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Posts posted by U_THAIED_UP_THAIED

  1. Hi,

    Iam deepak from india.

    Iam coming to thailand for a job purpose

    Can anyone here help me in gettig a studio accomodation?

    I just need a small room with a toilet attached and if its slightly outside city also theres no problem.

    My budget is around 1500 to 2000 permonth



    There are many in Bkk, but you have to know that any

    apartment price ranging from 1500-4000baht:

    -isn't very clean, you have to clean up every day.

    -comes totaly empty, means no any furniture at all.

    -Lease/rent contract will not be given for less than 4 months at least.

    There is part of bangkok where most people from subcontinet indian

    countries stay, it's called phahuraat, you get every indian test there.

    If you think you need some internet link for such places, let me

    know, so i will post for you few

    P.s. I think you should know some people before coming here,

    considering your budget is very low, bangkok isn't realy that cheap

  2. If your visa is ok I suppose they cant send you to the IDC(?) for deportation? Visa doesn't state you have to be alive, does it?

    But seriously, can a Thai family bury you here, or are you sent 'home'.

    You are realy very dumb, why do you care about a dead meat with no

    soul in it ?

    I think you have to be more concerned where your alive body will end

    up after death, "HELLL or HEAVEN"?

  3. I'm still learning. I really don't want to live somewhere that I can't talk to anybody.

    Gentlemen, don't give up! It's been said before but it's worth repeating, learn to read Thai, you can't learn to pronounce Thai correctly using English letters, some sounds in Thai simply can't be found in English. If someone asked you to play Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix on the piano you'd rightly inquire as to how you're going to bend the notes and get the feedback.Moreover, Thai is by and large phonetic, once you can read it you know the tones and sounds, it gives your pronunciation a firm basis. It may look hard to read with its intricate letters but it's not really, you'll soon start to see the patterns. All it takes is time and motivation, believe me, I've been this route!


    I am learning to read right along with speaking. I don't see how anyone can think they know a language if they can't read it? That's all part of it.

    I also disagree with you. 80% the forigners who could speak thai very

    fluent that i have met, they just learned by practicaly speaking with


    Let say, my Iranian friends whom they live here from 10-25 years,

    they say, the major mistake is going to thai school before learning

    little thai, so you can compare grammtical thai with street spoken

    thai, and say the differnence better, without getting confused.

    I used to disagree with them, because i thought they were lying to me.

    But i was stupid, and went to thai school from begining and wasted so

    much time, without being able to say a single decent thai sentance.

  4. Does it get your goat that you're not the only non-Thai to be able to speak the language?


    No, but i realy think figures are very high, i used to believe

    10% of farangs even those who spend quite som time in los

    could speak good enough

    Now, this poll is going to be an eye-opener for me, i need to

    work much harder.

    This time when i come to thailand, i should remember this:

    "Put phasa angrit mai dai" even at the airport :o

  5. my pronunciation is so bad that no one, even the woman with whom I've lived for a couple of years, can figure out what I'm trying to say....

    Don't beat yourself up over it mate, change the woman, see if that helps. :o

    That was what i tried to tell him, by trying other thai, to come to know

    if his accent is realy that bad? Thais are not that dumb, and can figure

    out what you are trying to say, 90% cases

  6. May i ask how old are you? and how did you said 5:30pm in thai?

    I'm 56. I tried to say, "Hah Mong Krueng", and I look like this:


    My vocabulary is OK and I can even read some. But, my pronunciation is so bad that no one, even the woman with whom I've lived for a couple of years, can figure out what I'm trying to say....

    You had to say ^haa mohng yen krueng,

    Haa shold be said with falling ton, if you say if with rising tone, means like

    Phom pai vHaa khon peter= I am going to see/visit peter.

    But i think they should have easily understood you, Thais can figure out

    what you want to say. Either you accent is tribble or they must be trying

    to stop you from learning thai.

    Try the same thing with someone on the street, and see they can

    understand you, i think 90% chances they will understand... :o

    Waoo, i can't believe you are 56, you look like 40. where is that pic?

  7. As noted before, I seem to be too stupid to learn Thai. I learned passable Japanese with a moderate amount of study. I've been coming to LOS for nearly 30 years and studied quite a bit over the past ten, but the results have been worse than dismal. The other day my girlfriend's daughter asked me what time it was, but my reply was so mangled (it was 5:30 PM) that she had to turn to her Mom for a translation. Even Mom didn't understand so I just replied in English. That little event made me feel awful for the rest of the day.

    I'm determined to give up trying because of the confusion and embarrassment it inevitably causes.

    Anyone else feel that way?

    All i know is that thai language is very sweet (makes me hornier) and

    it's painfull not to able to speak.

    May i ask how old are you? and how did you said 5:30pm in thai?

    Remember, there is no one way of saying things in thai, like english.

    Thai language is more like computer scripting language, it doesn't

    have any proper grammer like other languages.

    Usualy more educated Thais can understand you better, this is my experiance.

    In the begining i was very surprised why i couldn't learn Thai, because i

    could speak persian, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, English.

    Later i came to know that Thai language is different than all above

    languages, and it needs different method to learn it.

    1-You just can't learn thai by going to thai school and learn it.

    2-You just can't go out on the street and talk with Thais, because

    you can't keep on talking and talking unless, you know close to

    at least 1000 words.

    3-There are more than 250 thai words which has similar sounds

    but different meanings that has its place when to be used in sentance,

    this is also where some farang fail.

    4-You have to talk and sound like a "GAY" when speaking, and

    farang feel abnormal to make those kind of voice coming out

    of them.

    I know few things that leads to my success in learning thai ( i

    think others who can speak thai already know them), but i don't

    need to reveal them here, ofcourse some guys have natural

    talent for learning things, but i didn't have it but still made it.

  8. From the result shown in this poll, seems at least 50% have

    no problem speaking thai.

    Then why i very rarely (5% maximum) come across any foreigners

    who can speak little decent thai

    Believe me, i have meet nearly hundred foreigners since my last

    6 years, who stayed above 4-10 years in Los on average, and just

    5% seem could handle themself when talking to thais for more

    than 5 minutes conversation.

    5% speak as good as Thais and Khun Andrew, hum?

    I THINK THIS POLL IS over exaggerated

    I first thought that as well, but if you think about it a bit. There a quite a few Thai people who are members of this board, which I would assume speak thai as well as Andrew Biggs, mabye one or two falangs.

    I speak thai good (I can converse in phone for hours)
    7 replied yes to that well probaby people like meadish, sabaijai, snowleaperd and a few others probably can
    I speak not bad (I don't need to speak english 90% of times)
    I think I put myself in this catagory probably along with quite a few others, probably as the next cat down was "speaking below average". I've been out here for a while and to be quite honest have'nt actually met anyone (falang) who could speak better thai than me (I cant read or write it though).I'm obviously not saying there are'nt just I have'nt met them ( I know I should get out more).I would by no means class myself as an expert although I probably can get by 90% of the time in thai albeit a bit stilted.

    The other thing is the poll was conducted in the "thai language" section of a Thai expat forum, Hmmmmm you think that may affect the results somewhat? :o

    Why thai members have to vote, are they stupid or what?

    I do speak thai, and can say anything in thai, but speak very slow

    and my sentence and grammer not proper, but they understand.

    I think my case is more unique, because i don't live in thailand for

    more than half a year.

    Btw, i think 90% of Isaan bargirls can speak worse than andrew biggs

    do you agree?

  9. Hello,

    Can i go to the immigration bureau in bkk in sathorn if i have an overstay of 1 day and pay 1900 baths to have 10 days more? Is it dangerous to go there?

    Thanks so much!

    It's called bang-ur-cock them anytime. I over stayed 6 days then went

    to Immigration, and paid the fine, and got another extra 7 days for 1900,

    and i finished all and over stayed another 7 days and paid that fine upon

    departure at dongmuang airport.

    Don't forget to bang at Immigration if you get any chance, bangkok my

    dream ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  10. From the result shown in this poll, seems at least 50% have

    no problem speaking thai.

    Then why i very rarely (5% maximum) come across any foreigners

    who can speak little decent thai

    Believe me, i have meet nearly hundred foreigners since my last

    6 years, who stayed above 4-10 years in Los on average, and just

    5% seem could handle themself when talking to thais for more

    than 5 minutes conversation.

    5% speak as good as Thais and Khun Andrew, hum?

    I THINK THIS POLL IS over exaggerated

  11. I hope he pulls through ok.

    Serious condition often means some likelihood of death within 24 hours although actual meanings can vary by hospital.  Hitting someone over the head with a 2x4 is attempted murder.  The coward that did that needs to spend some time in jail and even more time doing community service like cleaning up after people in a hospital so he can understand the gravity of what he did over 1,000 baht.  It was a criminal act and most Thais would not do something like that.

    I remember when a nice friend of mine said, her pissed girlfriend throw

    knives at him once, when he stayed in her resident :o

    I think she could throw some softer kitchenware items like dishes,...

    But again maybe dishes had more value to her than my poor friend :D

  12. Don't tear it, you can sell it for at least $3000 in Italy and thailand

    Why should Italians want to "buy" OZ passports when, like all the other EU citizens, they are already free to practically come and go as they please?? :o:D

    Do you know what is human trafficking, it's done in both thailand and

    Italy (italy is know for mafia business).

    Sorry, i know this is off topic, but i had to reply

  13. ...just curiosity...why?

    5) Thai people smile a lot (Land of smiles after all). A smile given and returned can't help but make you feel better.

    In UK, try smiling at a stranger, normally they will look the other way or regard you with suspicion. Worse, you are also risking getting punched.

    Very intersting, i don't understand why middle eastern are crazy

    about traveling to UK and Paris? They feel it makes them high class, and

    thailand makes you a low class person

  14. what quality? tell me what better qualities you get with other cities,

    suckers, yes all of you suck

    Don't forget it cost you between 30-80 baht for freshly cooked meal

    here, while it costs 3000-8000baht in paris pagh paghi pagh paghi  :D




    Yes, I think they should as well and we'll take our good money to more deserving climes. Then you'll be crying, please come back, we need your money, we need your brains and we need you to teach us not to lie every 5 seconds.

    Your GOOD money can last decades here, without having to work

    unlike elsehwere.

    Second, i didn't know farang in thailand had brain too.

    Third, I thing farangs that lie more often, and thais (not hookers) think

    it's ok to lie. (let me know i can hook you up with right one, there are

    hundred of thousands good girls in bkk) just avoid sukhumvit.

    forth, Thais are hospitabel people, tourism revenue is 10% of Thai

    GDP only.

  15. what quality? tell me what better qualities you get with other cities,

    suckers, yes all of you suck

    Don't forget it cost you between 30-80 baht for freshly cooked meal

    here, while it costs 3000-8000baht in paris pagh paghi pagh paghi :D



  16. FIFA world ranking: (thailand ranked 88 In the world)

    1 Brazil

    2 Czech Republic

    3 Argentina

    4 Netherlands

    5 France

    6 Mexico

    7 England

    8 Portugal

    9 Spain

    10 USA

    11 Italy

    12 Sweden

    13 Greece

    14 Turkey

    15 Republic of Ireland

    16 Denmark

    17 Iran

    18 Japan

    18 Uruguay

    20 Korea Republic

    21 Germany

    22 Croatia

    23 Poland

    24 Costa Rica

    25 Colombia

    26 Cameroon

    27 Russia

    28 Egypt

    29 Nigeria

    30 Paraguay

    31 Saudi Arabia

    32 Romania

    33 Morocco

    34 Ecuador

    35 Norway

    35 Ukraine

    37 Senegal

    38 Tunisia

    39 South Africa

    40 Finland

    41 Jamaica

    42 Switzerland

    43 Slovakia

    44 Slovenia

    45 Bulgaria

    46 Côte d'Ivoire

    47 Belgium

    47 Israel

    49 Serbia and Montenegro

    50 Honduras

    51 Bahrain

    52 Iraq

    53 Zimbabwe

    54 Jordan

    54 Uzbekistan

    56 Kuwait

    57 Australia

    58 Trinidad and Tobago

    59 Guatemala

    59 Mali

    61 China

    62 Belarus

    63 Oman

    64 Latvia

    65 Hungary

    66 Libya

    67 Togo

    68 Congo DR

    69 Peru

    70 Cuba

    70 Venezuela

    72 Angola

    73 Zambia

    74 Austria

    74 Qatar

    76 Ghana

    77 Chile

    78 Bosnia-Herzegovina

    79 Wales

    80 Algeria

    80 Kenya

    82 Estonia

    83 Guinea

    83 Scotland

    85 Canada

    86 Albania

    86 United Arab Emirates

    88 Haiti

    88 Thailand

    90 Iceland

    91 Burkina Faso

    91 Indonesia

    93 Syria

    94 Korea DPR

    94 Lithuania

    94 FYR Macedonia

    97 Bolivia

    98 Panama

    99 Rwanda

    99 Singapore

  17. Thai football is nothing today and will never make to world cup if

    it continues with this pace.



    south korea

    Saudi Arabia




    -Above teams are much much stronger that can beat thailand even

    in their worst day.






    -It takes many years for Thailand to bypass this teams

  18. Thanks everyone for replies, but i haven't found solution to

    my problem.

    I don't understand why thailand banks don't offer this, as

    there is no security issue, even with credit cards, where in

    Dubai, they block some money against your card (they

    pay you % interst) and give you a credit limit accordingly.

    No wonder why thai banks don't have large asset, right

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