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Everything posted by jobsworth

  1. But no workers from Vietnam. The Cambodian border towns near Thailand are full of Vietnamese just waiting their chance to cross into Thailand for work,
  2. There is an island off Jomtien called num yai which I thought meant big tits but then num also means milk does it not. A waitress tried to crack a joke with me when I tried to order some milk with my coffee but my Thai was not good enough to understand it,
  3. There still is only nobody uses it anymore. Air America, the CiA and drug smuggling. Isn't there a book about the goings on there? The bus drops you alongside the runway which you then have to cross to get to the facilities like guest houses and restaurants. You can swim in the river. It is a great place or should I say was.
  4. Probably from the Pursat area which is being gentrified. The Koh Kong (border) area was logged long ago. I too wonder about the Covid status of the Khmer drivers at a time when the border is closed.
  5. It is upsetting to have bought a brand new shiny gas bottle and then to have to replace it with a bashed up old bottle just to buy more butane gas.
  6. Why do teeth need nerves? I can't see that these nerves serve any useful purpose than to cause pain if and when exposed.
  7. Recently, all 6 people have been found. Now moving to a new place. Assuming that I have not been notified that I have a covid infection. So I don't know how to move to a new place. Now waiting to be accepted for further treatment.
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