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roger long

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Posts posted by roger long

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    Retired out there for two years. About three years ago. Mostly in Pattaya

    I had a nice time while I was there mostly. The reasons I came back were partly I had had a g/f that thought I was loaded. (I tried to explain I wasn't) Also the exchange rates went up enough to cause me to worry about things like paying rent.. Having to have 18000 Bht in the bank for visa reasons didn't help..

    Also at times had a bit of violence from g/f. Police were called by me . Maybe it was all my fault though. Policeman seemed to think sofacepalm.gif..

    The usual being ripped off all the time niggled. But I sorta expected that anyway.

    Never quite got used to the heat. Mosquito's a plenty..Had to drench myself in deet, but they still seemed to find me tasty. Got fed up with having to shower every time I went out and then re apply deet.

    If I went to breakfast in hotel in soy Arunothai. I also had to use tiger balm on my eyebrows to prevent those little bloody black flies that tend to hang around swimming pools getting in my eyes.

    It was nice to watch the bats come out a dusk and fly up the soy to eat them though.. While I watched with beer in hand of course (Leo).

    ATM machines swallowed my card up several times which meant a worrying wait before I got the new one through.

    That was a quick version . There were a lot more good things and a lot more bad as well.

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