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Posts posted by slygeeza

  1. Give him some credit for being correct that this could be the worst high season and there are going to be alot of business's closing related to changing demographics, not tourist numbers. Those numbers will reflect the mass touring business and domestic tourism And since the Russians have been at pyramid base in the condo Ponzi bubble look for a correction there.

    and funnily enough the tallest condo in Pattaya has been abandoned for several months now so he got that part right as well

  2. they cleared about 100m of beach near Pattaya Klang for the fireworks, it was actually quite nice and the Russians flocked to it, but an hour later it was covered in spectator chairs, but it is quite a nice beach, what remains of it anyway, and its a shame that there is no free space on it at the moment and no sign of army intervention in the Chonburi region

  3. collapsed up the walking st end too, but they have filled the holes you photographed with sand and repaved them, will wash out the first time it rains but thats probably not till after high season

    I just saw these two collapsed areas on the walkway bordering the parking lot above Walking st. Unbelievable , the sand under the walkway washed out and the slab of concrete 4' thick with no iron bar support rods just collapsed under the weight of the pavers. About 11/2 meter deep and area about 2mx3m . And they just keep on making this same incompetent mistake over and over again everywhere. Its been over a week and nothing being done. Quality tourist destination ?

    actually just towards walking st from there an area about the same size also collapsed a few weeks ago but they already filled it with sand and repaved it. they dont seem to be bothering with putting concrete under the pavers the second time round. also the area around the sculpture is sinking fast so I guess it will go soon too

  4. When you think of it, there are reports about "border run" vans on their way to borders being stopped and checked for visas, and they are even closer to the finishing line. That makes no sense for me, but even in those cases we don`t know what 2-3 days mean for the officer in charge.

    I think that was a few years ago and turned out to be illegal. if you are on the way to immigration, border or airport, then they have to let you continue.

    • Like 1
  5. The 2 ways into Walking Street from the North are ridiculously terrible. Narrow(just try to get by the Chinese tours) and smelly (walking over the sewage plant's grates are an experience)! And they don't care about that. The beach path is wonderful compared to that!

    yes, the gap, known as "the gap", which is a 2 foot wide gap between a power pole and a hot kabab cooker that thousands of tourists have to squeeze thru every night a few meters up from the entrance of walking st in pattaya tai is a cultural icon

  6. having a system where police are able to go out and collect money more or less at gunpoint off anyone who doesnt have the money to fight them in court will always lead to corruption, an example is girls on Pattaya Beach who are taken to the station and then told they have to pay the police or else spend some nights in the cells even tho they have broken no laws, they have no options, thats just one of thousands of examples that happen every day, also having a system where a policeman legally gets a cut of every fine he makes, which is the case in Thailand, will also naturally lead to corruption. nothing can change until laws and the whole system is changed. talking about it and arresting a few police wont change anything

    • Like 2
  7. they shouldnt fine them, they should test them for yaba, its the crazies that are the problem.

    Agree,then fine the yaba heads more then they stop going to the beach and may be slightly safer,in fact they should be jailing the Yaba heads but obviously it's a money shakedown but the yaba heads would have to move elsewhere if was a regular occurrence.

    By the way how can they prove they are working girls/guys as surely they are supposed to catch them soliciting ,I mean we know they all are but surely there supposed to have proof! Not nice if you were a not working girl walking along the beach and got rounded up,yeh I know needle in a haystack.

    pretty sure they get some jail if they have yaba in their pee, dont think police need to prove anything, I dont think they are even breaking any laws, the Thai police are the law and most girls dont have the money to contest them in any way. its either pay them the money or spend a few days in jail ie extortion. i have yet to met a Thai person that has any respect for the police

  8. There are millions of folks in Thailand making less of a salary than policeman..... do they go around in mass numbers with masks and hatchets robbing people??? Come on wake up to reality. Each and every policeman knew the responsibility of the job as well as the compensation salary before choosing to apply. They knew the salary ...... why did they want to join up.......only the most naïve would think it wasn't for the added perks provided by corruption

    from memory I dont think thats quite the way it works, the way the Thai police system works is that a policeman gets a cut of any fines they make and the rest goes up the line, I forget the percentage but it was written into law under Thaksin, the salary is just a base. its only natural that such a system will lead to corruption. obviously until they change that system and start paying the police a reasonable wage nothing is going to change and corruption will continue unabated. this is also why they use farang and Thai volunteers, because jobs like helping tourists arent going to pay the bills. in effect the police are in reality tax collectors but they get to keep the money rather then give it to the government, which is why all the top police are extremely weathy

  9. these guys arent volunteers, they all have guns, however I very much doubt that apart from the PR they will exist in reality, there was no sign of them on the beach tonight but maybe they were taking a well deserved holiday, but time will tell

    Has this already been started? I got the impression that it is in the very early days so far, so perhaps it's not been rolled out in full yet.

    I do think this is a great idea - the new high visibility uniforms look great, and obviously much cooler than the standard police uniforms. Well done! It would be great to see this put into practice at all tourist beach centres throughout the country.

    they were on the beach yesterday being filmed by a TV station, they were wearing guns so they arent voluteers. today the only police to be seen were the 2 in standard uniforms that attend the jetski scams opposite Mikes, if I may be so derogatory. I also think its a great idea, but weather they come out again is a matter of speculation indeed

  10. I think just cutting slots on the pavement to release flood water equally, and rebuild the beach using Sandsavers would be a far more effective and cheaper option, as the sand is replaced just move the further and further out to sea

    I remember the days when low tide used to show 50 meters of sand banks, eventually we could get it back just using moveable concrete blocks

    the new path was designed to release the flood water equally, and maybe it would have worked, but the umbrella people decided to flood the road instead by sandbagging it and no one could be bothered preventing them

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