking to these Ba?tards to open an oil line from Russia to the coast and in the end reneged. Then came the war with Afghanistan stating inhumanities and oppression of the people. Typical US misinformation on the things that their very upright Government/CIA/NSA/Greedy Bankers are doing to the world today.

  3. We are not talking about people here, we are talking about a religion.

    Ever since that bloke took everything and turned it around from our religion (even talking to Gabriel the Angel)we have had problems.

    Theirs is the only true RELIGION, to them it is a fact.

    We as Christians and Hebrews are a lesser form and must pay the Imams tax to be able to live amongst them.

    We are not allowed to build Church,s or any place of worship because it is not recognised.

    The Muslim faith does not assimilate with other countries because it is not allowed by their law.

    They are forced by dictates handed down from the sand dwellers to take over the world in the name of Islam.


    They had a good Religion at one time but HATE made it bad.


  4. How short the minds of the Americans are.

    The reason Castro took over the Island was to get rid of the MAFIA and corrupt US influences that were crippling his country.

    After the over throw he went to the White house to meet Kennedy and was treated as a fool.

    No wonder he asked Russia to help, and so we had the missile crisis.

    The Cubans have been subject to oppression for years and all of came from the US, because of ignorance.

    Cuba do well by your people, first and foremost, not like the US.

  5. Is it not strange that Islamic terrorism only came into existence after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

    So after the threat of Nuclear War with Russia had gone the WORLD needed a new threat to keep us all on our toes.

    NOW. In steps AMERICA with their BANK MASTERS going for all the oil and giving the MUSLIMS something to fight for.

    Worked out well. The WORLD is scared, the BANK MASTERS are getting richer and or young men are DYING.


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  6. Had a duck in Belgium as a chick.

    First fed it on cornflakes with milk, until it was too big to stay in the box.

    As soon as it went outdoors it claimed the rhubarb patch and lived there safely.

    Feeding was then up to itself, young shoots, weeds and any time I dug the garden worms.

    We did not have a pond.

    But this bird was as faithful as any dog. He even followed me to a bar 3 hours after I left my house and knocked on the door to be let in.

    Very bad day when I put him into a bird sanctuary because of military commitments.

    Enjoy it or eat it, depends how you feel.

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  7. Most Farangs are taught to think for them selves and question things that seem not right.

    The Thai is force fed from infancy to respect and obey the ones above them.

    So when a minor clerk in an Ampor office tells them to wait while she plays computer games in office time they will.

    Until they pay the 100 bt keep working fee.

    Farangs will ask what is the hold up as no one seems to be doing anything they are being employed to do.


    Always say thank you, one day they will learn manners.

  8. Well done he police, but I think that all muslims must be segregated.

    Those that are not British should be sent home and I mean even after 30 years.

    Close all Islamic temples and evict all evil speaking preachers they have.

    These people we welcomed in the 50s are now our greatest threat, they have not integrated,

    they have not gone by our laws, so they should be put back where they came from before they

    cause more chaos than they are doing now.

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