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Posts posted by LOWH

  1. I just wish i could make that ping ping ball popping sound the touts are making on khao san road on this forum. What does she expect? despite being illegal prostitution is Thailand is perhaps the largest and well known prostitution market in the entire world. That's a fact, not slander.

    got stats to back that fact?

    Apparently i've got a whole book. Despite that I said "perhaps" which implies "possibly." Thailand however, is the only country i've ever heard of people going on "Sex tourism."

    My turn for a question: Do you have any facts that negate that Thailand has the largest and most well known sex tourism industry?

    Maybe I don't have any facts to back up my country reputations. But one thing you need to know. We're all living in marketing world. And if you're smart. You would know that in marketing world, PERCEPTION is always IMPORTANT that REALITY.

    You have been buying IMAGE/PERCEPTION not reality ALL YOUR LIFE. If you're smart. you would realise that and won't ask anything stupidly for the facts of this matter.

  2. It is a fact that there are many more hookers in Thailand than most counties in the world. Thai people should learn to accept it and live with it. Sex is cheap and plentiful here.

    I dare you to go a bar or anywhere with Thai women, and tell every women you like there that ... I am very poor and don't have any money left, would you like to have sex with me?

    And then come back here and tell me again if the sex is really cheap and plentiful in Thailand.

  3. "I am not particularly angry by the photo on the cover, because this is not the first time my photo has been abused for commercial purpose. What angers me a lot is the text on the cover and the contents of the book which greatly insult Thai women," the celebrity said.

    So it is not the use of the photo but the book itself that angers her because it insults Thai women.

    Well Miss Wattatana, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Thailand itself has been building the reputation of Thai women for decades. You can't blame the farangs for Thailand's reputation.

    Please name one country that has no prostitutes?

  4. Your a brave lass posting thumbsup.gif , just your posts say something different from your thoughts. BUT, welcome, we need more like yourself here..........smile.png .............thumbsup.gif

    You seem to know what is in my head far better than myself do. How amazing !!!

    Don't worry, I'm not here long.

  5. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, dating (I thought) was to perhaps find the love of your life. Perhaps I am old fashioned with my thoughts smile.png .

    I am trying to find out why you date farangs but not interested in the marriage thing with them.

    You really are not answering my question. sad.png

    It could be to try out your English language skills, learn about a different culture, I don't know, thats why I ask..........smile.png

    My English is quite good. If you read every words I wrote, you would find your answer by now.

    I will write again to answer your questions.

    I do interested in marry one day, because that's the whole point of dating. As I said before, I don't know either WHY I date THE GUY.

    Do you prefer reasons why a woman like someone the way she does?

    I think we must end our chat as you have forgotten you said you would never marry a farang, only date them...........sad.png

    What I mean is >>> never have been married before in my life... Is it more clear now?

  6. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, dating (I thought) was to perhaps find the love of your life. Perhaps I am old fashioned with my thoughts smile.png .

    I am trying to find out why you date farangs but not interested in the marriage thing with them.

    You really are not answering my question. sad.png

    It could be to try out your English language skills, learn about a different culture, I don't know, thats why I ask..........smile.png

    My English is quite good. If you read every words I wrote, you would find your answer by now.

    I will write again to answer your questions.

    I do interested in marry one day, because that's the whole point of dating. As I said before, I don't know either WHY I date THE GUY.

    Do you prefer reasons why a woman like someone the way she does?

  7. Is that one guy asked you out or you wait for farangs to ask you out ?

    It just reads that you date farangs and am interested why..........thumbsup.gif

    Many guys asked me out, but I'm very selected. Nationality never matter to me much. And I wait for NO ONE, That's my personal rule. I don't know why I date him either. Maybe it's love, just maybe... giggle.gif

    p.s. He's a simple man, not rich. And my family will ask nothing from him, if that's what you wonder.

    Thats great, just thought you said you date farang guys but not interested in marrying them.

    That's the whole point of dating, isn't it? tongue.png

  8. Is that one guy asked you out or you wait for farangs to ask you out ?

    It just reads that you date farangs and am interested why..........thumbsup.gif

    Many guys asked me out, but I'm very selected. Nationality never matter to me much. And I wait for NO ONE, That's my personal rule. I don't know why I date him either. Maybe it's love, just maybe... giggle.gif

    p.s. He's a simple man, not rich. And my family will ask nothing from him, if that's what you wonder.

  9. After have been reading 6 pages of the topic, I feel sick for the words you guys use to call Thai girls like me. Those; used goods, damaged goods, second hand car... etc. just show your low attitude toward women.

    Why you bother dating Thai ladies at all?

    one day, when your daughters would be called the same and treated the same as you treated your Thai ladies, I won't be surprise... One day your daughters would be damaged goods for some guys to laugh at behind her back.

    what goes round, comes round. Always.

    P.s. I never marry, just dating a western man.

    Why do you just date western men..?

    I mean >>> never marry, only dating. Clear?

    Yes, but why do you date western guys...?

    Because he has asked me out.

  10. After have been reading 6 pages of the topic, I feel sick for the words you guys use to call Thai girls like me. Those; used goods, damaged goods, second hand car... etc. just show your low attitude toward women.

    Why you bother dating Thai ladies at all?

    one day, when your daughters would be called the same and treated the same as you treated your Thai ladies, I won't be surprise... One day your daughters would be damaged goods for some guys to laugh at behind her back.

    what goes round, comes round. Always.

    P.s. I never marry, just dating a western man.

    Why do you just date western men..?

    I mean >>> never marry, only dating. Clear?

  11. After have been reading 6 pages of the topic, I feel sick for the words you guys use to call Thai girls like me. Those; used goods, damaged goods, second hand car... etc. just show your low attitude toward women.

    Why you bother dating Thai ladies at all?

    one day, when your daughters would be called the same and treated the same as you treated your Thai ladies, I won't be surprise... One day your daughters would be damaged goods for some guys to laugh at behind her back.

    what goes round, comes round. Always.

    P.s. I never marry, just dating a western man.

    • Like 1
  12. ok, guys. Here's the answer.

    First of all, there's no such vowel, เอิ, at all in Thai.

    เอิ is เออ. The rule is; if the word has final consonant, the second ออ will

    turn to อิ

    End of story

    Anyone want to learn basic Thai class? I can teach via Skype smile.png

    This shows how suitable Tha language is for a commercial forum like this, so just to please the owners:

    It never occurred to me that เคย contained the vowel เออ, I assumed that it was เอ .

    มาตราตัวสกด shows แม่เกย แม่เกอว are both vowels เออ?

    Is the only way to know by means of some phonetic system using English? and if so, does the phonetics show the sound or can it be used to prove the vowel?

    The words เกย and เกอว are เออ vowel, yes.

    I don't know anything about phonetic system, I'm just a Thai native who would love to conquer the world with Thai language. So, as much as you can speak Thai the better.

    Just told you what I can do to help. smile.png

    • Like 1
  13. I think there's exceptions to the rule I said. And I think depends on the final consonant. There are 8 kinds of them and a lot of rules to use, do you know that?

    So 'end of story' was not appropriate! Oddly enough, the anomalous and exceptional forms (e.g. เคย) lend themselves to marking the vowel length.

    You gave me an exception sample again, Mr !!!

    When you have ย as a final consonant after เออ vowel, the ออ just gone with no อิ needed. eg. เขย เนย เกย เลย

    I don't really understand about >> lend themselves to marking the vowel length.

    And for your question, It's supposed to be written เออ + final consonant, just that. Or give exact words which are problems.

  14. To answer your question. It's never enough.

    To be more specific. If she lives in the northeast, then 10,000 is enough. If she lives in the north, around 10k as well. Same goes with the South. If on the other hand, she lives in Bangkok, then 20000 is enough. This is for basics, food, rent, utilities, travel costs, misc.

    It also depends whether she has a job herself or whether she has a hobby or whether she needs continuous medical care. It's a really generic question you are asking, without additional infrmation it's difficuly to pinpoint a number.

    I live in the South. And the South is the most expensive place for living in Thailand. On some locations, lands are a lot more higher cost than in the central of Bkk. (Only land without buildings)

    And last time I visited bkk for a month, I went out with friends and ate nice places, did some shopping. I paid about 50,000 THB.

    There's no way to live within your budget.

  15. First of all, there's no such vowel, เอิ, at all in Thai.

    เอิ is เออ. The rule is; if the word has final consonant, the second ออ will turn to อิ

    So how should the opening paragraph of this thread have been written?

    You are, I take it, aware of such anomalous words as เทอม.

    Mr., I don't really understand what is the paragraph you refer to.

    And for เทอม; you need to know Thai is a language with MANY EXCEPTIONS. If you write เทิม, it's pronounce the same as เทอม but misspelling.

    Get the picture?

    I think there's exceptions to the rule I said. And I think depends on the final consonant. There are 8 kinds of them and a lot of rules to use, do you know that?

  16. Hello everyone,

    I'm Thai-Chinese, Thai nationality. I educated BA in communication arts from Chulalongkorn University. Recently, I've been teaching Thai to my boyfriend. He suggested that maybe I should teach other foreigners.

    I'm excellent at English, IELTs score was 6/9. My works required translating from many English articles and news. I am a writer and I have my work publishing in national best selling movie magazine in Thailand.

    I will give you sample for 3 hours lessons, via Skype. If you're satisfied with the course and would like to continue further, we can continue and agree with the price later.

    There's no books yet, and I'll teach you old fashion ways Thai people had learned. Strong foundation with excellent result. According to my bf, he can make short sentences after 3 lessons and he love it !!!

    Nice to meet you all.


    *contact details removed by SlyAnimal*

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