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Rob Roy

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Posts posted by Rob Roy

  1. Sorry I forgot to add you need a photo of any utility bill with your name and address on it and best the bill is dated within the last 3 months. Gas or electric or even your council tax bill. Good Luck but not sure if money will reach you by Monday night? The exchange rate has dropped down now from a few weeks ago you could have got 55.04 but now dropped to below 54 baht to pound approx 53.6.

  2. The best way is to use an International Money Transfer Company in the UK. I Have already used Torfx and UK Forex to transfer money from UK to Thailand. Both companies charge you nothing! They make their fee from the exchange rate which is still between 4% and 5% higher or better than any UK bank will offer you. Never use Western Union their exchange rates are terrible and they will also charge a high fee. Step 1 is to register online or over the phone (free) both company traders i have found to be honest & trustworthy and their customer service is very good. Torfx will even asign you your own dedicated trader so you can build up a relationship.

    Step 2 after you register is to take a photo screenshot of your passport page with your photo plus a photo screenshot with your mobile and then send it to Torfx by email and attachment photos. Very quick. On Totfx website you will be given a personal ID MUMBER this is your personal client number which you will always put on all correspondence, plus choose a strong password a combination of Upper & lowercase letters and figures a minimum of 8 but better choose 10 to 16 for a very strong password. All my transfers arrived in my Thai Kasikorn bank in 3 to 4 days from the UK. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GET FUND TRANSFERS FROM THE UK IN 2 OR 3 DAYS YOU MUST ASK THE COMPANY YOU USE TO TRANSFER THE FUNDS FROM THERE LONDON HOLDING BANK DIRECT TO YOUR BANK HEAD OFFICE IN 2 DAYS AND MAKE SURE YOUR THAI BANK DOES NOT HOLD UP THE TRANSFER TO YOUR SUB BRANCH WHERE EVER YOU LIVE IN THAILAND. NORMALLY IT WILL TAKE 3 DAYS FROM UK BUT I HOPE I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO HELP YOU FOR ANY FUTURE INTERNATIONAL MONEY TRANSFERS FROM UK TO THAILAND.

  3. I totally agree with vogie the Samsung Tab S is 10.5 inch screen and is Full HD. It can go up to 128mb using an external micro sim + the 16gb internal. I had one but i lost it. It should be a lot cheaper now as the Samsung Tab S2 is now out in Samsung shop. The tab s in the UK when first out cost £399 from Amazon.co.uk try and find a 2nd hand one should be possible for 10k or 16k if u can find the extra. To me it was atleast as good if not better to use than Apple ipad. You can buy sim free unlocked but I bought my one just to use mainly for emails, Surfing web using wifi (free) & it has a very good display and has split screens for easy multi-tasking. Unfortunately i do not know why but Samsung and google decided not to repeat the 10.5" screen on the new Tab S2 it is an 8" screen sadly. Happy hunting. Yes it is Android.

  4. I am a new expat from Scotland to Thailand and I really enjoyed listening to Thai Visa's new news channel. I will look forward to watching the daily news from now on. Keep up the good work. I too liked the news about the lady boys being arrested. Good work by the Thai police and the tourists for picking them out, now honest tourists, expats and Thai people will be a little safer on Pattaya's beach and also around the city.

    Good piece of reporting by the news anchor man.

  5. I had a 10.5 inch Samsung Tab S before i lost it. The main use is to surf the internet and it is cabable of multi-tasking with ease. Also a great feature is the split screen up to 3 screens at the same time. As already mention you can download movies and thousands of music tracks and if you choose free mp3.downloads you can even listen to music without wi-fi. Also correctly you have the great ability to add an external sim up to 128mb to expand from the 16gb internal memory which with Samsung the operating system uses around 7.6 mb used to be 9gb but after complaints Samsung took out another upgrade which freed up an extra 1.5gb to use. My uk sim free 10.5 inch version cost £399 new from Amazon in uk but now a lot cheaper 1 year on but still probably one of the best tablets around and it is very thin and light weight for its size.

    I know u have the 8 inch version and i am sure you will like it. Dont sell it is my advice. Have a nice day.

  6. I am from Scotland and I will be getting a Double Tourist Visa for Thailand from Glasgow Thai Consulate. I will be transfering more than 800,000 THB into my Kasikorn Bank in my sole name account with a cash machine card and a bank book, money will come from my savings and then later I intend to transfer some of the proceeds from the sale of my house in Scotland. I will get a letter from my bank manager and get it notarised by my solicitor before I leave Scotland to emigrate and hopefully retire to live with my Thai partner and at some time in future my wife. It is my intension to wait until my 800k has been in my account for minimum of 60 days then I will go to Laem Gnop Immigration office near Trat to get my 1st 30 day extn pay 1900 baht. On my 30th day of extn i will travel to Cambodia and enter for a few hours then I will return back into Cambodia using my 2nd Tourist Visa from the UK. Again pay around 1200-1900 baht for cambodian visa. Thanks to Ubonjoe I intend to take his good advice instead of going to and from Bangkok twice to get a NON IMMIGRANT O VISA I intend to Fly to Bangkok with my Thai girlfriend Taking her passport and housebook with her plus copies if needed. I have managed to print out the Non o visa VIENTIANE APPL FORM from the link i was sent (Again many thanks for your help). We will fly to Udon Thani then can someone pls give me some advice

    Q. Where to catch a bus from in Udon Thani (city centre where?) Or is there a shuttle bus from the airport straight to the Thai side of the border with Laos? And how much aporox will this be for 2 persons?

    I believe their is a shuttle bus that we can take across the border into Laos get our Laos Visa? Do I need a visa as a UK citizen we would like to stay at least a few nights.

    Q. Is 3 nights the max I will be allowed in Laos or can I stay up to a week if it is worth visiting that long?? I now an aware I must submit my application form in the morning up to what time please? And pay how much pls Ubonjoe? then I would return the next day to the Thai Immigration new! Office not the Royal Thai Embassy address. To collect my Non Immigrant O Visa Based on Retirement my age is 61 yrs. I take along my passport plus copies and proof of my 800k weather in my Kasikorn Bank plus my up to date bank book. I know you said i do not need a letter from my bank manager at this stage but I will get one just incase they ask for one. Learning I will not offer it! Unless they ask for it. I do not want to set any new precedences with immigration. I will give them also copies of my passport and my Thai girlfriends passport and her Thai I.D. Card plus house book where we will be living permanently.

    Then after a short holiday in Vientiane we will catch the shuttle bus from Laos? Into Thailand then take another shuttle bus? Q. Where from pls? I believe Udin Thani is approx 60 klms from border. Was it called Nong Kai? Or something like that name. Ubinjoe is there anything evidence wise I have forgotten pls?

    Q. Because my money 800k will not have been in my bank for 60 days i will buy a double tourist visa then with the last 30 days of my 2nd TV in Thailand we will travel to Laos and by then my money will have been in my account for 4 months.

    Q. Is this still okay to apply for my non imm o visa during my 2nd TV 60 days or can i only apply during the fist 60 days of arriving in Thailand? When and if i am granted a non o then I will go back to Laem Gnop immigration and apply for a 1 year extension of the permission to stay. Then take bank letter and other proof and Girlfriend with me. Do i need to take her brothers or any of her family with me to tell immigration exactly where I am permanently living. She has her own 3 bedroom new modern bungalow just outside of Trat.

    My thanks in advance for any useful advice. Your many years and knowledge of living in Thailand is a massive help to newcomers emigrating to live in Thailand. Thank You.

    Rob Roy. PS: Can you or anyone tell me how I can officially join the Thai Visa Club Membership is there any annual fee? Or is had this brilliant web site been set up by expats from many different countries? I would like to join if possible.

  7. As usual Ubonjoe is correct. To get a non o visa or a multiple o visa everyone now must go to the Royal Thai Embassy. Consul's no longer issue a non o visa as I just tried to get one in Glasgow and I was told I had to go to London. I was given advice from ubonjoe to go to Vientiane in PDR LAOS to get my first non imm o visa then when back in Thailand I will go to my local police immigration office to get a single entry 1 year extension based on retirement and having 800k in my thai bank. As u are married you will only need 400k in bank for 2 months in first year then for 3 months in your 2nd year. Plus a letter from your bank manager plus an up to date bank book. Because I cannot get a non o visa from Glasgow Thai Consul I will get a single entry tourist visa £25 instead. Ubonjoe will give you very good advice about visas. Good luck.

  8. Hello again. I have just read over the document/evidence that is required to get a Non Immigrant O Visa Single entry to Thailand. (Long stay based on retirement over age of 50) It is stating like in the UK the following is required.

    1. Passport copies+ 2 new size photos 350cm x 450 cm on either a white or cream background.

    2. Download and fill out the Application form.

    Q. Where it asks for the reason for your stay in Thailand what should my answer be. A. For long stay retirement or to live with my thai gf and future wife or what pls? Q. Upon entering at border Thai - PDR LAOS what reason do I put for entering Laos. To obtain a Non o visa or Tourism? It asks at what address will we be staying at in Laos, Will I have to pre-book a Hotel or a guesthouse first! Before arriving at the border immigration point? I see there is a restaurent guesthouse just across the road from the New Consular address to get the visa. It says one does not go to the Royal Thai Embassy anymore.

    3. My main concern. It now says I will need to have all of the following to get a 1 yr long stay non immigrant O Visa in Vientiane Consul.

    A. A criminal check or a police cert stating that I have no criminal past.

    B. A medical Certificate.

    C. A letter stating that I have 800,000 baht in my bank for 3 months.

    Q. This looks as if they now may not grant a non o visa single entry unless I have money in bank first. What it does not say is, if this visa docs/proof is for a Multi or a single entry requirement? OMG i think one would need to be an immigration officer to follow all of these different types of visas and exemptions. I will have to take time from the very beginning to learn all about immigration and visas. If it were not for the kindness and good hearted people here on Thai Visa Visa forum I would not have a clue. (Brilliant expat web site in my opinion.

    Will I still get a single entry 1 yr long stay with 90 day reporting non o visa in Vientiane? If i do not have my 800k my bank for 2 or 3 mths. I will have my 800k in my bank definately during my 1st 30 extension to my Tourist visa after my 60 days i will get my extn at Laem Gnop. I think I am getting mixed up? I thought I can go to Vientiane and get a single entry non imm o visa pay 2000 baht with my passport & 2 photos and my bank book showing 800k but not! weathered for 2 or 3 mths in Vientiane. I understood if I managed to get this visa I would then go to my kasikorn bank mngr get a letter stating that I have had 800k in my account more than 60 days. Then we both would go to Laem Gnop Police Immigration office and apply there for my 1 year long stay non o visa with 90 day reporting and pay another 2000 baht. Then for first 3 quarterly reporting I can do this online. Then Within my last 45 days I return to Laem Gnop in person with my gf and all docs/proof and an up to day bank book same day or the day before but this time letter needs to say atleast for 3 months 800k in my own seperate account. I also do not need any medical certificate or a police criminal check and then I should get my 1 year non O EXTENSION. I think with your help I have got this correct.

    I was just concerned why on Vientiane appl form it is asking for 3 months 800k in bank and these other certs. I await your confirmation that I can ignore what it says on their application I will download from your link I have received. Thanks again in advance for everyones help. It is really appreciated. Kind Regards. Roy.

  9. Your info is invalueable to me for the future, I would not have known I could not get a Non O Visa in Savannakhet. My gf has a friend who lives in Udon Thani that i think is also North east Thailand? We may fly to Bangkok from Trat then take a flight to Udon Thani and may be her friend will take us to the border and onto Vientaine. How far is Vientaine from the border check point pls?

  10. Thanks for your valuable information. My gf does have a passport. She used to live in Austria and was married to an Austrian for 11 years in Linz up until 2011. She speaks and writes fluent deutch and some english. I will print out the form and fill it in. Is it in Thai or what language? I have just taken 15 new passport photos in the uk to keep me going for a few years. I probably will need one or 2 photos to extend my 1 yr temporary driving licence into a 5 year licence in Nov 2015. What is the name of the border inmigration check point between Thailand & Laos? Pls. I will ask her to get the 30 day visa exempt entry. Is there any other docs etc she needs to have to get exempt entry. So we can take your good advice and have a little holiday. Have you visited Vientaine for more than 3 days? Is it a nice place to stay for say 7 days? or do you think 3 days will be long enough places to visit? Whilst I am in Scotland we communicate via Skype video so I will tell her we will be going to Laos within my first 60 days. Kind Regards. Roy.

  11. FANTASTIC I cannot thank you enough everyone who has been kind enough to give up their time to help me and other people. This is just what I was hoping to hear. A good idea for a short holiday with my Thai GF to go to Vientiane for the non-o visa. I did not realise it was quite so far away 770 klms 481 miles i may just fly to Bangkok and then onto Udon Thani. Would we both have to get a LAOS visa? to go to the Thai Consulate if so what docs will I need other than my passport and my bank book please. I am guessing my thai partner will not need a visa. What is the name of the border crossing and name of place? to get into Laos then onto Vientiane. Again many thanks to everyone who has replied to my post. One last thing! I am fairly new to using Thai Visa Forum website is there a guide on how to use the site somewhere? This is a great tool and site for expats as long as you are lucky to talk to the right people who has the correct up to date knowledge especially when it comes to Visas and immigration enquiries. This ti me is a brilliant web site for all topics. Roy. Forgot can I pay for the non-o visa in Laos in Thai Baht 2000? I do not even know what currency is in Laos name?

    Can anyone recommend the name of a medium priced hotel with a swimming pool in Vientiane for a couple of nights may be more please.

  12. Thanks for your very quick reply. Excellent just what i needed to know. When i go to Vientiane during 60 day period is it correct that i will not need to have my 800k in my bank for 60 days B4 i get my non-o visa? I just show my bank book. Then in my last 30 day extn by that time i will have my money in bank for more than the 60 day period. After i get a 1 yr extension with 90 day reporting will I have to go to Vientiane every year or will this be a one off trip? If i do not have to leave the country every year will I then have to go once to Bangkok immigration to get my 2nd one year extension based on retirement or would i be able to get this from Laem Gnop immigration office?

  13. The info I gave you was for getting a single entry non-o visa at the consulate in Glasgow. As I wrote before you cannot get one at the embassy in London.

    You were given the same info you got before from the embassy. The embassy will only do the OA visa.

    If you get a tourist visa it suggest you make a nice holiday type trip with your girl friend to Vientiane to get a single entry non-o visa. Just show the 800k baht in the bank when you apply for it. Much better than making two long trips from Trat to Bangkok.

    l would like to thank everyone who has been kind enough to reply to my Document and proof information. I have been told I cannot get either a non imm O visa at the Glasgow Thai Consulate so I think I will get a single or a double tourist visa from Glasgow, I will transfer 1 Million Baht from my bank in Hamilton, Scotland over to Thailand just before I travel around 1st July. I will get a letter from my Bank Manager stating my bank balance and that the money is from my uk account that has been sent to Thailand as proof of where my funds came from. Later I intend to transfer a lot larger amount when time is right (better exchange rate) I will also go to my Kasikorn bank in TRAT and obtain a letter from the manager about my bank balance over 800,000 Baht in my account after 2 months in my account. Thanks for the good advice about the type of bank account the money had to be in to qualify for a 1 yr extension. I will take my girlfriend to Vientienne, Where exactly is this place and what in your opinion would be the best way to travel there?? Trat is approx 90 kilometeres from the Cambodian border at Hat Lek. Last year I went to the police immigration office in Laem Gnop to get my 30 day extension 1900 baht then into Cambodia and back into Thailand later the same day using my 2nd Tourist Visa. What time would I need to arrive at the Royal Thai Embassy in Vietenne to submit my application for a 1 year extension. Is this called a NON IMMIGRANT O VISA? then I would do 90 day reporting online or in person at Leam Gnop. If I have picked you up correctly at the end of my 1 year extension inside of 45 days where do I have to go to get another 90 extension? then I apply for another 1 yr non o extension is this correct or am I getting confused. Last year was the very first time I had travelled to Thailand and that was only for 3 months to go and live with my thai girlfriend in her bungalow just outside of Trat. I then returned on 22nd October 2014 until 9th February 2015 again living with my girlfriend. I do not know where any of these other embassy in the neighbouring countries are but I shall look them up on google maps. Trat is 320 klms from Bangkok (640 klms) a long drive there and back and I am sure I think Vientienne would be even further?? Luckily Trat does have its own airport, I think one can only get a flight to Bangkok then connect from there?? approx £178 one way for two adults with Bangkok Airways. Any other route information would be most helpful. I promised that I would take my gf to visit Chian Mai sometime and I would like to visit Phuket or Koh Samui sometime. Which is the better of the two? I am not into places where the age group is 20-30 and too many drunks around who cannot hold their alcohol. We do enjoy a drink and a few dances and the beach or a nice swimming pool in a nice hotel, nice scenery. Suggestions welcome. We have no kids. I would like to live long term in Thailand and make it my new permanent home and most likely get married at some point in the future. QUESTION: When would be the right time to travel to Vietenne to get a Non IMM O Visa then a 1 yr extension. Would I go during my first 15 days of my 30 days extention obtained at Laem Gnop? Thank you in advance for any replies. Kind Regards Roy.

  14. Thanks for your replies. Ubonjoe. I have phoned both the Royal Thai Embassy in London. They say in the uk I must travel in person to London to get either a single Non O long stay 1 yr extension / visa and for this I have to be over 50 yrs old and be in receipt of atleast 65,000 thb equivalent in my bank in the uk! Or equiv 800,000 thb in my bank and reporting every 90 days in Thailand. Plus I need a medical certificate, a police criminal check and a letter from my uk bank showing the above amounts or more. She said I had to get them all 3 notarised but I think she was meaning if I was applying for a Multi Non immigrant OA Visa. £125.

    2 different ladies who admitted they do not have any qualified immigration officers in the embassy. Amazing!! They both advised Because I am not over 65 yrs old and in receipt of atleast 65,000 thb monthly pension with a letter from my pension provider as proof i would not be able to get the latter visa/extension.

    In the Glasgow Royal Thai Consulate I was told i cannot get a Non Imm O Visa there, I would have to travel to London from Scotland £900 mile round trip an overnight stay, and bring the above proof and certs.

    This trip I prefer not to do, I now believe my best option is simply to get either a single, double or triple tourist visa which would as u know give me the following if I do not manage to get an extension approved in Thailand in Bangkok and return 15 days later if I can get my first 1 year extension. 1900 baht. + 2 passport photos, copy of each page of my uk 10 yr passport (with 9 yrs still to go) + a letter from my kasikorn bank manager in Trat confirming I have more than 800k in my account (in my name only) ubinjoe does my account need to be a deposit savings account? To be honest I do not know what type of account my thai gf help me open. I have a bank book and an atm card. Either before I leave the uk or within 1 or 2nd week on arriving in Trat I will transfer approx 1 million baht for now. Later when I hope the baht weakens ? Maybe in 6 - 9 months time I will transfer the proceeds of my house sale in Scotland over to Thailand if the GBP goes to 55 thb to 1 GBP like it was last March. On Thursday the rate was up from a low of 47.3 to around 51.5 to 1 GBP. My gf will bring her Passport, housebook and her Thai ID Card with her as proof of where I will be living permanently in Thailand. Is this all i would need to obtain a 1 yr extension?

  15. It appears someone else has been creating posts using my username. Q. How can I stop this pls? I am fairly new to using Thai Visa site. I am using my mobile. I now am getting loads of notifications and answers in topics I have not! been posting or following. I have tried unsuccessfully to find and uncheck the tick! To stop all the e-mails arriving on my mobile. I have been pressing the unsunscribe link on every notification topic on Thai Forum.

    How can this be stopped?

    I still want to continue using this web site. I will appreciate any constructive helpful answers. Thank you. Robroy.

  16. First Thank you for your quick reply ubonjoe this is exactly what i needed to know. To recap pls correct me if i am wrong in any part. I can go to Glasgow Thai Consulate apply for a single 90 day entry with a Non Immigrant O Visa based on retirement. I will have proceeds of my house sale in uk go into my Bank of Scotland account ( well in excess of 800,000 THB) . If I am granted this visa I am now 61 yrs old and I have a local govnment pension but for now it is less than the 65,000 thb needed so this route is not an option for me luckily as I hate paperwork. I can easily get a letter from my bank manager in Scotland for financial proof. Q. Will I need to get this notarised by a solicitor first in the uk? Or is this proof not required in the uk or in Thailand to apply for a 1 yr extension based on the 800k in my Thai kasikorn bank account for 2 months. I will transfer about 1 million baht to Thailand within the first month of arriving in Thailand so it will be in my account for 60 days. I will take my Thai gf and most likely my future wife with me to do the talking as no one in the bank can speak any English and I cannot speak any Thai or not yet! I will get kasikorn bank manager letter and stamped and I will take my up to date bank book with me the day before or on the same day as we both go to Laem Gnop police immigration office to apply for the 1 year extn. Q. Can i get the extension in the same day ubinjoe? How long will it take pls. I believe it is only 1900 baht? My main place of residence will be living in her house 9 klms outside of Trat in the countryside. She has a 3 bedroom modern detached bungalow only 2 years old. She will take her house book and her Thai ID Card with her as proof and I can show them a map from Google how to get there. I will take my 10 year uk passport with me and my Thai car driving licence with me. Is this correct? Anything else I will need before I apply in the UK? as the lady in Thai Embassy in London was not helpful, could not get me off the phone quick enough. I am a little worried because she said i cannot get a Non imm O or an OA Visa in the uk because I must be over 65 and i must show that I am in receipt of the Gov old age pension as proof and get proof notarised whether it was for a single trip non o visa or not. I still have to ring Glasgow Thai consulte to see what they say but atleast they are a little more helpful, only 1 lady does all the visas and she has before told me to ring London for immigration answers to Thailand. Doesnt help if London gives incorrect answer? I value your answer ubonjoe from reading many of your other replies to other peoples enquiries, to me you certainly know your stuff when it comes to Visas. I will not go down the triple tourist visa route if I can get a single 90 day non imm o visa in Glasgow i think this will be the far easier route and less costly and time consuming. Q. Would I need to have my name on my gf house book or could I get both our names put onto her utility bills electric or water to help with proof? Is this a good idea or not? What is a yellow house book is this for a foreigner living with his thai girlfriend or would i have to get married first at an amphoe local office (tabien ban) I am just thinking ahead if and when I can get the 1 yr extension. I thank you for taking your valueable time to reply to me in advance. Roy. My timescale is 1. My House sale complete in uk on 1st July and proceeds go into my BOS current account. I will then book a Single Airfare to Bangkok instead of a return ticket next day or very soon after. Upon arriving at Bangkok I will have a 320 klm drive to Trat. 640 klms if I ever have to go to Bangkok to Embassies and overnight. This i will try and avoid but I know when we get married we both will have to go to Bangkok. Sorry I hate large cities. I have learned a lot from reading and being a member of Thai Visa.com I think it is great as long as the posts give accurate information and is very helpful. I count myself very lucky to find people like yourself are prepared to give up your own time to help others with accurate help and advice. Well done. I hope one day sometime in the future we could meet and have a drink and a chat so I could learn a lot more about Thailand hopefully my new home. Cheers.

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