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Posts posted by Marcos989

  1. Hi,

    I have 3 computers requiring repair, warranty n\a, Win 7, listed in priority

    1. Laptop, ASUS

    2. Custom desk

    3. Dell desk that weighs 15 kgs!

    Karon-Chalong either location is ok for me.

    I will deliver.

    Prefer quality over speed and enough English to communicate.

    Any suggestions based on satisfied expereience or word of mouth?


  2. Thank's still for the advice and comments. Some good info.

    In response to the questions since my last visit:

    1. I am not filing any charges at this time, I have a meeting scheduled with the Thai lawyer soon.

    2. Agreed about trusting people, especially the natives.

    3. I do not agree with not speaking up and alerting others to dishonesty and poor performance. That only aids the liars, thieves and con artists. You can complain

    about unfair practices without identifying the source or contravening forum rules.

    4. If I have been unclear excuse me. The Thai lawyer I contracted was from a list of lawyers recommended for foreigners. I am the foreigner.

    5. After my experiences with Brazilian courts and lawyers I have learned that justice is illusive and difficult if not impossible to obtain in some countries.

  3. Thank-you to all that attempted to help me.

    I did not name anybody. I am well aware of defamation law so I have done nothing against the law and need to remove nothing I have written here.

    Upon advisement and reflection, I will not post anything that identifies or leads to the identification of this individual.

    I am leaving this OP here as an aid to future foreigners that may find themselves in this predicament.

  4. I hired Mr. X ( lawyer) for services he advertised he was competant and licensed to perform.

    He received my down payment and has so far refused to communicate with me (4 weeks) except for a text message saying he would return to Phuket in two days (two weeks ago).

    It appears his "office" is shut-down" he nor no one representing him are answering phones or email and some contact numbers not functioning.

    Any suggestions?

    I currently reside in Phuket, I am not Thai.

    Can I legally without criminal or civil difficulties post a link to his website here?

    Can I legally without criminal or civil difficulties post his Contract here?

    Yes, I am aware of :http://www.thailawforum.com/articles/charununlegal3.html


  5. Hello,

    I am trying to get in contact with "Steve" Akos Istvan Trimola.

    He lived in Bangkok for 1 year, left to my knowledge 1 year ago. Went back to Europe, Austria I think.

    I bought a truck from him and need to contact him about it.

    I have no reason to think he would not welcome contact with me.

    Any help appreciated.

    He was a sales manager \ distributor perhaps for a womens cosmetics company.

    PM if desired.

  6. This man comes to Thailand, starts spending huge amounts of money without any understanding of what he is getting into an still believed he owned something.

    He was destined to become a victim the moment he stepped off the plane, and there will be many more behind him.

    Yes I feel sorry for him, but before splashing out huge sums of money in a foreign land he needs to read up and understand what due diligence is all about.

    "starts spending huge amounts of money without any understanding of what he is getting into"

    So you know him personally and understand exactly what he understood before and during his investments?

    "an still believed he owned something."

    Yes, he is owed under Thai law what he purchased legally.

    "He was destined to become a victim the moment he stepped off the plane"

    Again...So you know him personally and understand exactly what he understood before and during his investments?

    "before splashing out huge sums of money in a foreign land he needs to read up and understand what due diligence is all about.


    For the third time....So you know him personally and understand exactly what he understood before and during his investments?

    If you have not been following this case for months\years, read all the information available all you are posting is your generalized biases based on insufficient evidence that you chose not to acquaint yourself with..

    You sound exceedingly arrogant.

  7. "You can't know what you don't know"


    This is a hard lesson to learn but with proper questioning you can learn many times. It's just that many of us often rely (assume) on info given to us to be complete and accurate. But with a bit of reflection on your part you learn to automatically ask "are there associated issues I am not understanding or aware of"....asking that of yourself of course as communicating that too folks outside your culture \ language can be confusing and daunting to them.


    ex-pat of the developing world +20 yr's....learning this lesson has cost me hundreds of thoudands of US$....and I try to re-learn it everyday....and fail often.....


    BTW thanks for all the good info....I will be using it soon.

    • Like 1
  8. My first Songkran...

    Fairly often I was ashamed and embarassed to be a Westerner.

    Shooting people in the face, at relatively high pressure at close distance, repeatedly even. How is that cool or inline with the celebration?

    Saw a Russian woman attack with murder in her eyes for no good reason a likeable chap nearby, she clawed his face drawing blood. He was surprisingly non-aggresive or retalitory. I would have broken her nose.

    One moment that stood out for me was a young Thai boy that simply dipped his hand into his bucket and patted strangers with the water. That for me was the spirit of the celebration.

    The children were great if you just squirted them with a bit and below the waste...so many sweet smiles.

    • Like 1
  9. Another story of a university lady and I'm sure she has a diploma also!

    If I were spending that much money in a bar every month I

    would be seriously looking into buying a bar instead of a girlfriend!

    Be sure to save some money for the gold, house, condo, car,

    monthly payments to members of her family back in the village and

    her Thai boyfriend!!

    So if she produces a University Diploma are you going to eat those words?

    You are not me.

    You do not realize how easily I make $$$.

    Did I say I spent tht much each month or did I say It was a one off as the Brits say.

    Not buyig a girlfriend, I speant the money evenly on all the female and even a couple male employees to drink free some nights, my treat.

    You do not need to educate me as to the whiles and ways of gold diggers, whores, poor girls and good decent girls that want to get ahead and have a good tie some night but thanks for I appreciate the careing vibes.

    Assumning she has a boyfirend simply displays your narrowmindeness.

    Not everybody is a prick.

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