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Posts posted by fonsboy

  1.  Just bought a cheap fitness tracker from lazada for my daughter who is now really into keeping fit .

    The problem is we cannot reset the the time . Tried connecting to laptop , which does not recognise it .

    Would appreciate help R'gds .

  2. I'm a bit confused facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif all the recent duff buys have been down to the committee and Rodgers didn't get a say in them and now you've got a few signings that your excited about and the committee isn't praised at all and apparently Rodgers has had a hand in them !!! bah.gif

    Flip flopping springs too mind biggrin.png

    So all the duff signings are down to the committee , so why did Rodgers tell us the buck stops with him & why did he sign a new contract if he did not agree with the committee .Because once he signs a contract he becomes immune from the sack , and becomes a multi-millionaire . I am not sure if they have the same rules in baseball re: managers .But I am certain FSG are looking at ways to get round this even if it means doing away with the title manager . Do not forget in there short time as owners they have made 2 unsuccessful managers multi millionaires ie Hodgson & Dalglish , Rodgers would be the 3rd .

  3. aye. which makes you think that ian ayre's involvement must have been minimal.

    You really are an a-ole . I suppose if the clueless clown Rodgers had been involved it would have been great . My only worry with the Firmino signing is Rodgers will f... it up by playing him out of position . Without Rodgers involvement , this window has been great , 5 signings even before the window is officially open . He would still be powdering his nose , looking in the mirror saying how lovely I am .

    eh? what now? what is an "a-ole"? is it something spanish?

    ian ayre is a bellend. 99% of liverpool fans agree on this. nobody mentioned rodgers in this instance apart from you my odd friend.

    No its scouse it means arse-ole which of course you are not because it is quite useful . Ian Ayre is a bellend to so called fans like you , to me Ian Ayre is not the bellend at LFC the conman on holiday deserves that name much more .

  4. Just reading that Rodgers is only due back off holiday 6th July . That could mean he has had nothing to do with our recent signings . This got me to thinking Fsg cannot sack a manager without having to payup his contract . This for me is the only reason they did not sack him after the humiliating defeat at Stoke . So what can they do , tell him not to speak to media , not involve him in the running of the club at all so he does the honourable thing & resigns his post without compensation . Now he has gone what do they do ; do we really need a manager on a huge salary that you cannot sack . Or do we get a DOF & top quality coaches to work with the team on the training ground . Would not surprise me at all if this is the way John Henry is thinking .

    Did you ever stop to think that the reason he's still incumbent is they couldn't replace him with a suitable candidate!! Its a massive over simplification to suggest a sacking because of a embarrassing defeat.

    Carmine as usual you are not reading what I am saying , they do not want a suitable candidate ie they do not want another big name manager on a huge salary they now want a director of football , Does a club really need a manager . The business so far this transfer window has probably been the smoothest it has ever been without the involvement of the manager . Everyone gets carried away by what an important person the manager is , SAF compounded this , but when you look at some of the deadbeats that have become multi millionaires jumping from club to club Sam Allardyce is a good example you do not need them . For me a DOF , but more importantly quality coaches is the way to go .

    Just when you thought you'd heard it all...

    Tell me then Bob do you really think Rodgers has been a success in his 3 yrs at the club . only the bit of success we had was down to Suarez not Rodgers , under his reign our defending has been the worst on record all this & he wastes almost 250 mill in his short stay here . There is not one player he bought that we would make a profit on even if we could sell , maybe one .

  5. Where did you read that he's only due back on the 6th. Just because he's on holiday doesn't mean had nothing to do with the signings, they could have been identified last season.

    Yea , & pigs might , But for me Rodgers has been told to shut up . Do you really think for one minute even on holiday he would not have something to say , especially re : the Firminho signing .

  6. Unless you're connected directly to the club then none of us really know who's signing this was. The only thing that is certain was Ayre went out to finalise the deal and he got it done.

    Well aware , but why do you have to run the guy down after he completed a great deal . apparently he is still there so may be more quality signings to come .

    Is it a great deal already? Doesn't that remain to be seen?

    Nah, he's Brazilian with a "O" on the end of his name, bound to be class.

    Of course no one knows how good he will be . One thing is for sure the firminho signing has created a bit more excitement than the Ricky Lambert signing ever did . There are thousands of fans cannot wait for the new season to start .

  7. Just reading that Rodgers is only due back off holiday 6th July . That could mean he has had nothing to do with our recent signings . This got me to thinking Fsg cannot sack a manager without having to payup his contract . This for me is the only reason they did not sack him after the humiliating defeat at Stoke . So what can they do , tell him not to speak to media , not involve him in the running of the club at all so he does the honourable thing & resigns his post without compensation . Now he has gone what do they do ; do we really need a manager on a huge salary that you cannot sack . Or do we get a DOF & top quality coaches to work with the team on the training ground . Would not surprise me at all if this is the way John Henry is thinking .

    Did you ever stop to think that the reason he's still incumbent is they couldn't replace him with a suitable candidate!! Its a massive over simplification to suggest a sacking because of a embarrassing defeat.

    Carmine as usual you are not reading what I am saying , they do not want a suitable candidate ie they do not want another big name manager on a huge salary they now want a director of football , Does a club really need a manager . The business so far this transfer window has probably been the smoothest it has ever been without the involvement of the manager . Everyone gets carried away by what an important person the manager is , SAF compounded this , but when you look at some of the deadbeats that have become multi millionaires jumping from club to club Sam Allardyce is a good example you do not need them . For me a DOF , but more importantly quality coaches is the way to go .

  8. Just reading that Rodgers is only due back off holiday 6th July . That could mean he has had nothing to do with our recent signings . This got me to thinking Fsg cannot sack a manager without having to payup his contract . This for me is the only reason they did not sack him after the humiliating defeat at Stoke . So what can they do , tell him not to speak to media , not involve him in the running of the club at all so he does the honourable thing & resigns his post without compensation . Now he has gone what do they do ; do we really need a manager on a huge salary that you cannot sack . Or do we get a DOF & top quality coaches to work with the team on the training ground . Would not surprise me at all if this is the way John Henry is thinking .

  9. Unless you're connected directly to the club then none of us really know who's signing this was. The only thing that is certain was Ayre went out to finalise the deal and he got it done.

    Well aware , but why do you have to run the guy down after he completed a great deal . apparently he is still there so may be more quality signings to come .

  10. I like these facts.

    Liverpool's latest signing also boasts a clean injury record, having featured in 33 of Hoffenheim's 34 league fixtures each season for the last three years.

    Combining his own strike tally with his assists, Firmino has been involved in 45 goals in his last 66 outings in the German top flight.

    yeah his numbers are really impressive aren't they? particularly for a middling team like hoffenheim.

    i love a good out of the blue signing.

    The decisiveness is also refreshing...

    aye. which makes you think that ian ayre's involvement must have been minimal.

    You really are an a-ole . I suppose if the clueless clown Rodgers had been involved it would have been great . My only worry with the Firmino signing is Rodgers will f... it up by playing him out of position . Without Rodgers involvement , this window has been great , 5 signings even before the window is officially open . He would still be powdering his nose , looking in the mirror saying how lovely I am .

    • Like 1
  11. Further on the Gestede / Skrtel incident , posts in the Echo saying Gestede actually `clothelined ` Skrtel . I have never heard of this before but it is something that happens in baskeball , where player A puts his arm across player B`s throat & forces him down . Interesting to know if Gestede played basketball before trying his strong-arm tactics in football . I reckon Liverpool should watch this incident again in slow play. I doubt Rodgers will tho`. This Gestede to me sounds like a real a-ole saying `he` will beat Liverpool in the replay .

  12. Kids beat the Tricky Blues 2:1 in the mini-derby. Cleary and Wilson with the goalsclap2.gif

    Great stuff Willai .....get in there you mighty reds .......

    Just seen a few hilites what a goal by young HW , he reminds me of a young Harry Kewell which will do me . Sakho also played first half .

    To beat the bitters res . was great but then to make it even better the Mancs go out of F.A. cup . What would make a great season if we beat Whingers men to win F A cup then pip the Mancs for 4th spot in the league . O` almighty one let it be so .......

  13. Kids beat the Tricky Blues 2:1 in the mini-derby. Cleary and Wilson with the goalsclap2.gif

    Great stuff Willai .....get in there you mighty reds .......

    Just seen a few hilites what a goal by young HW , he reminds me of a young Harry Kewell which will do me . Sakho also played first half .

  14. Last night`s game summed up perfectly when I said we struggled against so-called weaker opposition . Blackburn mid championship side . LFC 90% possession did not create one clear cut chance . Very , very poor .

    You actually had 70% possession but its an over rated stat anyway, . More significant is your twenty-one shots with only four being on target.

    Carmine a lot of the shots were out of desperation , If we had played with the energy we showed vs. Burnley we would have won . Brendan said as much in his post match comments .

    I agree with you to a point. Yes you need energy but this has to be combined with creativity.

    I'll cite the Cap One final as a point in question. Spurs had loads of energy and lots of shots at goal but for all the huff and puff with lacked the creativity to seriously trouble Chelsea. Courtois didn't actually have to make a save because we didn't "create" a single clear cut opportunity for all our 63% possession.

    You just had an off day as we all do when you seemed to hit a brick wall.

    Vs Chelsea in a final lacking creativity is excusable , but vs. an ale house team like Blkbrn on your own midden no way . For me it was too many games too close together . Btw I am only excusing the players who played in all the games , Johnno & Marko no excuses , why we are offering Johnno a new contract is beyond me , he is a shadow of his former self .

  15. Stevie , what a yard dog that Gestede , He should have been sent off for the deliberate way he meant to injure Skrtel .

    he was playing to his strengths, can't blame him for that. though there is a bit of a trend in the FA cup this season for refs to let underdogs get away with a bit too much physicality, stuff that in premier league matches would be cracked down on and result in cards. which means they're reffing the occasion and not the rules. so that's a bit crap.

    but don't think gestede should have walked for that, no. it wasn't the challenge that hurt skrtel, it was the landing. yellow at the very most.

    Stevie when I first saw the incident , I thought exactly as you say, but after watching it again ,Gestede seem to get his arm around Skrtels neck & force him down , I would like to see it again I could be wrong , but Skrtel was down a hell of a long time for it to be a simple fall . There was a lot of worried looking LFC players looking down on Skrtel ..

  16. Last night`s game summed up perfectly when I said we struggled against so-called weaker opposition . Blackburn mid championship side . LFC 90% possession did not create one clear cut chance . Very , very poor .

    You actually had 70% possession but its an over rated stat anyway, . More significant is your twenty-one shots with only four being on target.

    Carmine a lot of the shots were out of desperation , If we had played with the energy we showed vs. Burnley we would have won . Brendan said as much in his post match comments .

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